The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1834: Let's try to get married (6)

Fang Chi Xia has not been prepared to marry him. After getting the report, he was so excited to tell him the news. The result went to the scene and he heard that.

Thinking of Lonchi's request, Fang Chi Xia is a fire.

Plus, after returning, Luo Yibei did not explain a sentence, which made her more angry.

Now she is very popular. As long as Luo Yibei nodded and agreed to the marriage, she would take his son and let his shadows disappear.

Silent, Fang Chi Xia still did not answer.

Luo Yibei seems to be a little excited, except for pregnancy, he can not think of other things.

"Answer!" He licked her tightly, and his arms were embedded in the flesh of her waist.

Fang Chi Xia pain, some angrily whispered, "Luo Yibei, your hands will not loosen, even if you have a baby, you are lost!"

She was a little louder, and she felt the pain in the eardrum of Luo Yibei.

Luo Yi was stunned and his arms were slightly loose.

"So, is it still?"

"No!" Fang Chi Xiatou side, a denial.

She denied it very simply, and she looked like this, let Luo Yibei slightly stunned.

Really wrong?

"Let me down!" Fang Chixia opened his five fingers and one by one, shrunk from him, picked up the design and continued to get busy at the scene.

The line of sight has never been turned over since.

Luo Yibei has no choice but to give up temporarily.

He was accompanied by Fang Chi Xia for a long time, from morning to afternoon, and even overtime at night.

When the two left the scene, they were already more than nine o'clock.

The small milk bag or Tong Yan helped to pick up. When I arrived at home, the little guy had just been asleep, and Tong Yan just left.

Fang Chi Xia is still annoyed with his behavior yesterday. After returning, he did not say anything. The two men slept in the room.

Woke up the next day and went to the company as usual.

Rong Xi, who also went to Luo Yibei, went to work as usual after attending the company. He attended the meeting as usual and met with the client as usual. Cheng Aning said that he did not feel relieved.

At noon, when I walked out of the office, I was looking for a meal in Fangchixia. However, I was told that Fangchi Xia had left the company early a few minutes ago.

Luo Yibei frowned, and a phone call was made to her.


"At meal."


"Near the company."

Calling the wording has always been simple, in line with the style of Luo Yibei.

Three or two sentences hung up the phone and walked out of the company building. He turned around and found Fang Chi Xia. She was sitting alone in a restaurant and had already selected food.

In the self-service restaurant, she took a lot of things and placed a lot on the table.

Luo Yibei stood outside the window, watching her swallow the food one by one, frowning, walked in a few steps, sat down next to her, took the sushi in her hand.

“Is nothing to eat so much?” His tone was very light, and no matter how much the sushi was bitten by her, he ate it casually.

The action of eating is also particularly elegant.

Fang Chi Xia did not look at him like this, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Luo Yi's north corner of the eye slanted to her sight, her face slowly raised, her eyes quietly fell on her face.

"Grandpa's words, don't care. Baby, you, me, no one can break it apart." Words and phrases, he said very slowly, "What the grandfather asked, will not really happen!"

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