The Over-Break System

Chapter 65 - Aftermath Part 3

"HI, MOM! HIII MOMM!, THAT'S ALL YOU'VE GOT TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, CYNRIK-AYKE-JETLENSR!" Cinyah's booming voice was so loud Cynrik believed his ears were bleeding.

{Oh, shit, Mom used your full name…you're fucked.} Brance snickered at his older brother's expense.

In desperation, Cynrik's eyes darted around looking for Rikard, hoping to be saved, but like his mother, Rikard was standing with a troubled expression on his face and his arms crossed, several feet away.

Seeing her son with a panicked look, Cinyah's rage quelled, and she grabbed both her boys in a tight embrace. But, not long after the embrace began, both brothers could feel her tears landing on the tops of their heads as their iron-willed mother broke down.

Being the more empathetic of the brothers, Brance gripped onto Cinyah's leather armor and had to fight back his own tears. Cynrik, on the other hand, was dragged along while calmly examining his mother's armor. Although both his parents would don their battle gear before going to work. Cynrik was, for the first time, actually looking at Cinyahs, dark red reptile hide light armor and counting all its metallic rivets.

He had to find a way to distract himself since he was notoriously unable to handle these kinds of emotional situations. Luckily, he found the perfect thing to distract him.

Hovering nearly a hundred feet above the ground was a fleet of sleek black and green spaceships. With round eyes, filled with curiosity, Cynrik took in the futuristic battlecruisers. All 24 ships appeared to be clones of each other, from the massive cannons running along the length of the vessels to the massive particle railgun positioned on the underbelly. Trying not to be obvious, Cynrik scanned each and everyone before his eyes finally rested on the ship not far away from him that had landed in an open courtyard.

This ship was slightly larger than the others and had an impressive golden trim lining each angular edge of the vessel. Sporting the same weaponry as the others, the main thing that stood out about this one, in particular, was the massive crest painted on its flank. Seeing this crest, Cynrik's head slightly tilted to the right, and he felt some kind of strange connection to the emblem. At first glance, it appeared to be a strange-looking version of the number 7. Instead of the standard angular line dropping down from the horizontal line, the tail was curved, making it look like a backward C. However, that wasn't all; with its hilt starting at the top line, there was a vicious-looking greatsword that stabbed through the bottom right corner of the curved portion diagonally. Lastly, in the background of this strange letter were bright green swirls that appeared to be moving Wind Mana particles.

The longer Cynrik looked at the crest, the more he felt a slight pain form in his head. This pain reminded him of when he tried to read the runes from the teleportation circle.

"Boy, I recommend you stop." A man's voice sounded off from somewhere behind him, causing Cynrik's eyelids to shoot open wide and slowly look in the direction where the voice came from.

Descending slowly, from several feet in the air to his right, was a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his 50's, wearing a glittering black and bright green set of heavy armor. The left side of his breastplate was adorned with the same crest as the ship, and shoulder-length aqua hair was neatly braided and draped over his right shoulder, while on his back was a massive black and green greatsword.

"So these are the mutts you've raised." Lithlen landed on the ground gracefully and started walking towards the weeping Cinyah and her two sons. "Ptooi. Not only are they mutts, but they're even crippled. So pitiful. Rikard, you useless son of mine, I knew I should have broken both your legs and forced you to stay in the compound that day." Spitting a mouth full of saliva on the ground near his feet, Lithlen looked down in contempt on the two bloodied children with apparently crippled Mana Codexes and Circuits, who were in their mother's embrace.

As if reading his brother's mind and knowing exactly what was about to happen, Brance immediately yelled into the mind link {CYNRIK DON'T, THIS GUY….} but he was too late.

Cynrik slipped out of Cinyah's tight embrace and spun on his heels before glaring angrily at this unknown person without showing any fear. "You can say whatever you want about Brance since he's pretty dumb and only six. But if you think…" Cynrik slowly started stepping towards Lithlen while spitting each word with heavy emphasis and a venomous tone. "That you can fucking looked down on me, with your prissy ass fucking braided ponytail, and your gaudy, generic, and all-around cheap ass looking armor…." Cynriks words were cut off as he felt the gravity around him increase slightly.

Hearing the profanities being spewed by the child, Lithlen activated his killing intent at 1.25g's, thinking it would shut up the yapping mutt.

But to his, Rikard, and Cinyah's surprise, Cynrik didn't even bat an eye at the increase in pressure. "then you're dead wrong. PPFFT, 1.25 that's cute; look, I can do that too." With a creepy smile, Cynrik countered with his own killing intent, but instead of 1.25, he fired 1.5gs.

{Brance, get your head out of your ass and get the fuck over here. It's clear this guy is our grandfather, and judging by how Mother and Father are acting, it's safe to assume this asshole wants to take us away, or at least he did. Apparently, he believes us to be cripples now. I guess we can thank Tobs for that, so unless we do some cowboy shit, well, it's to the underworld for us.}

Brance left his mother's embrace in a flash and ran up next to Cynrik, joining him in his rebellion.

"You call us cripples, hehe. Maybe we are, but these cripples single-handedly toppled that fucking organization resting in the rubble behind you."

Cynrik's words drew the ire of Lithlen, who increased his Killing Intent's pressure to 2gs.

"Boys…" Cinyah was horrified as she witnessed her two children slowly and casually walking towards the Tier-5 being known as Lithlen Jetlensr.

Feeling the increase in pressure, Cynrik and Brance simultaneously whipped their heads to the left, emitting a small pop from their necks. 2g's was nothing to either of them at this point. With both of them having a Gravity Resistance of 100% at 3g's, they could even handle 4g, although not for long.

Closing the gap, both brothers matched Lithlen's Killing Intent with ease. But as they did so, Tobs sent over a notification that surprised both boys.

- Hosts are in Synchronization. Therefore, the Killing Intent force has combined, forming a force of 4g's.-

Lithlen furrowed his brow as he felt the four times gravity on his body. 'How is this possible. They're just children. THEY AREN'T EVEN FIRST-TIER!'

{Fuck it, let's go all the way.} Cynrik and Brance halted their steps a few feet from Lithlen and pushed their Killing intent to 3g, which combined to 6 upon reaching their grandfather.

"Now… Instead of fucking calling us MUTTS and treating us like trash, shouldn't you be praising us for our excellent work in defeating the terrorist group known as Haylons Shadow, you old coot?"

"YOU DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE HALF-BLOOD CRIPPLES!" Hearing Cynrik's last words, Lithlen snapped and released his Aura on top of his Killing Intent, exerting a pressure of over 10g's on the two children, who subsequently both spat mouthfuls of blood and were sent to their hands and knees under pressure.

"You are nothing, NOTHING. Just simple fucking trash. How dare you speak to ME, the Patriarch of the Jetlensr family, as if I am some common peasant."

Seeing both their children struggling before them, Rikard and Cinyah jumped into action and released their own Auras to lighten the load on the boys.

With the added counter force from their parents, Cynrik and Brance felt the gravity pushing on their bodies reduce to around 5g. While it was over their limit, with their stats, and the added assist from their parents, both boys were able to struggle back to their feet.

{Cyn just play diplomat here. Your lunacy will get not only our parents killed but us as well.} Frantically, Brance tried talking some sense into his lunatic of a brother.

"Father, the boys have made a grave mistake…please spare them, if I have to atone for their actions, then as their parent, I shall proceed without hesitation." Afraid for his families well being Rikard, desperately started pleading with Lithlen for mercy.

"Dad, stop." Wiping the blood from the corner of his lips, Cynrik stood in front of Rikard while Brance stood before Cinyah.

"With one arm extended blocking Rikard's path, Cynrik looked back and gave him a smile."

"Little Cyn, you don't understand, the Patriarch is a Tier-5 being. That's not something any of us can fight against." Cinyah's scared voice reached his ears like a whisper, Causing Cynrik to make a pleasantly surprised expression.

"Oh ho ho, Tier-5, you say." Cynrik chuckled lightly and turned back to face Lithlen while grinning like a fool.

{Hey Tobs, I don't suppose id be able to use Over-Break mode right now, right?}

{HOLY FUCK, CYNRIK, SHUT UP. JUST STOP. YOU CAN'T SERIOUSLY THINK THAT'S EVEN A REMOTELY GOOD IDEA.} Brance nearly fell over at his brother's question to their system.

-Using the Over-Break Mode is currently impossible.-

-PS. Stop being dumb-

Seeing the PS note, Tobs added Cynrik didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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