The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 13 The true identity of the administrator

The bell rings.

The administrator had already prepared the meal and was moving in the corridor with heavy steps.

Wait until one minute after the sound of its footsteps disappears.

The door to the room opened one after another, and the swollen man and the cleft woman walked towards the first floor.

The tentacle man's door was closed, but he listened to Suki's words and stayed in the room obediently.

And probably another minute later.

The door to the room at Door 6 was opened, and the corpse man, wearing a thick black robe, slowly walked out of the room.

After it came out, its eyes trembled slightly. It saw Su Qi leaning against the corridor at some point, as if waiting for something?

The tentacle guy waiting at the opposite door?

The corpse man looked calm. These two people were very weak, and it was normal for them to stick together. This was a smart choice, but it was of little use in the face of so many dangerous and weird things.

You should soon be able to see other people taking action against this new resident.

This has nothing to do with myself.

Anyway, the residents in the apartment will be constantly changing, and it is happy to see these people fighting. Unfortunately, what it doesn't know is that one of the residents, the bandage man, is gone.

Su Qi placed the butcher knife on the lining, checked his physical strength after a day of rest, and then stood up.

"I hate going around and around. What I like most is simplicity and roughness."

"Next, it's time to have a good chat with these neighbors."

The tentacled man sat nervously beside his bed. He looked at the door from time to time, wanting to get up and go out to see the situation, but after thinking of Su Qi's advice yesterday, he sat down sadly.

"He said yesterday he wanted to talk to the neighbours."

"But those guys are a bunch of crazy, scary and weird people. How can we talk to him calmly?"

As someone who has lived here for a while.

It's not like the tentacle man didn't have the same idea as Suki, he really gave some of his valuable things to other residents.

Although it is of no use.

But fortunately, those weird people don't look down on little ants like me.

What's the situation outside now?

The tentacled man looked towards the door, because the partition between the second floor and the first floor was very thick, and coupled with the spiral staircase, there was no sound at all.

It's been five minutes now, I don't know what's going on now.

"It can't be that he has been killed."

The tentacle man had actually already made a guess. Although he was timid and lacked strength, he could tell that Su Qi was not an ordinary resident. He was very courageous.

But courage cannot be eaten as food.

Ten minutes finally passed slowly.

The tentacle man stood up and slowly opened the door. The corridor was still dark.

He walked cautiously toward the spiral staircase.

But his mind had already begun to have nervous thoughts.

Maybe the next scene you see is the swollen man, the corpse man, the bandaged man, and the cleft woman sitting at the dinner table, holding a knife and fork in their hands, cutting up Suki on the table.

The tentacled man leaned down and stuck his head out from the edge of the sandalwood stairs while holding his breath.

Then he saw an incredible scene.

The entire hall on the first floor felt as if it had just experienced an explosion. Both the carpet and the surrounding walls were scorched black. As for the dining table in the middle, it had already been shattered into pieces, and wood chips were flying everywhere.

And now in a clearing.

There are three figures lying there.

The swollen man was covered in blood and his butt was hanging on the wall lamp, but at least he looked weird and was still breathing.

The cracked girl's teeth were completely missing, her hair was disheveled, and she was extremely miserable. One of her arms was blown away like a rag doll.

The last corpses were already scattered to the east and west.

And as if this was not safe enough, they were still tightly bound with white bandages, unable to even struggle.

The tentacled man stood there dumbfounded.

How could this happen, where is Su Qi?

At this moment, footsteps came slowly, and Su Qi's figure walked out of the kitchen. He was holding a rag in his hand and was wiping the blood off his hands.

"Stop hanging there and come down."

Don't use a normal tone of voice, like asking me to come down for dinner!

The tentacle man didn't know how he got to the first floor. He only felt the scarlet gazes of the three people stabbing him like knives at all times.

He was trembling and on the verge of tears: "What on earth happened here?"

"It's nothing, just a little food with added toxins, a hissing sound that triggers all the pollutants in the apartment, and a little thunderball."

The tentacled man didn't understand, but was shocked.

What happened in the past ten minutes?

The toxin was indeed the jar I gave him yesterday.

He couldn't even imagine how terrible it would be to trigger all the pollutants on the first floor of the apartment, but Su Qi acted like nothing happened.

As for the final thunder group, it is no longer important.

"I just put all the pollutants back, there will be no problem now." Su Qi said calmly.

As long as he clicked the clock, all the pollutants in the apartment on the first floor were released, which only cost him -1 point of mental power.

For a few others, it was fatal.

"And there's that bandage weirdo." The tentacle man suddenly realized that someone was missing here and murmured.

"Don't you think the bandages on them look familiar?"

The tentacle man suddenly understood: "You have reached a cooperation with the bandage weirdo!"

Su Qi pointed up.

When Tentacle raised his head, he saw a body that had been dead for a while, hanging upside down from the ceiling with bandages.

"It was originally hidden in the chandelier on the ceiling, but the explosion just now was a bit violent and it was shaken out."

The tentacle man shuddered and looked at Suki tremblingly.

He couldn't be more wrong.

I thought this new resident was just an ordinary person.

Now it seems that he is the most dangerous existence, kneeling to the boss.

I've already knelt down, so it's okay.

After the tentacle man was shocked, he remembered that there was an unknown and terrifying existence in the apartment, and said quickly: "Then what should we do now? Clean up this place first? Otherwise, when the administrator comes out tomorrow and sees everything here, he will go crazy."

He looked at the devastated first floor with a grimace: "But how can we clean it up?"

Suki looked at the tentacled man with an eager and anxious look, as if he was really thinking about him.

He smiled and said:

"Don't worry, the administrator won't come out."


"It's always been here."

The tentacled man was stunned and shrank his head in fear: "Where? Let's hide quickly. The notice clearly prohibits any contact with the administrator."

Suki slowly moved his gaze towards the tentacled man.

The tentacled man, whose face was anxious, adjusted his glasses with some fear, looked back, and saw three figures behind him, and said quickly: "Could it be one of the three of them?"

Su Qi smiled and looked at the [? 】

The message written above only contained five simple words.

【Apartment Manager】

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