The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2951: You are my only (2)

In the night, he stood outside the gate of the house, and his eyes fell in the direction of her room, seemingly staring at her.

Tong Yan stood in front of the guardrail, his fingertips gently rubbed on the jewelry box, and the palm of his hand made the small box hot.

His eyes quietly stared at his direction, and Tong Yan lost the mood of the whole night, like being washed by warm water, and suddenly it was hot.

The specific meaning of Shi Yanyang’s gift of this gift, she could not even guess.

However, for Tong Yan, this is already the biggest relief today.

Whether he loves or loves her, he is at least a unique presence in him!

Shi Yanyang’s eyes were quietly separated from her by the night sky, and she raised her finger to point to the box in her hand.

He is trying to signal her to wear it.

Shi Yanyang did not know what happened to him. He was eager to see her wearing the gift he had chosen for her.

Tong Yan hesitated, the white fingertips took out the necklace, the hair at the neck picked up, and she carefully put it on.

The necklace chosen by Shi Yanyang is very delicate. The white light of the diamond is lined with the delicate skin of the child's face, and they are mutually beautiful. I don't know who installed it.

Shi Yanyang's necklace is actually very suitable for her. After wearing it on her neck, she is as suitable as she chooses.

Shi Yanyang was separated from her by a distance, and the night was too dark. In fact, he could not see the way she wore the necklace.

However, looking at her so much with the action of wearing a necklace, his lips couldn't help but rise up slightly.

I don't have to look at it from a close distance. He knows that her necklace is a good fit.

Standing at the gate of the Qing family, he stared at her quietly for a while, bending over to the car.

This year's Christmas snow has not stopped.

It is rare that there is snow on the road.

Tong Yan saw him leave, turned and went to the room, downstairs, a loud noise suddenly came.

Tong Yan stunned, his eyes turned stiff, and when he looked at Shi Yanyang, a large group of bodyguards had rushed in the direction of him.

Shi Yanyang’s car seems to be something wrong, like... what happened.

Tong Yanying stared at the direction he was in, didn't know how others were doing, meditated, and hurried down to the downstairs.

She ran very fast, stepping on a thick cartoon cotton tug on her foot, and her body was wrapped in pajamas.

Going down the stairs, all the way through the hall, she went straight in the direction of the gate.

"Where is the big night? Change the clothes first!"

Behind him came the snoring of Qing Yafeng. She didn’t even hear it, and she was still walking outside the gate without returning her head.

Her footsteps are fast, and the frequency of staggering is several times that of usual walking.

The cotton slippers on the feet are smoother and have no anti-slip effect. When you step on the snow, it is smooth like a skating.

Probably went too fast, came to the gate, her legs squatted, the body lost its center of gravity, and accidentally fell to the ground.


Tong Yan took a painful breath and licked the buttocks that had been slammed to bloom. He wanted to get up from the ground, and a spring breeze seemed to be warm, but with a playful voice suddenly sounded, "How? So stupid?"

The child’s face is slightly stunned, and the light face is lifted up--

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