He took a taxi to the Imperial University of Science and Technology again.

The nuclear major in the university is one of the ace majors.

In the evaluation of nuclear science and technology, the whole country can rank among the top three.

So the nuclear information here is very rich.

He pulled out his special papers.

Enter the university campus.

This document is specially made to prove his special identity, and with this certificate, he can shuttle through various universities in the imperial capital.

After entering the Imperial University of Science and Technology, he went directly to the library.

Books for nuclear majors are on the eighth floor.

Because of the peculiarities of the nuclear profession.

It's relatively quiet.

He walked into the eighth floor of the library, in the nuclear professional book area, and saw only a few people.

Basically, I'm immersed in hard reading.

There were even a few people writing and drawing.

He walked in, but it still attracted a lot of attention.

Because he continued to come to the eighth floor of the library some time ago, he has already become a familiar face.

Even the caretakers on this floor smiled and nodded at him when they saw him.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, where have you been?" the administrator said to him with a smile.

"I've been busy with a project recently, so I don't have that much time, and the project just achieved initial success two days ago, and I just came back to the imperial capital. Lin Feng said half-truthfully, as long as he didn't talk about the specific project, no one could guess what he was going to do.

"Which professor's student are you, are you working on your graduation project?" guessed the administrator, who had recently been in the graduation project period, and many students had gone out with their mentors to find inspiration.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a student at Imperial University of Science and Technology. Lin Feng was a little helpless, if he had known that he would get to the bottom of it like this, he wouldn't speak.

How good it is to come quietly and go quietly by yourself.

"Not a student from our school, so how did you get in?" said the administrator, frowning.

If it weren't for Lin Feng, he would have grown white and clean.


It looks very impressive.

He wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Because the school was originally in the lockdown stage, for the safety of the school, outsiders were hardly allowed to enter, but Lin Feng came for more than half a month as soon as he came, and he came every day.

If this is the case, it proves that there are huge loopholes in their lockdown campus.

It's a hidden danger to the whole campus.

More importantly, nuclear technology is relatively special, and if it is used by people with good intentions, the results will not be good.

However, he didn't think Lin Feng should be such a person.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, the administrator thought that he had something unspeakable, and his face softened.

"It's not that you can't come, it's just that the school is in the lockdown stage during this time, outsiders can't enter, and the students in the school can't go out casually, if you really need it, you can ask me to help you get a library card, and as long as it's in the safe stage in the future, you can come whenever you want." "

He also retired from the middle of the school.

Come to the library and shine.

It's kind of a retreat into the background.

So it's as simple as just getting a library card.

When Lin Feng heard this, he quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, in fact, I am a researcher in an institution, and because of the needs of my work, I have to borrow the libraries of various universities to learn about nuclear majors." "

Institutional researchers?" the administrator was skeptical, not convinced.

How could there be such a young researcher?

Lin Feng saw that he didn't believe it, so he had no choice but to take out his own documents.

"This is my ID!"

the manager touched the stamp on the ID, and then to his face, accurately.

That's when he believed.

He knew about the institution of the wind certificate, which belonged to a special institution and was almost not open to the public.

If it is said that it is specially handled, it can really enter and exit various campuses.

"Young people, your future is limitless, go on this road, this road needs more young people to take care of, and the country also needs you. "He also came from a nuclear background.

But in recent years, society has been impetuous.

When many students choose a major, the first choice is those majors that come quickly and can be realized quickly.

The nuclear profession has long since become the weakest of the weak.

He sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.

But there is no way to do it, and this is how social development is.

The high housing prices have already made countless people anxious.

There's nothing wrong with seeking a high-paying job.

"I will continue to work hard!Thank you!" Lin Feng nodded at this senior.

Step inside the books.

He began to look for books on nuclear science that he had read before.

All the base models were already in his mind.

It probably took him less than a week to build all the models in his head.

If he were the only one, it would be almost impossible to build controlled nuclear fusion, because the so-called devices cost a lot of money.

Not to mention the supporting equipment.

Hydropower alone can make it difficult for him to solve.

But now he has the whole country behind him.

As long as his idea is mature, once it is handed in, all the decision-making members will take it very seriously.

He is not needed to prove himself at all.

Once he had found the book he needed, he grabbed a bit of scratch paper from the side.

Start deducing while watching.

There are all kinds of symbols and formulas written on the paper.

If you don't know how to read it, you will only feel like a ghost drawing a thing, and you can't understand it at all.

But if it is seen by someone who knows how to do it, then it will be shocking.

The outside world at the moment.

There was also a heavyweight news.

After experiencing the failure of the sixth-generation aircraft, the beautiful country once again released heavy news in the scientific community.

The science and technology fusion project they built has made great progress.

It is expected that a breakthrough development will be made within ten years.

Even a small fraction of a controlled fusion device can be used for national applications.

As soon as this news was released, it instantly aroused countless discussions in the scientific community.

Controlled fusion is one of the great problems of the scientific community, and it is also the ultimate goal of countless scientific researchers.

If any country had invented this device in advance, it would have had a great say in the whole world.

No more being stuck in the energy side.

Even just seeing the tip of the iceberg is incomparably exciting.

After the news was released by the Nuclear Industry Laboratory in the beautiful country, the hot search on this topic once again rushed to the top.

Most people are familiar with the term controlled nuclear fusion, as they often see it in science fiction.

It is because of this that they understand how strong the meaning behind this is.

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