The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2468: Don't come innocent, you are in your heart (1)

"You are busy first, I take the morning walk around." Fang Chi Xia over the head and Luo Yibei confessed a sentence, and took a small morning walk away.

Xiaochen is now taking a few steps and is not stable. However, unlike the previous ones, adults are required to support them at any time.

Fang Chi Xia did nothing to hold her to a corner of the scene, put her on the carpet, accompanied her to practice walking.

"Dawn, come slowly!"


"Come on baby!"

Xiao Chenxi seems to be a very happy child from birth. When she rushes to her, her mouth is bent, revealing a few small deciduous teeth, a smile, especially cute.

Especially when the milky milk contains "mummy", the voice is melting the heart.

At the entrance to the hall, a figure of the building slowly entered.

As soon as I came in, I saw the scene here, and the man’s eyes were stagnant.

Xiaochen is still slanting toward Fangchi Xia, his hair is soft and soft, with a touch of yellow, and the princess dress worn on his body is sewn by Fang Chixia, small, puffy, special Beautiful.

When you talk, the sound is like a squirrel just out of the valley, and the sweetness is quickly gone.

The man at the entrance quietly stared at the scene here. He didn't know how long he had lost his heart. Until then, the voice of the banquet owner rang. "His Royal Highness, that is the lady of Luo Jiashao and Miss Xiao, the little girl. One year old."

"Yeah." The man just fainted and took a step to continue to the banquet hall.

The direction he walked, and the direction in which Fang Chi Xia was located, was staggered. It seemed to be intentionally avoiding the front and colliding with her.

However, they were almost drowning in the group of guests. Somehow, Fang Chixia’s gaze suddenly turned in his direction.

The lights on the scene were very embarrassing, quietly letting the crystal lamps rush out, like the moon in the ground.

Fang Chixia stared at the back of the gaze for a while, shocked, she seemed to be a little excited, shouting in the direction of the man, "Festino!"

The figure facing her back will be stiff, the steps under her feet will pause, and she will continue to move forward as if she did not hear it. Fang Chixia once again called him, "Festino, I know it is you!" ”

She said very positively, the decibels were very high, and listening to footsteps seemed to be coming over here.

Fasino’s back was stiff against her figure for a while, and she took a deep breath and slowly turned her face.

His gaze glanced at her face, and he greeted her very quietly. "It’s so good! Is it just in city C recently?"

In his words, the clouds are light and windy, and the tone is eager to ask old friends who have not seen for many years.

This is the most comfortable state of Fang Chi Xia and when he gets along with him. She has always talked to him like this.

Smiled, and no matter who she was already a mother, her big hand slap on his shoulder. "Yeah, I have been in C city recently! Where have you been for such a long time?" I have been to you there, business, but it seems that there was no news in your country at the time, and there were rumors that you have not been in Chris Castle for a long time. Is that true?"

"Just go out and walk, and let go of my heart." Fasino sounded faint.

"This way, is it coming back now? Are you ready to settle in Chris Castle for a long time? If you go to R country in the next day, you may be able to see it."

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