"Don't worry, it's not that fast, the small ark reactor for controlled nuclear fusion is the foundation, and in the end everything will be built on the basis of controlled nuclear fusion, and it should take some time.

Lin Feng looked at them so shocked and hurriedly explained.

One is the foundation.

One is the essence.

Even if he has unlimited derivation ability, he still has to make the former first, and then re-deduce it on the basis of the latter.

But as long as controlled nuclear fusion is actually put on the ground and fully built.

Then the small Ark reactor will no longer be a problem.

However, it will take some time for everyone to hear his words.

The look in his eyes was very weird.

A period of time for people is years and decades.

A period of time in the forest wind.

It could be just a few months.

Lin Feng has almost landed all of the world's problems of controllable nuclear fusion in less than two months, what else can he not do?

Thinking of this, they are instantly full of motivation.

If this thing is made.

In terms of aerospace energy, it is simply a change of heaven and earth!

There is no fear of waste at all.

Because controlled nuclear fusion materials are so cheap, almost all of them can be extracted from seawater, and they are almost inexhaustible.

And it's not too polluting.

After processing, it can also be reused.

The key is hundreds or thousands of times!

This is incomparable to countless energy sources, and this terrifying energy utilization rate surpasses any other energy source in the world.

Now hundreds of years into the future.

There won't be much of a breakthrough.

It can help mankind enter a new era of future energy.

However, after the excitement, they still did not forget their job.

The first step is to put controlled nuclear fusion on the ground.

That's the priority.

Today, all the design and construction are almost 90% complete, but they also encountered a big difficulty.

And that's in terms of ignition.

Although the magnetic confinement method is used to confine the reacted plasma in the air without touching any container, it is also a huge difficulty to ignite it.

Because magnetic confinement confines the material of nuclear fusion in the air and is in motion, in order to successfully ignite, it is necessary to have an accurate ignition with ultra-high temperatures.

Inertial confinement laser ignition is a commonly used method.

But today, new tokamak devices are more demanding for ignition, and without a laser with enough power to ignite the fusion material in motion, it is simply not possible to ignite the nuclear fusion material in motion.

Lin Feng subconsciously thought that they knew that the laser weapon they had invented could be used for ignition, so he just described it briefly and brushed it aside.

Because the laser weapon he invented is powerful enough.

It's fast enough.

The catch is also strong enough.

And he didn't expect that the controllable nuclear fusion project and the research of laser weapons were not on the same line at all.

Each other is top secret.

"Lin Feng, there is a difficult problem that I still want to ask you about, that is, about laser ignition! Our research team has used many methods, but none of them can achieve the intensity of the laser in the simulation experiment.

Yuan Hong said to him.

At the same time, he took out the stacks of data in his hand and handed it to him.

Before Lin Feng came, they had already had several meetings.

Since Lin Feng was in control of the general direction, they didn't ask him for advice on this problem for a while.

But now it's almost done.

Ignore this technical challenge.

It's hard to do a crucial step.

Now a crucial key is missing.

Lin Feng subconsciously replied: "It's okay to ignite with a laser weapon, the power is large enough, and the words over there should have been almost studied, as long as it is slightly transformed, it is a perfect igniter." "

Laser weapons, what do you mean?" several people looked at each other.

Of course they thought about using lasers.

But they have already calculated and simply cannot ignite.

Small lasers simply cannot reach the temperature required for ignition.

Unless you borrow the country's top secret weapon, Death A.

But that's too hard to control, one is not careful.

It's chickens flying eggs.

Lin Feng looked at them with a confused expression.

I finally realized that I was not right.

They don't know about laser weapons at all!"

"Classmate Lin Feng, the ignition method you mentioned in the information is indeed laser ignition, but we found out that the existing lasers simply cannot reach such a high intensity and ignite such an ultra-high temperature. Academician Li Tianshui couldn't help but say.

Lin Feng's design is truly unparalleled in the world.

But there's still one less ignition missing.

But they didn't doubt him, for everything but this one was perfect.

"I'm sorry, I thought you know, some time ago, I invented a laser weapon, which was originally used in the military field as a defensive weapon, but now it seems that it can be used for ignition.

The power of the final molding is sufficient to successfully capture the fusion material in the ignition ring tokamak device. Lin Feng said embarrassedly.

He smiled modestly.

There is no pride at all.

Everyone was stunned.

When did you invent the laser weapon

? Aren't you a nuclear professional? One

controlled fusion is enough to make a person go down in history.

Plus a laser weapon.

It can't be described as terrifying.

However, if they knew that the sixth-generation aircraft that was currently in the limelight in Xia Kingdom was also invented by him, it was estimated that everyone would be stupid.

You're an all-rounder.

But you can't be so wicked

! But the way they looked at Lin Feng's eyes, it was already extremely wrong, what kind of shit luck did this guy Zhang Xinzhi take, and from which corner did he dig him out! Lin

Feng saw that none of them spoke, and thought that they had no bottom in their hearts.

Hurriedly said: "I went to see it some time ago, basically it is almost completed, and it has entered the stage of practical application, the power is very strong, the last time I went to see them, it has exceeded 800 kilowatts, but I gave them some suggestions for improvement, it should be able to more than double, I don't know how the research has been done recently!"

More than 150 kilowatts are already ultra-high-energy laser weapons.

At present, it has been beautiful, and the strongest evolutionary weapon that has been announced is only 300 kilowatts

! If you do it casually, it will already exceed three times that of others! If

you hit a drone or even some medium-sized warships, this kind of power is the same as playing, not to mention that you can't run away at a speed that has almost no time difference.

If this is deployed, who will dare to hang around.

If it is deployed on some mobile strategic transport equipment, with such mobility and concealment, coupled with terrifying energy.

Although it is not known how far the range can reach, it is entirely possible to exceed 800 kilowatts of power, and the effective distance of twenty or thirty kilometers.

What's more, after doubling, I shudder to think about it.

No matter how much you come, you can be wiped out directly.

Just ask if you're afraid?

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