The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1704: Result of the appraisal report

The little milk bag didn't say anything under it, and he took the book and looked at him and sat down.

He stayed here with the couple for two days, and after returning, he couldn’t wait to call Schloed and asked about the appraisal report.

However, the results have not yet come out.

The small milk bag has been worried about this matter. After he hangs up the phone, he is absent-minded for a few days.

Fang Chi Xia was aware of his strangeness, staring at him for a long time, strangely, only when he learned to pretend to mind, did not care too much.

The official appraisal report came out three days later.

Shi Luo’s nerves were a bit thick. After coming to Luo Yibei here, in front of a family of three, he handed the report directly to the small milk bag. “Baby, what did you check me a few days ago, the result came out!”

“Really?” The small milk bag retracted from the sofa and ran over excitedly, picking up the report.

The data on the report is very complicated. Not to mention the four-year-old child, adults should not know much.

The small milk bag took a look and looked, and did not understand anything.

Looking up, he looked at Schloed, "What results?"

"There is no blood relationship!" Schloed resolutely returned to him.


The small milk bag seemed to be shocked, and the blood on his face instantly seemed to be pulled away, and the small face was white and white.

Next to Luo Yibei heard the word "blood pro", plus a series of weird behaviors of the small milk bag, and immediately responded to what the report was.

He had no surprises about the result, and there was no child. This is a natural consequence.

However, he is somewhat worried about the reaction of Xiao Yi.

The small milk bag is like crying, licking a small face, his head hanging low and frustrating.

He seems to have been hit, shook his head, like a small beast that has been hurt, and looks very distressing.

Schroeder looked at him and didn't understand what he did.

"You go back first!" Luo Yi looked at him on the north side, faint request.

"Oh, good!" Shilo turned and walked away wondering.

The small milk bag was in the bottom of his eyes, holding the report in his hand. After the words from Schloed, his face was not lifted.

Luo Yibei stared at him for a long time, and walked toward him in a few steps, kneeling in front of him, pulling him into his arms and patted his back. "With or without an appraisal report, you They are children of the land and summer, so don't care about these!"

The little milk bag stuffed his head and ignored his words.

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!" Luo Yibei didn't know how to comfort a four-year-old child, just holding him a bang.

The small milk bag seemed to be unable to hear him, and he was on his shoulders. He was very silent at first, and then twitched directly.

He was really sad, tears and nose, and he was so sad that he was crying.

Luo Yibei especially hates tears, especially Fang Chi Xia and small milk bags.

"Don't cry, nothing! It's okay!" stiffly raised his hand, he was a bit clumsy.

Fang Chi Xia walked toward the two people in a few steps, took the appraisal report in the hands of the small milk bag and looked at it.

The hospital that reported the report was the most authoritative at the time, and the international popularity was very loud.

Fang Chi Xia actually suspected that Xiao Yi might be a child of Luo Yibei. However, looking at the name of the hospital on the report, she dismissed this speculation.

Such a hospital, she felt that even the mistakes are impossible!

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