This time, the state attaches great importance to the enrollment of the School of Controlled Nuclear Fusion.

Any exam and everything has to make way for it, and nothing can stand in the way.

The organizers are extremely strict about this enrollment, and they must put an end to all foreign forces, and they must not let the group of people abroad have any chances.

The purity of all students must be guaranteed.

This is the most top-level project in the future of the country.

As long as the core data means of the project are controlled.

Then it can be at least twenty years ahead of foreign countries.

Therefore, everything must be kept extremely confidential, and there can be no leakage.

And this enrollment, all the students recruited are students from Xia Kingdom, and there can be no foreign participation.

No matter how good they are, they can't sign up, let alone participate.

Xia Guo's nuclear major is also at the forefront of the world, so there are many people from all over the world who come to study, but this time, they don't have any opportunities.


the document review process will be more cumbersome and reliable than the recruitment of civil servants.

In order to ensure the controllability of core secrets.

If there is a loss of virtue, even the top group of people can not be hired.

The first thing to consider is loyalty to the country.

and security.

Even after they pass the previous checkpoints, all their social media accounts will be censored, and if they are found to have reactionary tendencies and illegal acts that insult the country, they will all be isolated.

There is no guarantee that these people will be able to do this particular job.

And don't divulge any secrets to the outside world.

However, although the majors and grades are relaxed, controlled nuclear fusion, as the country's top project, still has to set a certain threshold.

At least in the direction of the main subject, there should not be too serious deviant behavior.

Layer upon layer of sifting down.

There will be a large number of people who will be screened away, but fortunately, there are many colleges and universities in Xia Guo that have opened nuclear majors, and even after all the screenings are completed, a large number of people can still be left.

These will be their new forces.

At present, it has not yet been fully rolled out, and when the time comes, when the controlled nuclear fusion has developed to a certain point, this major can be opened in the college entrance examination major.

The training system will be more perfect.

The most important thing is that all the information of all selected people will be kept top secret, and all files about them will be deleted online.

No one should try to find them.

This whole set down.

If foreign forces want to intervene, it will be almost impossible to get involved.

After five days of fermentation.

Tens of thousands of people have signed up.

This time, the country directly set up ten test centers.

As a screening for the first round.

After screening, you will have the opportunity to enter the imperial capital for re-examination.

The first round is the most basic and is about their grades in school and the general knowledge of nuclear expertise.

In the first round, almost half of the people who want to fish in troubled waters can be screened.

Fang Su of Imperial University of Science and Technology successfully passed the first round of written examinations and grade point review.

His results were already good.

It can be ranked in the forefront of the Imperial University of Science and Technology.

With the exception of this major, all public courses are excellent.

It's an excellent seedling.

In the end, 2,000 people were screened out.

In the first round, four out of five were selected.

However, in the end, it is estimated that there are only 200 people who can enter the finals.

From tens of thousands of people to 200 people.

It's almost a 50:1 ratio.

They will enter the Academy of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, where they will learn a whole new way, and all will take different paths.

They will be the first batch of students.

And after the end of the system learning, all the qualified personnel will directly enter the project team and successfully enter the institute to work.

This is an opportunity for all.

Almost once and for all.

That's the deadliest attraction.

The second round of screening will consist of many aspects.

Yuan Hong and other top academicians at the national level will make propositions and investigate them, and this time the investigation is all-round.

The most important thing is the idea of controlled nuclear fusion.

There are no reference books.

There isn't even a right answer.

All are screened by their answers.

This round looks at their ability to react, as well as the pioneering and creative nature of their thinking.

This time there is no right answer, and there are no wrong answers.

Anything is possible.

As soon as they passed, the state censored all of their social accounts.

In today's information age, everything is almost no longer a secret.

No matter how deep it is hidden, it will be dug out.

When the state apparatus is in its hands, there will be no secrets in everything.

A group of people will be screened out in each round.

Extremely strict.

There is hardly any human affection to tell.

Everything is subject to strict procedures.

And it's supervised by NSA personnel.

Completely put an end to the behavior of some characters who want to send some people in through the back door.

Finally, it went through five rounds of screening.

A total of 200 people were selected.

At the same time, there will be 300 people on the shortlist.

And these two hundred.

will be available as the first batch of students at the Academy of Nuclear Fusion.

Enter the legendary Academy of Controlled Nuclear Fusion for real learning.

None of the admitted people can find out any information about them.

All of them were notified by the state, and at the same time all their files were extracted, and everything about them on the Internet was deleted.

Since then, no information about them has been found.

But even so.

They are also under surveillance at the beginning.

It is impossible to get access to the core secrets in the first place.

Fang Su and a large number of other people from all over the country were secretly picked up, and all their belongings disappeared completely overnight, without a trace.

Two days later, everyone gathered in the Academy of Controlled Nuclear Fusion.

All were passionate.

The mood is joyful.

Part of it is the thirst for knowledge of controlled nuclear fusion.

There is also joy for their future.

As soon as they entered, the person in charge of the school took them on a tour of the college.

As a former remodeling.

The college is not big, but the environment is very elegant.

Ideal for study and work.

When they visited the campus, they found the head of the school.

The Vice-Dean of the Faculty and the Honorary Dean of the Faculty are all public.

Of course, Yuan Hong and the others knew, and even some of their textbooks were written by them.

Honorary Deans, they know too.

Dean Chen.

He is currently the head of the National Academy of Sciences.

Moreover, during his reign, the National Academy of Sciences developed well, and all its subordinate institutions were integrated.

But in the section on the dean, there are neither photographs nor descriptions.

There is only one name.

Or even just one word.


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