The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1110: You are a small traitor

Luo Yi's north lip corner was raised higher, and his face was somewhat proud.

Sure enough, he is a Luojia person!

Hanging up the phone, Luo Yi went out of the door and drove straight to the restaurant left by Xiao Zuo.

In the restaurant, Fang Chixia was speechless at this time.

"You are a little traitor!" Picking up the menu, she slammed the little left head.

"Where?" Xiao Zuo whispered, and turned his head and licked his head.

Fang Chi Xia did not entangle this matter.

Luo Yi came to the north, so many people are there, in fact, nothing.

“Yan Yan, ordering!” handed the menu to Tong Yan, and Fang Chixia handed the task of ordering to her.

Tong Yan naturally wants to join in and sit with her. Xiao Zuo suddenly leans back and leans against Fang Chi Xia. You are just like your brother!"

“Why?” Tong Yan frowned.

Xiao Zuo is actually just a picture of Tong Yan and Shi Yang Yang. However, the reason for his move is Luo Yibei. "Oh, of course, I have to sit with my brother!"

Tong Yan was speechless, didn't take his words seriously, stood up and wanted to continue to join in, but was slammed and pressed back to the original position. "What do you do with a meal?"


A child's face.

What is her screaming?

"Sit and sit!" Shi Yanyang gave her a faint look and picked up the menu to start ordering.

In fact, a few people present, even including Luo Yibei, who has not come yet, is familiar to everyone!

Fang Chi Xia, he knows, not to mention Tong Yan, the taste of Luo Yibei, he naturally understands.

For a few people, a few of their favorite dishes, Shi Yanyang arms around his chest, lazy leaning against the back of the chair staring at Fang Chi Xia, "Is it okay recently?"

"I am very good." Fang Chixia smiled.

Her tone is something that hasn't happened before, and I can hear it in a good mood.

Such a woman, let Shi Yanyang also feel that living abroad is actually a good thing for her.

There are too many problems that she and Luo Yibei have not solved in China, and they may even be trapped.

There is no foreigner in foreign countries, and there is nothing to worry about. Fang Chixia is in such a state, very good.

"When there is a need for help, call back to the country and say it." Shi Yanyang did not continue to ask more questions.

He made this movement especially natural, and he could see that he was actually a very intimate man.

Fang Chi Xi quietly looked at his movements, this time somehow, suddenly thought of Luo Yibei.

I poured a cup of tea on herself and snorted. Her eyes were removed from the two and she looked out the window if nothing happened.

Luo Yibei just came over at this time, his appearance, even in the streets where people are moving, always bring their own halo.

The sun shone behind him, setting off his light.

Fang Chi looked at him quietly in the summer, his eyes lost his heart.

Luo Yibei probably noticed her sight, turned her head, and looked at her through the clean window glass.

The lip corner was so good that he slammed into the restaurant. He stepped on the restaurant and smashed the small left to the side of the chair. He sat in the position of Fang Chixia.

He sat close to her, and both of them were attached together.


Year-end welfare group: 493,496,018, the pros look at the prize-winning activities of the seven-seven-story comment~What?

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