The Night Devil's Lair is a huge cave, the overall size is roughly the size of two football fields plus the auditorium and stands. There are all kinds of rugged rocks growing in the cave.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the big oak tree in the middle that requires ten people to surround it!

The dome on the big oak tree has moonlight shining in, and there are several night demons under the tree, kicking round skulls around. Among the complex stone pillars, other night demons can also be seen. The figure of the devil.

Even though most of the night demons will go out and wander around, some will still stay by the big oak tree. Although they are not smart, they seem to be aware of the importance of this big oak tree.

And just then.


An explosion sounded directly outside the cave!

The shaking sound instantly made all the night demons in the lair raise their heads, and their scarlet eyes showed a bit of madness!

Some of them jumped up directly and headed towards the direction of the sound!

But there is still some part left here.

"It has an effect, although it's not big." Ye Shou and the others were already standing at a high-angle entrance, looking down at everything below: "There are probably more than forty of them."

They used explosions to attract the Night Demon's attention, but they didn't dare to use it a second time. After all, after attracting the wandering Night Demons in the city, everything would be over.

"And now Archie and the two are driving to attract each other, hoping to contain the Night Demon who just chased them away for a little longer."

"It's our turn!"

After Ye Shou made a gesture, several grenades were thrown in another direction!


The force of the grenade explosion kicked up clouds of dust!

And this moment.

The breakout group led by Ye Shou and others and Bearded Beard jumped directly from another place in a different direction!


They move quickly!

The surrounding night demons roared angrily and pounced on him with blood-red eyes! That terrifying body and steel-like claws seemed to tear them humans into pieces!

"Turn on UV rays!"

The bearded man roared!

The tower personnel in the distance directly turned on the ultraviolet spotlight, and the strong ultraviolet rays directly forced the night devils who rushed towards them back!

The people in the tower were not the main attacker, but only auxiliary. Flames spurted out from the muzzles of the machine guns, and a large number of bullets were poured on the Night Demon, trying to open a way for Night Guard and the others!

And all this was to deliver the explosive vehicle with a terrifying yield to the big oak tree.


Ah Zhi was sitting in the driving position of the armed vehicle, watching the area clearing in front of him. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward with reckless momentum!

A large number of night demons roared crazily and poured out from all directions! They instinctively sensed the threat and rushed toward the vehicle!


Lao Tomato also changed from his previous shyness, roared and threw out his equipment, and a rope stained with blood flew out, and actually tied up several night demons tightly!

At the same time, the ultraviolet light is also added very quickly, forcing back the approaching night demon!

"Run it for me!"

Ah Hee trampled him to death and headed straight for the big oak tree!

At this moment, five night demons jumped up and attacked the tower personnel who placed the ultraviolet lamps. Although they didn't have many brains, they still had some!

"Be careful!" The tower personnel poured out a large number of bullets, and the bullets hit the Night Demon's body circle after circle.

"We must not let them destroy these things!"

However, there were too many night demons. After the tower personnel were restrained, they missed the fact that seven night demons were jumping from the sky towards the armed vehicles.

Ah Zhi's face changed drastically, and he was just about to turn the steering wheel in his hand.

Xun Xiaohuan appeared on the armed vehicle, stepped on the vehicle, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about it, just step on the accelerator and leave the rest to me."

Ah Zhi gritted his teeth: "Okay, let them see my ability to fail three subjects twice in a row!"

He held the steering wheel tightly, stepped on the accelerator, and headed straight towards the big oak tree!


There are more than a dozen night demons opening their mouths wide and letting out foul-smelling roars. They are guarding the big oak tree, trying to collide directly with the armed vehicle!

The color of Xun Xiaohuan's pupils changed, and he was about to use his ultimate move.

"I come!"

Ye Shou shouted loudly, and the gloves on his palms flickered slightly, which meant that he had always been wearing this piece of equipment, and his figure would be revealed when activated.


The terrifying air cannon was directly blasted out by this punch, and the huge impact caused the night demons on this road to be scattered!

At the same time, Ye Shou was also thrown ten meters away by the recoil! His body was also knocked out and fractured, and he fell to the ground dying. He looked at the message that popped up on him.

[HP loss is 30%, physical strength is currently 5 points]

Ye Shou gave a wry smile and said weakly: "I rushed, I fell, and I leave the rest to you."

Although Xun Xiaohuan only had a small knife at the moment, he was extremely experienced in combat. His eyes were sharp, his face was cold, and he had the aura of fighting out of all kinds of cruel mountains of corpses and seas of blood. He stunned all the night demons who came close to the vehicle. Block them all!

"It's about to hit!"

Ah Zhi's expression was stern, and the armed vehicle was already flying at a roar, slamming into the big oak tree at a speed of one hundred yards per hour.

And at the same time.

Xun Xiaohuan stretched out his hand, grabbed Ah Xi and dragged him out of the driver's seat, then kicked his feet and rolled to the side.


The huge explosion set off a terrifying wave, and a large amount of smoke and dust flew out! Countless gravels shot out at extremely fast speeds under the impact!

The sound of the explosion echoed in the cave, making everyone present's eardrums tremble, and their expressions were excited and nervous.



The beard and lips suddenly turned white, and the cigarette butt fell to the ground. He stared five meters in front of the big oak tree. A group of night demons actually rushed up and relied on their own bodies to block it, even though the terrifying explosives blew them to pieces. Blurred, broken limbs!

"No! No!" He roared angrily, unwilling to accept this fact. His finger was tightly pressed on the trigger of the machine gun, and the barrel was melted and deformed by the extremely high temperature and refused to let go.

The expressions of Ye Shou and others gradually changed from hope at first to shock, and then their eyes dimmed.

".It actually failed."

Old Tomato, who was covered in blood, turned his head and didn't want to look at the desperate expressions of those in the tower. He lowered his head and said, "I thought we were different from the outsiders before."

But now.

Still did not escape the ending of failure.

Xun Xiaohuan was as calm as iron and said: "Retreat first! As long as the group is not destroyed, you can't give up!"

And this time.

There was also the low roar of the Night Demon coming from outside the cave.

The explosion in the lair also called back the wandering night demon!

Xun Xiaohuan looked at the night demon figures that kept appearing with a gloomy expression!

I'm afraid I can't even retreat now.

Ye Shou fell to the ground and vomited blood. His health continued to decrease. Old Tomato had been slapped away by Night Demon's paw, and Ah Shou couldn't get up even as he was rolling.

The tower survivors' eyes were filled with despair!

Right now.

A voice suddenly sounded from an entrance on the top of the cave, with a strange pipa sound!

Echoing in the cave!

Chilling, humming, like thousands of swords clashing on a rainy night, impassioned!

It’s getting more urgent and shocking!

When such a sound appeared in such a scene, not only them, but also the tower survivors and Night Demon were a little shocked.

And there is only one idea in everyone's mind.

What's going on! ?

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