Lin Feng went back to Meng or took things and then returned to his original residence.

When he went back, Meng He didn't sleep, and Meng He looked at him with strange eyes, which made him a little hairy.

If they live together again, they will probably have to expose their secrets.

Once exposed.

Meng or don't think about Ansheng in the future.

So in order to avoid causing him trouble, it is better to go back to your accommodation.

Fortunately, Meng Or didn't ask much, as a relevant practitioner in the industry, he also knew that the stakes were high, and it was not good for him to know more.

Anyway, it will be declassified one day.

It was already early in the morning when Lin Feng went back, and there were still many law enforcers on his way home.

With the help of today's massive operation, the joint operation of the military and police has blocked one area after another, resulting in many unexpected gains when the car is constantly checked.

On the side of the road, he saw several fugitive-looking people being arrested.

Today is like catching turtles in an urn, they can't fly out even if they have wings, because there are helicopters in the sky.

He shook his head, these people are really unlucky, and they deserve it.

When he returned to his quarters, his keen mental strength saw that there were several people guarding the house he had rented.

But they all chose not to be close to their own houses.

Just secretly staring at protection.

However, he also wanted to know that these people should not be wrongdoers, but people.

Although I don't want them to follow, but today has just ended, and the value I have embodied is so great, they should also do some protective measures.

If it weren't for some unsightly people who came to me to make trouble, it is estimated that they would be greeted by the iron fist of the country.

He really wanted all the people who were so malicious to him to come over.

He went home and took a good shower and fell asleep.

I slept until dawn the next day.

Only then did he get up comfortably.

He was going to the imperial capital in a few days, and he was a little reluctant to face the house where he had lived for several years.

Although it is a little shabby, the price is still very affordable.

He completed one research after another in this small courtyard and wrote one paper after another.

It's a bit nostalgic to leave now.

But it's also a good thing.

People always have to go to high places.

And this time, he doesn't have to worry about all the tuition and miscellaneous fees, naturally someone will help him solve it, and there will be a large bonus, which can improve the life of the family.

The family's old house can also be repaired, he has been in college for four years, and the family has spent a lot of money, and his parents have been doing their best to provide for him to study.

I have suffered all these years.

Even if he didn't go to this university, his family's life would be much better.

I used to be involved in scientific research, and I never thought of exchanging these for money.

But now that there is a chance, it is time to repay it.

As for some of my relatives, some of them are not very good.

When he was in college, he belittled him openly and secretly, saying that his children would compare how much money they had earned.

So every year, when his parents encounter this kind of occasion, they don't talk much.

Although they didn't say it, Lin Feng also knew that they wanted to fight for a breath, wanted to confess themselves, and made themselves stand out.

He tucked his graduate acceptance letter in the compartment and prepared to take it back to make them happy.

After cleaning up, he called home and reported that he was safe.

By the way, I asked them about it.

His parents said it didn't matter, and he hadn't seen anyone.

Lin Feng guessed that someone should have taken those people away very early.

They were not affected.

But that's fine, he didn't want to mention these things to them, so as not to worry them.

Outside the good news is not bad.

After packing everything, he took the high-speed train with his suitcase and turned home.

And on the other side.

Director Liu woke up in the morning and began to lay out.

The report has been typed up, and the authority has been approved.

What's more, Lin Feng's incident not only caused a stir in the entire online world, but even many senior officials in real life are paying attention.

In particular, he was involved in top-secret scientific research projects.

Now his profile has been placed at the highest level.

Up to Heaven.

As soon as the joint book of so many academicians and experts came out, coupled with the particularity of the scientific research project, it is not an exaggeration to call him the national treasure of the entire country!

It is estimated that in the hearts of many people.

He may not be as important as him.

But he wasn't jealous either.

He has a specialization in the art industry, and what he does is to maintain national security and eliminate all potential enemies.

After so much preparation, it's time to close the net.

He started making phone calls and officially got into action.

This operation, codenamed "Clear the Net"!

began to formally intervene in the takeover.

At the same time, the message of assistance was also sent to law enforcement agencies across the country.

Naturally, they are not just simply committing cyberbullying, if they are cyberbullying alone, if they do not cause serious consequences, they are not the masterminds, and they will not have too serious consequences.

There is no need for a law enforcement bureau.

But these people who are about to be arrested all have a common characteristic, that is, they all have the intrusion of foreign forces behind them.

They took advantage of this cyberbullying opportunity.

Take the opportunity to provoke confrontation.

The articles they posted, those remarks, have caused serious damage to national security, and that's why they're really arrested.

But those who engage in cyberbullying are unlikely to let them go.

Especially those self-media.

In order to get traffic and eat human blood steamed buns, he wrote one article after another that distorted the facts to guide the public opinion of the entire public.

Although the cybersecurity law cannot convict and arrest them.

But their articles, as well as their website media, are not so good.

Once these are blocked, they will make them even more painful than arresting them.

It is even more uncomfortable than asking for their lives!

Director Liu just wants to beat them up once and for all, so that they will always remember this lesson.

Some things are not easy to touch.

Some steamed buns are not easy to eat.

These things are highly poisonous.

If you swallow it, it will be fatal.

And how much traffic I ate before, now I have to spit it out exponentially.

After the start of the "Clear the Net" operation, in addition to that, the Information Department, which is in charge of network security, began to intervene.

Behind every mega site stands a huge capital, but when the power of the state comes like the power of thunder.

All capital has to stand aside!

In the face of such forces, they are as small as a speck of dust.

A huge storm began to brew in the online world, and then erupted.

Spread everywhere in an instant!

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