"When Yunxi lost, five years old had not arrived. At that time, my parents took her abroad to participate in a grand banquet. Originally, I planned to attend, but I was still in charge of the grandfather of the whole family. Going to meet an important foreign VIP."

"When Yunxi left, she never went back to the palace. From the day she disappeared, her parents sent a lot of people to look for, but for so many years, there has been no news."

“Yunxi likes the blue of the sea and likes the special things of all the tastes of the Y country.”

After thinking about it, I added a sentence, "I like all the islands. When I used to live in the palace, my parents would arrange a family trip of four islands almost every year."

Luo Yibei quietly listened to his words, silent for a while, asked coldly, "Is there anything in the body when I was missing?"

"Listen to Mom, bring a doll."

Luo Yibei’s dark black is very tight, and the fingertips are playing around with the touch screen of the mobile phone. The light is slowly condensing. “What kind of doll?”

"In the year of my fourth birthday, I gave it to her, a plush butterfly dog, the simulation can reach 100%."

Luo Yibei raised his hand and paused, his fingertips tightened the screen of the phone.

His silence after a long time in the words of Cheng Chengxi, a long time in the grass in the distance, seemingly thinking about something.

After a short while, I stood up slowly. "I know, I will send someone to help find it."

Did not continue to ask, stood up, he walked in front of the main house.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Chenxi are still playing on the grass in the distance. Xiaochen’s walking now is still very unstable. However, the little girl’s courage is not small, and she is not afraid to fall. She swings herself to climb the fence from the rose. Got up.

Xiao Yi has always been a baby, this sister is very afraid that she will fall and be careful in the back. "Dawn, be careful! Be careful!"

Xiaochen squinted at him and giggled, his steps didn't stop, but he opened it.

It seems that I want to run. However, one foot just stepped out, but it slammed and fell.

"Dawn, I said to be careful, you see, you don't listen!" Xiao Yi blamed her, ran over to lift her up, wanted to help her wipe the small face, hand stretched over, not touched Her face suddenly, hahahaha laughed.

The face of the morning sun was covered with a lot of mud, and the white face was like a little cat.

Her character is not squeamish, and she does not care. She lifts up the white and tender little hand, waving it sideways, and then waving it to her face, and rubbing it is not taken care of.

This rub, makes Xiao Yi's laughter even more exaggerated.

"Ha ha ha ha... haha..."

Xiaochen was a little puzzled, staring at him with his big eyes, and staying cute, especially lovable.

"Sister, my brother helps you!" Xiao Yi stopped the laughter and raised her hand to help her carefully wipe it.

Yan Chengxi quietly watched this scene of the brother and sister in the distance, and the lips gently rose up.

Now Xiao Yi and Xiao Chenxi, like him and Yun Xi’s childhood, even the age difference is similar.

Luo Yibei walked out of the villa and walked to the side of the brother and sister a few steps, and hugged the little morning owl on the ground.

His famous daughter was in control, and when he saw this morning, his brow was wrinkled, and he turned his head and praised Xiao Yi. "Peace you to soil yourself."

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