The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1872: Accidental 邂逅 (2)

Very beautiful red, flamboyant, eye-catching, like a cluster of hot roses in the dark night in the night, when passing by, Luo Yibei's face slightly lifted up.

The corner of his eye glanced at the other car. He just started to look at it casually. However, after turning his eyes, he couldn't move away when he cleared the face of the car.

The person on the opposite car did not seem to look at the car on the side, slowly drove the car out of the palace, and wiped the car where Luo Yibei was, and then accelerated.

The red blast came out, raising the dust of a place, and a wind swelled away.

"Chi Xia!" Luo Yibei returned to God and shouted at the vehicle in front.

The answer to him is the sound of the car going away.

Luo Yibei sinking, holding the steering wheel in his hand, the throttle under the foot slammed on the ground, the roller smashed across the ground, and chased up like a wind.

His speed was very fast, and the small milk bag that was coming to the back didn't even have time to react.

He was smashed from the back of the chair and rolled down in the back seat. He whispered and licked his head and sat up with his back.

Looking at the window with a stiff look, thinking of the name that Luo Yi North had just called, he was shocked and some did not respond.


Luo Yibei gaze locked in the direction of the disappearance of the car in front of the pool, and was still driving to catch up.

His speed was very fast, the small milk bag didn't sit still, and he felt like he was about to fly.

The night is very thick, and it has already passed ten o'clock at this time.

The surrounding streets are quiet, leaving only the sound of the two people in the sports car.

Luo Yibei's car skills are very high, the Ferrari technology in front is not bad, Luo Yibei back to God slowed for a few seconds, chasing this section of the road, the car in front has disappeared without shadow.


The nearby road is intricate, cross-shaped, with a disc in the middle, splitting in four ways.

Luo Yibei drove a few laps along the nearby road. However, I don't know if it was staggered with the direction of the red Ferrari. I haven't found it for a long time.

Xiao Yi is still in the car, his speed is very fast, and the small milk bag is skewed on the back seat. I don't know how many times he bumped.

Luo Yi looked at him on the north side and stopped the car.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." The little milk bag added another sentence, "It's just a little dizzy."

Luo Yibei had no choice but to open the door to the back seat, picked up his righting, helped him sort out the clothes, and took him to get off the car.

"But what about Mommy?" Xiao Yi looked at him over the side and was worried.

"Go back to rest first, and you will try your best." Luo Yibei took him on the bus and took the door with his backhand to slow down the speed of the car.

He actually came to the R country only for the feast. However, when he met the pool in the summer, he changed the itinerary. He ordered the hotel and decided to stay here for a few days.

After going back, I helped the little milk bag to shower, and the father and son were lying together on the bed. Thinking about Fang Chi Xia who met tonight, Luo Yibei was somewhat absent-minded.

Xiao Yi didn't seem to be sleepy, lying side by side with him, his hands resting behind his head, his short legs slouching, and he was thinking about something.

He didn't know if Fang Chi Xia really didn't see it or saw it when he didn't see it.

If you saw it, when you didn't see it, he was a little hurt.

Ignore the squatting, how can I even ignore him?

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