Fang Chi shook in the summer, "What do you think in your head? What uncle?"

"The last uncle Fasino!" The little milk bag was just right, and it seemed to be serious.

Fang Chi Xia looked embarrassed.

Really mind this thing?

This kid is the tip of Luo Yibei sent to the bottom?

"Say, adults can't lie, be honest, have you gone?" The little milk bag held his chin proudly, and asked him in an interrogative manner.

Fang Chixia was speechless to him, and it was not too late to look at the watch.

He delayed his rest, and she hung up the phone in three or two sentences. "Think more! Go to bed early! Be careful not to grow up to Uncle Lo!"

The small milk bag listened to the broken tone of the beep on the phone, and the small mouth smashed.

Hanging so fast, is this guilty?

Every time the small milk bag thinks that Fang Chi Xia may be with Fesno, he is a little agitated.

The little short legs stepped on the sofa and walked over. He figured it out and felt that he should do something.

Luo Yibei just came back from the outside and saw him, his eyes faintly glanced at him.

"Is it an anxiety disorder?"

He opened his mouth and opened it directly.

The small milk bag has become accustomed to his way of saying this. He did not care about him, but smiled at him with his lips bent. "North and North, guess who I just called?"

"Who?" Luo Yibei was actually not interested in his topic, but he still asked a sentence.

"Summer and summer!" Small milk bag with a small chin lifted up.

Luo Yibei glimpsed, "What have you said?"

"She and Fasino are together!" The little milk bag stunned him and reminded him.

Luo Yibei bumped into the two today, and there was not much surprise to him. It was just a faint "hmm" sound.

Very light and very light tone, like not listening to his words at all.

This way, he made the small milk bag somewhat accidental.

What does this reflect?

It shouldn't be!

Luo Yibei did not communicate with him and turned to go to his room.

The small milk bag looked at his back and looked at him. When he was about to enter the room, Xiao Yi couldn't help but float. "You should grab the summer and summer, like the pursuit of the baby!"

Although he is small, many things have their own ideas.

Luo Yi's north lip angle was slightly pumped.

This kid!

"Sleep you early!" He was a little speechless, turned his head and screamed and turned into his room.

The little milk bag didn't know that he had listened to his words. In the next few days, he kept watching the reaction of Luo Yibei.

However, in the past few days, Luo Yibei was on time every day during the day, and came back at night, like the people who went to work. Others seemed to have done nothing.

This way, he made the little milk bag suddenly unpredictable.

What are you going to do at work?


the next day.

Fang Chixia was in traffic jam when he got to work today. He could have arrived half an hour earlier, and it was more than ten minutes late when he entered the company.

When I got out of the car, I ran to the company building and ran into the building. I came to the elevator and pressed the button and walked in. I was about to close the door. Outside the door, a footstep of "吭吭吭吭" suddenly came.

Very calm voice, seems to be somewhat familiar.

Fang Chixia was busy reporting back to the office at this time, and did not listen carefully.

Want to continue to close the door of the elevator, outside the door, the footsteps of "吭吭吭吭" are close.

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