The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1527: What you are missing is a mommy.

I’m going back in the bathroom for a while, but I haven’t calmed down tonight.

The little milk bag fell asleep and fell asleep. I didn't know what it was, and suddenly sat up in spirit.

"North-North, the house I built today has not been built yet. I just dreamed. The little aunt said that things can't be done halfway, do you build with me?"

When he was called "North-North" in Luoyi North, he was especially well-behaved and special.

Not at all like a mischievous child.

Luo Yibei’s face has been stinky tonight, and I have to get up and sleep in the middle of the night. What kind of trouble is this?

Luo Yibei was actually a bit gnashing at his behavior, but did not reject his request.

After getting out of bed and going to the children's room, he helped Xiao Yi bring the toy over.

Two people built a house with blocks in the bed, and the small milk bag did not seem to be sleepy. When a palace was built, the sky was already bright.

One night, that's it!

When the two completely slept, the sunlight outside the window had spilled in.

The little milk bag played with the spirit for a night, and it should be satisfied at this moment. When lying down, the corners of the lips were slightly tilted, and even the thumbs were not forgotten to please Luo Yibei, "North-North, I think that you are more patient than Cheng Xi, and it will be a good one!"

Luo Yibei's eyes glanced at him faintly, and returned to him coolly. "You are missing a mom!"

In the middle of the night, I was drinking milk. If it was a child with my mother, I wouldn’t have to toss like last night.

"It doesn't matter, now the little aunt and Cheng Xi are also very good to me." The character of the small milk bag is still optimistic, he does not seem to take Luo Yibei's words seriously.

"Okay, go to bed early!" Luo Yibei comforted him, and opened the sheet to help him cover it.

It’s dawn, it’s time to sleep!

And the little milk bag slept in the hotel for a day, and at night, he returned to the palace with Xiao Yi.

The first thing he did after returning to the palace was to let people investigate the information of Fang Chi Xia.

He had already asked her once, and at the airport, if Fang Chi Xia left the country of Y, the person he arranged would inform him.

However, he has not received any news so far.

In this way, Fang Chi Xia is still in the country.

As long as the two are still in a country, it will be much easier to find them.

After explaining the investigation, he closed his eyes and sat on the sofa for a while. He opened the door and called the person in charge of the investigation.

"In the last few days, I also investigated the whereabouts of the Duke of Fasino!"

"Okay, Master Luo."

The phone of two people hangs after that.

Luo Yibei held the mobile phone, and both of them fixed the airplane model that was brought back from Fangchi Xia on the coffee table. The lips were cold and cold.

Investigating Fasino, it may be easier than investigating her!


The work before Fang Chi Xia had been smashed because of the small milk bag, and she went back to find a job after returning.

Fasino helped introduce, the friend opened, the translation company, and the work was similar in nature to her previous work.

However, just a few days after entering, a shocking news suddenly came in the office.

"I heard that our company was acquired by people!"

"Yes! Yes! I have heard it!"

"The position of the president has been let out!"

"I also heard that the group that acquired our company is foreign, trusting the CEO will come over in two days!"

"It seems to be called? Call..."

The sound behind is getting weaker.

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