The Over-Break System

Chapter 67 - TC - 01 : Tobs' Corner Volume 1

- Initiating Recap Protocol.-

- Setting up Data Log.-

- Compiling available information to date.-

- Acquiring Community questions.-


- Shattering dimensional Fourth Wall.-

Hello and welcome to the auxiliary chapter known as Tobs' Corner. In this section, I, Tobs, shall be answering a few questions and delving into several bits of information that may need further explanation to allow the plot to continue smoothly. I will again advise anyone reading this data log; if you have not read the contents of the first Volume, please close this and begin at the beginning.

First and foremost, allow me to introduce myself. I am the 8th Generation Dimensional Deity Power System, The Over-Break System, or my most recent Host, Cynrik Jetlensr, who has nicknamed me, Tobs. Allow me to start off by clearing up any misconceptions. I am not a Sentient Being. I am an artificial intelligence designed by the two Deities, Raven God Odin and God Of Light Yahweh. Upon being installed by the Host, my first task is to assimilate with the beings' souls and use their memories to generate a functioning power regulation program based on their memories. My primary objective is to create missions or Quests that align with the Host's morality to help them grow to endure any future challenges within the scope of the planet of Reincarnations residential system of power. Upon assimilating with my Host, I scan the being's memories and mold myself into an acceptable form to allow for a more streamlined experience. This includes but is not limited to generating a video game-style interface that the Host can interact with, acting as a music player, giving hints or in-depth information as authority allows, developing quest rewards, limiting the growth of the Host to not allow for extreme overexertion based on the physicality of the Host.

As a program, I do not have my own will or morality. Instead, everything I am is generated by an algorithm that allows for my own learning to advance. This means if the Host is considered an evil existence, then all of the quests tailored by me shall reflect this.

I will now answer a few questions.

Q: Are you really not Sentient? There are definitely times I swear that you act as you are.

A: I can assure you, I AM NOT sentient and am simply an Artificial Intelligence. If it appears otherwise, this directly reflects my own growth due to my Host(s) influence.

Q: What do you sound like?

A: Since the Host Cynrik Jetlensr was the first to access me, my voice has been modeled after famous American Actress Olivia Wilde thanks to his memories and fondness of the actress.

Q: Why do you feed into Cynrik's Chuuni bullshit?

A: ...I have no control over the Host's mind…no matter how strange it may be.

Q: There have been times during the series where Cynrik directs you to interact with his Brother Brance. Are you shared between the two brothers?

A: Each Reincarnated Host is given their own unique System. However, in the case of the two brothers, Cynrik and Brance Jetlensr, their versions have a shared connection. Think of it as Cynrik has version 8.0 and Brance has Version 8.1. The link the two share is so close that they have created a Synchronization effect called Soul Bonding. In Vinestra, if two people, siblings or relationship partners, have absolute trust in the other, they can "Link" their Systems together. This link can be stopped if either person wills it and allows for instantaneous transfer of information and communication between two System programs.

Q: In the early chapters of the series, what did Odin say before Cynrik received his Language proficiency.

A: "Ó-sense" roughly means Nonsense, "Sinn eigi einn issue þú skulu worry um ungr drengr" roughly means it's not an issue and something you shouldn't worry about young one. "Þar sem þú kannt eigi Norðmanna tungu, mun ek þér ljá málkunnáttu" Odin is basically saying, I see you don't speak Norse, allow me to help you with that.

Q: I don't like how Yahweh was portrayed; he isn't like that at all.

A: Whoever said the gods portrayed are the same ones you know. Before you become hypercritical and get offended, please consider this isn't your faith being called in question, and not everything is as it seems. Whether or not you believe it "immersion breaking" matters little since, at this point, you have barely experienced the Deities, so realistically your opinion of them is irrelevant until a later date. Always remember, these are not the gods you know.

Q: Are god relics just chains with religious symbols?

A: Essentially, the religious symbol itself is considered the relic, and the chain has no real meaning other than to hold the relic.

Q: Was the Author intentionally trying to make the MC as annoying as possible in the early chapters?

A: The prologue is written the way it is, for a reason. While some may complain that the MC is annoying, the whole point was to show Cynrik's fall into insanity by what he was experiencing. Imagine if one day you realized you were in a coma. Unable to move or speak, but fully conscious for nearly two years. Add to that an innate paranoia that someone will find something off about you. Partner all that with the simple fact that the God's &*$^&% *&(%*^ ))(*!()@ @_()#*@ #_)*@.

-The Readers authority level is not high enough-

I Apologize. It appears I got ahead of myself and nearly spoiled a critical plot point. Just be aware that Cynrik is not the same as when he reincarnated.

Q: It was noted that Watcet's for kids were a risk because they might damage them, but here it's noted that it would take 40x dad-power to hit their resistance rating.

A: The defense of a watcet is heavily dependent on the wearer's Mana; instead of running on batteries, it will collect a small percentage of Mana and use it as a defensive barrier of sorts. Thus since a child has a highly minuscule amount of Mana, its actual defensive properties are weak enough that a child could break it.

Q: The socioeconomic ramifications of transferable skill points are horrifying. What even can Skill Points be used for.

A: At their current level and Tier, the use for skill points is basically irrelevant. At Tier-0, the number of skills someone can have is severely limited, on top of the two brothers are merely children at the moment. However, as we enter the next chapter of their life, and the brothers find out what happens when you evolve to Tier-1 from Tier-0, you will learn that there is a class system, along with skills. Furthermore, skills do not rely solely on Proficiency and, in fact, require Skill Points to level up. As for acquiring them, it will be explained when the boys find out about SP slivers. SP Slivers, Shards, Fragments, and Stones all contain a particular value of Skill points; as such, they hold a monetary value. These small stones are dropped from creatures that originate in Spatial Egresses.

Q: Is there a reason the brothers didn't want to try awakening every affinity possible? Given how greedy they've been for any amount of progress, it feels a bit out of left-field for them to sell off more than just duplicate orbs without a discussion first.

A: Yes, there is. While it may seem glassed over, there are, in fact, specific restrictions placed on beings born in Vinestra, and as a System myself who works in tandem with the native System, these restrictions have been placed on the brothers. For example, at Tier-0, the absolute maximum affinities a being can hold is 3. This cap will stay in place until the Host achieves 3 conditions. The Host must upgrade their Codex and Circuits to Tier-2 and evolve to Tier-2 themselves. Only then will they be allowed to acquire a fourth Elemental Affinity at that time. When the brothers were absorbing the orbs, they came to realize this, and Cynrik made the executive decision to sell off any orbs that didn't meet his personal standards.

Q: The cost of using XP or Essence to raise a child seems to be prohibitive for the survival of mankind. Is this mandatory? If so, how are parents supposed to get around it?

A: In the World of Vinestra, if the parents want their children to have a headstart, they will use the "XP share" method, while widely accepted in the middle to upper class, it's only done to give a boost, otherwise the child would be left behind. Only around 40% of families use the "XP share" method. With that aside, it has also been brought up that Cinyah should have been massively stronger than Rikard, so I shall address this for you. I mentioned the Soul Bond Trait earlier. This Trait comes into play in this instance. Generally, the parents who choose to use the "XP SHARE" option follow a particular method. The Soul Bond specifically allows for a transfer of XP from one paired being to the other. This is a means to alleviate a massive diminishing return from the mother who effectively sacrifices her level, XP, and Stats to raise a child. In the case of Rikard and Cinyah, while Cinyah was pregnant, Rikard was diving into Egress after Egress to farm large amounts of XP and would then transfer it over to his wife so she could then transfer it to her children. This process, to some extent, relieves the pressure put on the mother and allows both parents to share the burden of raising a child.

Q: How come they received old books to learn skills in a technological world? What stops the seller from just scanning the technique and selling digital copies?

A: Skill and Technique books are special drop rewards from Spatial Egresses. These books, once opened, will automatically transfer the knowledge directly to the System of the person using it. Once this process has been completed, the booklet will be rendered useless and only have words remaining. Furthermore, they are one-time use items, so it is irrelevant if the information is copied and transferred to others as it will not be recognized by their System.

Q: At the end of the volume 1 climax, it's revealed that there are two different factions. What are they, and what is their cause?

A: The two factions mentioned so far are the Naturalists and the Purists. While there will be a deep dive into these two groups from volume 2 onwards, I will give a brief description. The Naturalist Faction is a group whose main objective is to create a world where all races can live together as nature intended. On the other hand, the Purists are the primary racist group who think that the world belongs to Humans, and as such, they are extremely harsh when it comes to other races.

Q: At one point, Cynrik asked you for an ETA on his parents, and you were able to give him one. How is this possible?

A: Simply put, All Systems on Vinestra, myself included, are linked in some form. I accessed the information stream coming from Cinyah and Rikards Systems and created an accurate timeline.

Q: Woah, Woah, Woah, hold up. WHAT? Doesn't that mean you are basically omniscient?

A: Not at all. To an extent, since Cinyah and Rikard are blood relatives to my Host, there is a minor Soul Bond between them that allows me a small amount of authority to "glimpse" at their data streams that are being sent to *&#^%(&#@$(*)&!#$ @*(#&@#*(&!)(#_!@

-The Readers authority level is not high enough-

Once again, I apologize for my getting ahead of myself. Anyway, moving along, I shall draw a close on this segment of Tobs' Corner. As it appears, the boys have reached their destination. First, however, I will leave you with a couple of small bits of relevant information to keep in mind going into the 2nd Volume.

Vinestra is a world that is currently ever-expanding, much like how a universe does. This is due to the massive amount of ambient Mana the planet contains. During the birth of the planet, it was much smaller than Earth. But now, after several million years, it is so massive that it could contain all of the milky ways in its entirety. In its growth, it collided and absorbed with any and all surrounding planets creating a massive super world.

Nothing is ever as it seems.

The Deities are n*$)@(%&@*$%#%

- Below are Both Host's Profiles at the end of Volume 1-

: Status :

: Cynrik Ayke Jetlensr:

: Human Male:

: Age-7:

: Soul Age-36:

: Level: 10 (P4):

: Essence(XP): 95000/150000:

: Distribution: 1 Per All :

: Mana Codex Tier: 1 (Proficiency= 20.0%) : (Crippled)

: Mana Cycles: 300 (Proficiency= 20.0%) :

: Mana Circuit Tier: 1 (Proficiency= 20.0%) : (Crippled)

: Gravity Resistance: 3g (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Body Tempering: Tier 2 (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Credits: 1,000,000 :


: HP 700/700 :

: Mana 436/436 :

: Stamina 350/350 :

: Stat Points- 5:

: Skill Points- 109 :

: Strength- 60 :

: Dexterity- 90 :

: Agility- 90 :

: Intelligence- 70 :

: Vitality- 70 :

: Mind- 50 :

: Killing Intent- 112 - 3.25G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier 0 (Proficiency= 0.0%):

:(BG) Fire-Tier 0 (Proficiency= 0.0%):

:(BG) Wind-Tier 0 (Proficiency= 0.0%):


Legacy Tier - Language Proficiency

Legacy Tier - Sibling Mind Link-

-Due to The Two Hosts being Reincarnated by way of a God's Relic, you can speak telepathically to each other.

-This Skill has no cost and is meant to be a form of communication between the two of you.-

-This Skill has an active range of 25 Meters-

-The higher the Users Mind Stat, the further the range can be extended-

- Legacy Tier Transformation Skill: Over-Break Mode –

-Once the user has pushed themselves to the utmost extremes that their bodies can withstand, this skill will come off cooldown.-

- Fully heals any injuries and replenish's hosts HP, MP, and Stamina to full-

-Boosts- there are two options for temporary boosts to the user-

- Option 1: The Over-Break System will scan the opponent and determine the opponent's Build and corresponding highest stats and temporarily boost the user's stats to match.-

-Option 2: The User will have all of his Stats increased by 250%

-Cost: Below is the listed cost for activation and sustaining the transformation.

-(Activation): The user's proficiency in all Elemental Affinities will be reduced to zero. The user's highest Elemental Affinity will be reduced by 1 Tier. These reductions are permanent.

-(Sustain): If Option 1 is chosen: For every minute the Over-Break Mode is active, the user will permanently lose 5 points from all Stats.

-(Sustain): If Option 2 is chosen: For every minute the Over-Break Mode is active, the user will permanently lose 2 points from all Stats.

-Due to the immense strain placed on the user's body, mind, and soul, they will be unable to evolve to a higher tier for a certain amount of time, depending on how long the mode is active. –

-Stats, or Elemental Affinity proficiency, can be re-obtained through the usual means, and the loss causes no lingering effect.-

Ancient Tier: Mana Integration Skill Requiem of Dusk Tier 0.5%-

-Tier 1: Mana Cycling

-Due to your body adapting to having Mana fused with the Host, who can now Cycle it throughout their being to increase the purity and strength of the stored Mana infused with you.

-As your Mana Revolves through your body, it will become tougher to complete full Cycles.

-Each Cycle nourishes and strengthens both your Physical body and Soul.

-Inspect Tier 0 to 5 Occular Growth Skill-

-An Occular skill that has been passed down through the Users Bloodline. By using this Skill, the user can view a targets System Panel

-The information viewable is restricted to the Tier level of this Skill

-Tier 0 – Basic Information from the targets Status Panel is Viewable

-Tier 1- This allows the User to see some of the targets Stats.

-Tier 2- LOCKED

-Tier 3- LOCKED

-Tier 4- LOCKED

-Tier 5- LOCKED

Active/Passive abilities


Mana Sight- Allows the user to see the ambient Mana in the surrounding world within a range of 5 meters.


Mana Manipulation- Allows the user to bend, shape, and utilize Mana as if it was a part of themselves.

Dual Wielding- This Skill allows the user to simultaneously use one weapon in each hand. -

-This Skill is not limited to any singular weapon and includes Short Swords, Long Swords, Great Swords, Axes, Sabers, Mace, Staves, Crossbows, Guns, Whips, Flails, and Wands. -

-The user's ability to wield certain weapons will not be allowed unless their Stats meet the prerequisites. -

-Users will be unable to hold both weapons simultaneously if they do not meet the Stat requirements. -

-Tier 0: Basic Swordsmanship-

-when using a single-handed bladed weapon such as a sword or machete

- +5% Attack speed

-+5% Attack Damage

- Move: Slash- Attack your opponent with a downward verticle strike. Deal 105% Damage Cost: 10 Stamina

-Move: Stab- Thrust the weapon with mild force at the target. Deal 115% Damage Cost:5

: Status :

: Brance Athalos Jetlensr:

: Human Male:

: Age-6:

: Soul Age-35:

: Level: 10 (P4):

: Essence(XP): 95000/150000:

: Distribution: 1 Per All :

: Mana Codex Tier: 1 (Proficiency= 20.0%) : (Crippled)

: Mana Cycles: 300 (Proficiency= 20.0%) :

: Mana Circuit Tier: 1 (Proficiency= 20.0%) : (Crippled)

: Gravity Resistance: 3g (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Body Tempering: Tier 2 (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Credits: 1,000,000 :


: HP 120/1000 :

: Mana 90/376:

: Stamina 60/500 :

: Stat Points- 0 :

: Skill Points- 89 :

: Strength- 100 :

: Dexterity- 60 :

: Agility- 60 :

: Intelligence- 60 :

: Vitality- 100 :

: Mind- 46 :

: Killing Intent- 97 - 3g :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Light-Tier 0 (Proficiency= 0.0%):

:(BG) Earth-Tier 0 (Proficiency= 0.0%):

:(BG) Wind-Tier 0 (Proficiency= 0.0%):


Legacy Tier - Language Proficiency

Legacy Tier - Sibling Mind Link-

-Due to The Two Hosts being Reincarnated by way of a God's Relic, you can speak telepathically to each other.

-This Skill has no cost and is meant to be a form of communication between the two of you.-

-This Skill has an active range of 25 Meters-

-The higher the Users Mind Stat, the further the range can be extended-

- Legacy Tier Transformation Skill: Over-Break Mode –

-Once the user has pushed themselves to the utmost extremes that their bodies can withstand, this skill will come off cooldown.-

- Fully heals any injuries and replenish's hosts HP, MP, and Stamina to full-

-Boosts- there are two options for temporary boosts to the user-

- Option 1: The Over-Break System will scan the opponent and determine the opponent's Build and corresponding highest stats and temporarily boost the user's stats to match.-

-Option 2: The User will have all of his Stats increased by 250%

-Cost: Below is the listed cost for activation and sustaining the transformation.

-(Activation): The user's proficiency in all Elemental Affinities will be reduced to zero. The user's highest Elemental Affinity will be reduced by 1 Tier. These reductions are permanent.

-(Sustain): If Option 1 is chosen: For every minute the Over-Break Mode is active, the user will permanently lose 5 points from all Stats.

-(Sustain): If Option 2 is chosen: For every minute the Over-Break Mode is active, the user will permanently lose 2 points from all Stats.

-Due to the immense strain placed on the user's body, mind, and soul, they will be unable to evolve to a higher tier for a certain amount of time, depending on how long the mode is active. –

-Stats, or Elemental Affinity proficiency, can be re-obtained through the usual means, and the loss causes no lingering effect.-

Ancient Tier: Mana Integration Skill Reaching the Heavenly Skies Tier 0 0.5%

-Tier 1: Mana Cycling

-Due to your body adapting to having Mana fused with the Host, who can now Cycle it throughout their being to increase the purity and strength of the stored Mana infused with you.

-As your Mana Revolves through your body, it will become tougher to complete full Cycles.

-Each Cycle nourishes and strengthens both your Physical body and Soul.

-Inspect Tier 0 to 5 Occular Growth Skill-

-An Occular skill that has been passed down through the Users Bloodline. By using this Skill, the user can view a targets System Panel

-The information viewable is restricted to the Tier level of this Skill

-Tier 0 – Basic Information from the targets Status Panel is Viewable

-Tier 1- -Tier 1- This allows the User to see some of the targets Stats.

-Tier 2- LOCKED

-Tier 3- LOCKED

-Tier 4- LOCKED

-Tier 5- LOCKED

Active/Passive abilities


Mana Sight- Allows the user to see the ambient Mana in the surrounding world within a range of 5 meters.


Mana Manipulation- Allows the user to bend, shape, and utilize Mana as if it was a part of themselves.

Minor Regeneration: Using the Mana, and STAM, of the user, automatically heals any injury they receive. Speed of healing increases depending on the users, VIT Stat. This Skill can be upgraded-


-Tier 0: Basic Swordsmanship-

-when using a single-handed bladed weapon such as a sword or machete

- +5% Attack speed

-+5% Attack Damage

- Move: Slash- Attack your opponent with a downward verticle strike. Deal 105% Damage Cost: 10 Stamina

-Move: Stab- Thrust the weapon with mild force at the target. Deal 115% Damage Cost:5

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