The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2185: 25 days of pregnancy

Fang Chi Xia left, and he walked in a hurry, and did not explain to his family.

The sand weaving star stood quietly, secretly contemplating for a while, and my heart slammed.


"Where did Xia Xia go?" The small milk bag turned over and looked at the direction of Fang Chi Xia.

"Mummy didn't, I came back soon and had a good meal." Sha Zhixing comforted him and went back to the table to help him pick up the dishes.

After Fang Chi Xia left, he drove all the way to the hospital.

I stayed there for a long time, and when I came out, I had a table in my hand.

Tightly holding a thin piece of paper, she seemed to be running for tens of thousands of meters, and she jumped very loudly.

The gaze was determined by the row of data on the test report, and her fingertips trembled slightly.

25 days of pregnancy!

It’s been 25 days??

Back to the Luo family road, her mood has been constantly expanding.

When entering the living room, the sand weaving star is still there.

Seeing her entering the house, Sha Zhixing turned her head to the side, first staring at her belly and glanced at her face, and her eyes fell on her face. "Chi Xia??"

She is verifying.

Fang Chi Xia did not say much, just tapped his head.

The waist of the sand weaving star bends and the eyes flow through a smile.

"Mom, I went upstairs first. I will tell Yibei myself!" Fang Chixia greeted her and turned to go upstairs.

Going to the rotation of the stairs, the steps at the foot were closed, and I looked at Sha Zhixing from the side. She hesitated for a while and added, "Mom, I will go abroad once in a few days, maybe stay abroad for a while, small It's easy to bother you and Dad!"

"Where does the family say? The company's business? If you are busy, go, don't worry about Xiaoyi!" Sha Zhixing promised to be simple.

After thinking about it, I added, "But, Chih Chih, I have to remind you, don't be too tired, pay more attention in the past few months!"

"Mom, I will!" Fang Chixia nodded lightly and turned to the floor.

Her mood has been calm since she saw the report, and she returned to the room and looked at her mobile phone. She called Luo Yibei.


The telephone was connected to the line and it continued for several times.

Fang Chi Xia listened to the sound of repeated loops in the ear, and continued to wait for the temper.

The connection tone continued to sing for a long time, no one answered, and finally hanged automatically.

Fang Chixia estimated that he might be busy, and after a while, he repeatedly called.

She knows more than Luo Yibei about the child. She wants to tell him about it. She wants to know the reaction he has heard after this incident and wants to share with him the feeling of getting the news.

However, the ringtone continued to sing for a long time and still no one answered.

Fang Chi Xia couldn't get through his phone, and the mood of swelling all the way was once again disturbed.

Staring at the screen of the mobile phone for a while, I want to try again, the phone has not been dialed out, and Schroeder suddenly called.

"Chi Xia, I found the hotel where Yibei lived, the address information sent you! The plane is also arranged, the night special plane, go tomorrow night."

"Okay, I know. Thank you!" Fang Chixia held the phone with a tight hand and hung up the call. She turned and went to Xiaoyi's room.

The small milk bag is very embarrassing to climb onto the bed and is ready to sleep.

Seeing her suddenly appearing, Xiao Yi squatted.

"Summer summer, can't you sleep?"

"Yeah." Fang Chi Xia opened the sheet and slid him down, his arms slid into his arms.

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