The Over-Break System

Chapter 85 - Tier-1 Evolution Part 2

Cynrik and Brance were expelled from Cynrik's SOC, and they opened their eyes back in the dorm, only to be met by the worried faces of Gabby and Benny. While they understood the concern of the Sanford siblings, they simply didn't have the time to worry about them because they were assaulted by intense pain and a massive flood of notification windows, which painted their vision entirely.

-Rewards for obtaining a Perfect Foundation have been calculated and distributed.-

-Your Stat Distribution has been upgraded to 1.5 Per All.-

-You will now receive ten stat points per level.-

-Skill points will be given at every level.-

-Skill points have been reduced from 3 to 1 per level up.-

-The status line "Mana Cycles" has been removed.-

-The status line "Soul Age" has been removed.-

-Your Mana Codex has Evolved to Tier-2.-

-Your Mana Circuits have Evolved to Tier-2.-

-Your MP has increased by 104 points.-

-Your Body Tempering has Reached the Peak of Tier-2.-

-Your Prestige has been absorbed.-

-Your Level Cap has increased to 20.-

-Your Stat Caps have increased to 300.-

-All Stats, excluding Hidden and Special Stats, have increased by 1% for each Level of Prestige, equalling a total of 20%.-

The following notification indicated a change to their Race.

For Cynrik, the notification stated.

-Your Race has changed to 99% Human 1% Æsir.-

For Brance, the notification stated.

-Your Race has changed to 99% Human 1% Lightbringer.-

After that singular notification line, they went back to a uniform appearance.

-Due to your Racial Evolution, your primary Affinity has been strengthened further, and it has achieved 100% of Tier-1

-You have unlocked five new Elemental Skills for your Primary Affinity.-

-Due to your Racial Evolution, your Stats have increased by another 20% for a total of 40%.-

-After the 40% increase to stats has been completed, In the future, you will receive 10 MP for each point added to INT, and you will receive 20 HP and 10 to Stamina for every point added to VIT due to the Racial changes you have undergone.

-You have Unlocked the Class System; please choose your first Primary Class.-

-Tier-1 Classes will have a Level cap of 20.-

-When Leveling a Class, the Host will receive 1 Stat Point and 1 Skill Point.-

-You have Unlocked the Sub-Class System; please choose your first Sub-Class.

-Tier-1 Sub-Classes will have a Level cap of 20.-

-When Leveling a Sub-Class, Host will not receive any Stat points, but instead 2 Skill Points.-

-The Host now can distribute XP (Essence) to one of three places, Level, Class Level, or Sub-Class Level.-

-The Skill Point System has been activated.-

-Both standard skills, and elemental skills, can now be upgraded by using skill points. Skills that can be upgraded have a ?/? after the mentioned skill. The cost in points is determined by the skills Tier and Grade.-

Cynrik and Brance sat in silence while reading their numerous notifications and new stat profile. It was a lot of information to take in.

Closing all the notification windows, Cynrik went over his new Stats line by line.

: Status :

: Cynrik Ayke Jetlensr (Ivar the Boneless):

: Title - Perfect Foundation :

: Demi-Human Male (99% Human, 1%  Æsir):

: Age-12:

: Tier-1 :

: Level: 10 :

: Essence(XP): 0/100000:

: Distribution: 1.5 Per All :

: Mana Codex Tier: 2 (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Mana Circuit Tier: 2  (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Gravity Resistance: 5g (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Body Tempering: Tier 2 (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Credits: 1,000,000 :


: HP 1400/1400 :      (20 Per Point)

: Mana 890/890 :      (10 Per Point)

: Stamina 700/700 :  (10 Per Point)

: Stat Points- 20 :  (10 per level) Class (1)  Sub-Class (0)

: Skill Points- 127 : (1 per level) Class and Sub-Class (1)

: Strength-  140 : 

: Dexterity- 140 :   

: Agility- 140 :     

: Intelligence- 140 : 

: Vitality-  140 :   

: Mind-  140 :     

: Killing Intent- 112 - 3.25G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-1 (Proficiency= 100.0%):


-Tier-0 Shadow Veil  0/25

-Tier-0 Decay  0/25

-Tier-0 Shadow's Image  0/25

-Tier-1 Blind  0/50

-Tier-1 Dark Sight  0/50

-Tier-1 Fear  0/50

-Tier-1.5 Shadow Leap  0/75

-Tier-1.5 Shadow Sewing  0/75

:(BG) Fire-Tier-1 (Proficiency= 100.0%):


-Tier-0 = Fireball  0/10

-Tier-0 = Burning Hands  0/10

-Tier-1 = Fire Arrow  0/25

-Tier-1 = Continual Flame  0/25

:(BG) Wind-Tier-1 (Proficiency= 100.0%):


-Tier-0 Featherfall  0/10

-Tier-0 Haste   0/10

-Tier-1 Air Missle  0/25

-Tier-1 Gust  0/25

Quivering in excitement, Cynrik chose to complete his Mantra first and foremost, to reobtain his perfect harmony between his Affinities, which were right now acting like a violent storm in his Codex. Standing up a little too fast, he was overcome by a wave of nausea, and he could feel flakes of something falling off his body, but he chose to ignore it, and after extending his arms, began his Mantra from the beginning.

"My Flames bring about Destruction, with their blazing heat and searing power." Then, just like last time, his open palms burst into flames, but this time they didn't stop at his wrists and instead traveled up to his shoulders, bathing his arms entirely in fire.

"They surge forward swiftly, as it's fueled by the gusts of my Wind, with unstoppable force and blinding accuracy." A torrent of Wind cycloned around his body, generating a force twice as powerful as the first time he had channeled it.

"Together, they create a destructive force that can even cause the heavens to quake," The flames on his arms flowed further, being fueled by the torrent gusts of Wind that slowly lifted him off the ground and merged with the fire creating a raging Fire tornado around his body.

Gabby, Benny, and Brance were frozen in place, watching the boy who wore a firey tornado as if he were an invincible god of fire. But they were utterly unprepared for what occurred next.

"and it is this Destruction that is born from the Darkness." The world seemed to go perfectly still. All sound disappeared, and except for Cynrik, all light seemed to have vanished.

Even the Mana particles seemed to freeze in place and show respect to Cynrik, who was condensing the Massive Fire tornado surrounding his body. Moving his arms slowly, the Fire tornado shrank several times before reaching a size of about two feet by two feet and resting between Cynrik's open palms.

The three other children watched as the powerful flames dimmed momentarily before the roaring life-filled Red-Orange flames changed from their original color to an endlessly deep black color.

-You have perfectly harmonized your three Affinities.-

-You have unlocked the Fusion Skills Tab.-

-You have learned the Tier-1 Fusion Skill BlackFire.-

-You have learned the Tier-1 Fusion Skill Fire Cyclone.-

-You have learned the Tier-1.5 Fusion Skill BlackFire Cyclone.-

The muscles on Cynriks shirtless body tightened as he crushed the miniature Blackfire tornado into nothingness, and the world went back to normal.

Exhaling shakily, Cynrik couldn't help but feel satisfied with his modified Mantra. He had slightly changed the wording randomly, and its effects were astronomical. Initially, whenever Cynrik used his black fire, he felt the tension in his chest, but now that was gone, he could only chalk it up to the changes in his Mantra.

Tilting his head to the side to crack his neck, Cynrik looked over at the peanut gallery with their jaws on the floor and eyes as big as saucers.

"What…I know, I'm badass." Cynrik smirked while striking a pose, drawing a gasp from Gabby, who started clapping frantically.

"Alright, ima go shower, I fucking reak. Brance, fix up your Mantra while I'm gone." Bowing to Gabby, making her squeal again, Cynrik did a flip over the couch and went to shower off all the grime his body had accumulated due to his Tier-1 evolution.

Brance shook his head and went over his upgraded Status one last time.

: Status :

: Brance Athalos Jetlensr (Björn Ironside):

: Title - Perfect Foundation :

: Demi-Human Male (99% Human, 1% Lightbringer):

: Age-11:

: Tier-1 :

: Level: 10 :

: Essence(XP): 0/100000:

: Distribution: 1.5 Per All :

: Mana Codex Tier: 2 (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Mana Circuit Tier: 2  (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Gravity Resistance: 5g (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Body Tempering: Tier 2 (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Credits: 1,000,000 :


: HP 1400/1400 :      20 Per Point

: Mana 880/880 :      10 Per Point

: Stamina 700/700 :  10 Per Point

: Stat Points- 20 : (10 per level) Class (1) 

: Skill Points- 107 : (1 per level) Class and Sub-Class (1)

: Strength-  140 :

: Dexterity- 140 : 

: Agility- 140 :   

: Intelligence- 140 :

: Vitality-  140 :   

: Mind-  140 :     

: Killing Intent- 97 - 3g :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Light-Tier-1 (Proficiency= 100.0%):


-Tier-0 Minor Heal  0/25

-Tier-0 Orb of Light  0/25

-Tier-0 Radiant Skin  0/25

-Tier-1 Reveal  0/50

-Tier-1 Glint  0/50

-Tier-1 Vanish  0/50

-Tier-1.5 Radiant Sheild  0/75

-Tier-1.5 Swords of Judgement  0/75

:(BG) Earth-Tier-1 (Proficiency= 100.0%):


-Tier-0 =  Earth Skin  0/10

-Tier-0 =  Rock Form  0/10

-Tier-1 =  Earth Shield  0/25

-Tier-1 =  Stone Spike  0/25

:(BG) Wind-Tier-1  (Proficiency= 100.0%):


-Tier-0 Featherfall  0/10

-Tier-0 Haste  0/10

-Tier-1 Air Missle  0/25

-Tier-1 Gust  0/25

Brance smiled as he read through all of his new elemental skills. Before, he was severely limited and had no offensive Light-based Skills, but now he had Swords of Judgement and even a blinding skill.

Taking a deep breath and standing up, he shooed away the Sanford siblings. He didn't want to accidentally hurt them with the channeling of his Mantra.

"My Earth lays the stone-like foundation to support me in my efforts to protect those I love. My foundation is guided by the steady bellows of my Wind, allowing it to soar to untold heights."

"My foundation shines in the radiance of my Light, allowing it to break the sky and reach the heavens."

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