The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 2 Abyss Paradise, activated!

Su Qi returned home and cooked a bowl of noodles.

He doesn't like soup noodles. The essence of noodles lies in dry mixing. Each noodle can be covered with sauerkraut and infused with a strong flavor.

in front of the computer screen.

He started browsing the official forum of "Abyss Paradise".

I have to say that this game is too popular. It has not yet been released to public beta, and the number of followers has exceeded 3 million.

Someone posted a post complaining about the evil intentions of the Rubik's Cube company. The game cabin is bundled with the game, and only one game, "Abyss Paradise", can be played. The price is very expensive in comparison.

But someone immediately started to maintain it.

"Why is it expensive? Don't talk nonsense, sometimes look for your own reasons."

"Those who love to play or don't play in the abyss are doomed to live a failed life."

"The game hasn't even been released yet, why are there so many filial sons?" Su Qi directly ignored the useless and crazy news.

He read some valuable content, roughly as follows.

Abyss Paradise had previously conducted a confidential and deleted internal beta test for half a year. Many internal testers spoke on the forum and seemed to be forming cliques to gather new players who knew nothing.

in addition.

The structure of the game is extremely large. According to insiders from Rubik's Cube Company, the game has an unlimited number of copy worlds for players to explore, with infinite possibilities. Moreover, plug-ins that other games hate will never appear in "Abyss Paradise" .

"Really, 0 cheats, so it seems I have to play. I hate cheating the most."


The morning of the public beta.

Su Qi got up early for a run, took a shower and had breakfast.

Then he lay down in the game cabin refreshed and ready to enter the game.

He knocked on the narrow bulkhead, looked at the door that closed automatically, and said: "The person who designed the game cabin must have been a funeral director before. This is no different from the feeling I had when I was lying in a coffin in a haunted house."

[Neural connection in progress]

【connection succeeded】

[Players with serial number 985211 are welcome to use our products]

[Please note that during the game, people may experience nausea, dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms, and may also have a negative impact on the player's mood. Players are asked to bear the consequences themselves. If you have any uncomfortable symptoms, please stop the game immediately and report to the police immediately. Physicians seek help]

【Wish you a happy game】

After a brief absence.

Su Qi appeared in a dark room. Except for some light from the system information, there was deep darkness.

There were also strange and confusing sounds coming from outside the room, with monsters roaring and laughing strangely.

He listened to the weird sounds coming from outside one after another: "The personal login space is made like this, do you want the players to be immersed in it? Or do you want to create a scary atmosphere?"

Ordinary people may indeed panic and remain motionless in bright light.

Su Qi had already walked over in the dark. He tried to open the door to find out, but the door handle could not be turned.

Instead, a message popped up in front of me.

[This area is not open]

He could only stretch out his hand and knock on the door: "The effect is enough, it's too noisy."

I don’t know if it’s because I heard Suki’s words, or if it’s the design of the game itself.

The sounds outside the room soon faded away.

[Please enter your game nickname now]

Su Qi never considered using his real name. After pondering for a moment, he made a decision.

[Is the nickname confirmed to be: Su Buxian]

[Confirmed successfully]

[Will player Su Buxian enter the single-player copy immediately? After entering the dungeon, you can unlock the character panel]


next moment.

The system light disappeared, and the entire room fell into complete darkness.

A faint cry sounded from the darkness.

It obviously felt far away, but suddenly it was close to his ears, and a hoarse voice came out like a burnt throat:

"Welcome to the abyss."

After a short wait, the darkness receded like a tide.

Su Qi touched his ears with a dark face: "It's scary. Why are you so close? And why do you feel like you're being licked?"

He looked up.

The original landing space has been turned into a wooden house.

The cabin was very dark, with a few rays of sunset filtering through the cracks in the wooden door, which was not very tight, and shining on the somewhat dirty floor.


Su Qi looked at his feet. There seemed to be dried liquid on the floor. Flies were flying everywhere in the room. The tip of his nose quickly caught an indescribable smell.

Before he could see the whole view of the wooden house.

My eyes suddenly blurred, the copy's introductory CG screen slowly emerged, and a cold voice sounded in my ears.

[Your car broke down on a deserted roadside due to a flat tire. Desperate, you were invited by someone passing by to go to his home]

[His family lives in a remote town nearby. There are not many residents in the town, but everyone who meets you is very welcoming. You decide to stay for one night and deal with your car the next day]

[It’s just——the vague traces found make you uneasy]

The CG shows the scenes you see along the way, including bushes covered with barbs, churches used for prayer, and warm smiles on everyone’s faces.

The next moment the task prompt also appeared.

[Mission: Escape from the town or survive for three hours]

Su Qi watched the picture slowly disappear, and now he had time to look at the wooden house with his eyes.

There isn't much in the cabin except for a bed.

It seemed to be a temporary residence for outsiders, but it was obvious that he was not the only outsider here.

Su Qi touched the dried liquid on the ground, brought it to the tip of his nose and smelled it.

“It smells like disinfectant, but nothing more than that”

There was also a putrid smell that even a trace of disinfectant couldn't cover up. Although he looked around the cabin, he didn't see anything.

Su Qi suddenly stared blankly.

A small question mark is sitting quietly in the corner next to the bed.

"Sure enough, you can see it in this game."

After he walked over, he saw the message.

[This board is a little loose]

Su Qi opened the wooden board, raised his brows, and saw a horrifying scene.

There is an empty space below, which is filled with skeletons. There are several corpses that are obviously not completely decomposed. The meat hanging rate above is higher than that of the pork ribs seller at the entrance of the community.

He pinched his nose, and when he opened it, he was almost knocked over by the stench.

"In other words, all outsiders invited here were killed here."

Su Qi's eyes were very sharp and he found a plastic bag in the chest of a corpse. He reached out and took it out.

The outside of the plastic bag was covered in blood.

After opening it, I found a small voice recorder and work badge inside.

"It seems that he is a reporter who got here by mistake."

Su Qi skipped the previous voices and turned directly to the last day.

A man's voice soon came from the recorder.

[At 6:26 pm, I was really unlucky. The car broke down, so I had no choice but to choose to stay in this remote town. However, the residents of the town were very enthusiastic and even brought dinner. The dinner was delicious]

[At 7 p.m., when I was getting ready to go out, the enthusiastic maid next door, Mary, seemed to be waiting for me, and took me for a walk. I found that in a small town with a population of less than fifty people, there was actually a seat The church, the patterns on it give me a very familiar feeling, but I can’t remember some of them]

[At 7:40 p.m., the sun has already set. People in the town seem to go to church to pray at this point. Although it is a bit strange, it is other people’s customs.]

[7:47 pm, I can't stand the smell of dead mice in the cabin anymore. Couldn't they notice it? I wanted to mention it, but seeing their warm and hospitable look, I couldn't say it. Forget it. Come clean]

The voice did not hang up. Apparently he had discovered the source of the stench and was creaking the floor.

Suki already knew what was coming.

After opening.


There was an obvious sound of the recorder falling, followed by his frightened and trembling voice: [Oh my god, what the hell is this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this. ? 】

The voice hangs up.

Apparently the other party discovered the skeleton inventory below.

Su Qi shifted his attention to the last voice message, which was at 8 o'clock in the evening.

A trembling voice came out from the recorder, and the despair and fear could be clearly felt as he spoke, which was completely different from the beginning.

[Why, there are so many corpses here, could they... I remembered, that pattern! Damn damn it! Everyone here is an evil cultist, and every outsider will be sacrificed to the devil by them]

The man wanted to escape, his steps were hurried, but he suddenly stopped, as if he saw something terrifying outside the window.

[They have finished praying, and they are all holding torches and standing outside the wooden house]

The voice became smaller and smaller here, and he made a final desperate sound weak and trembling.

【I can't escape anymore】

[Click! 】

The sound of the cabin door being opened sounded from the recorder.

at the same time.

Su Qi heard the same sound coming from the wooden house door behind him.


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