The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 60 Miscellaneous Fish Piano! (Seeking for further reading)


Everyone couldn't understand.

Ye Shou was a veteran. He sighed:

"It's okay, let's go first. Brother Su is a very team-oriented person. He must have other things he wants to do, and he will come over later."


Jun Mowen said thoughtfully: "There may be other special tasks after playing the piano, but we all failed, so let's leave this to him."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Ye Shou walked among the crowd in silence. Although he said so, he was the first one not to believe it.

Everyone opened the door to Room 6 and headed towards the corridor.

The door crashed down.

Only Su Qi and the piano were left.

Suki looked at it, and it seemed to be looking at Suki.

"Ding! Ding!"

The blood-stained piano made a somewhat provocative sound. It was spiritual in itself and had already sensed what Su Qi wanted to do.

Challenge it?

"Don't worry, let's warm up with a song first."

Su Qi pressed her fingers on the keys and played a golden children's song.

Two Tigers Love to Dance DJ version.

The music is melodious! Enthusiastic and cheerful!

However, this obviously confused Bloodstained Piano.

at the same time.

It also made everyone who had not gone far look at each other a little.

"Yakumo-kun, are you really sure he is doing something serious?"

Night Watch: "."

He opened his legs and walked forward: "I don't know anything."

Although the blood-stained piano is a bit confusing, the children's songs are just children's songs, and the DJ is just a DJ with a cheerful rhythm!

It doesn't use musical notation at all, it just follows it and it's accurate.

Su Qi looked at the opponent's speed. With such a rapid copy, it seemed that it would be extremely difficult to defeat it.

The song is over.

The blood-stained piano made a trembling sound, seeming to say that this is it?

"Don't worry, it was just a warm-up." Su Qi said with a smile: "Now is the main event. I have a nursery rhyme here. It is a bit old and is the sound of the old days."

"I don't know if you can handle it."

"Ding!" The blood-stained piano was provoking.


Su Qi withdrew his gaze and looked at the sheet music he had taken out in front of him. What was recorded in the speaker given to him by the traveling merchant was a terrifying nursery rhyme from the Sound of the Old Days.

That sound was not simple.

I'm afraid the speaker is just a limited shell.

He wrote it down not to study it, but to ask about it when he handed it to the traveling merchant.

The blood-stained piano seemed to notice that Su Qi was thinking, and made a sound impatiently!

"Ding! Ding!"

Don't you want to challenge me? come!

Su Qi smiled. He touched the keys and pressed them gently.

Without the background music designated by the leader of Xianren, how can you be a fool?

The sounds of the past are singing in Suki's fingers!

The melody is rising!

The fifth note begins! It was obviously different, a strange aura was permeating the air, as if the temperature of the surrounding air was dropping.

Bloodstained Piano was obviously stunned and much slower.

Is this a children's song? Is this a nursery rhyme?

Only a child who eats people would listen to this.

And why does it feel trembling!

The blood-stained piano continued, as if it wanted to confront someone head-on.

But this trend doesn’t stop!

Suki's fingers moved quickly!

Horrible, weird, screaming! This space is being densely populated! It's like the tide is rising!


Everything seems to have just begun.

Su Qi sat there, his expression unchanged, all the horrors were produced between his fingers.


The whole room became noticeably darker!

The blood-stained piano is completely stunned!

The piano keys froze, not daring to continue at all. Its body was shaking, and the blood in the piano keys was constantly gushing out, out of its control.


Fear should rush into such a pollutant!

It senses boundless weirdness!

I sensed all the space centered on Suki! They're all falling apart! A lot of roaring, endless darkness! It seems to be coming from all directions.

Exploded! ! !

It was shaking crazily, as if it would be wiped out the next moment!

And just then!


Su Qi withdrew his hand and all the sounds stopped suddenly.

All the scenes just now disappeared like hallucinations, as if nothing had happened!

After Su Qi stopped, his eyes were a little dazed, and he said to himself: "I played less than one-tenth of the sound of the old days... and actually lost 100 points of my mental power."

And Su Qi looked towards the blood-stained piano.

All the piano keys were trembling, the friction sound seemed to be screaming, and blood was spurting out from the gaps between the keys.

"It's a bit inappropriate for children."

Su Qi walked forward directly.

The other party seemed to be completely unresponsive and was still spraying blood.

"Does this count as defeating it?"

Su Qi held the Hundred-Man Killing Sword in his hand: "If it can't be counted, then we can only defeat it on the physical level."

And this time.

The blood-stained piano seemed to revive from the desire to survive.

The music score on it changed, showing handwriting.

【Don’t kill me! 】

[Damn it, I shouldn’t compete with you. I was wrong.]

[I can do anything you want, just stop using that scary voice]

It can be seen from the crooked writing that is constantly displayed that it is indeed extremely scared and is constantly begging for mercy.


Su Qi did not see the exclamation mark completed. It seemed that at least in terms of piano skills, it still felt that it was not defeated.

"Then you..." Su Qi paused: "Engrave this sentence on your piano."

Bloodstained Piano: "."

Half a minute later.

On the prominent position of the piano, a line of writing was deeply engraved.

[The miscellaneous fish piano who once tried to compete with the leader of Bu Xianren - but was no match at all]

And Su Qi also saw the exclamation point slowly disappearing, and a ball of light dropped from the score.

Skill? !

Suki held it, and a panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: Artificial Team’s Counterattack! 】

[Type: Skill]

[Function: There is a 50% chance to cause mechanical, electronic, equipment and other items to malfunction the next time they are used (if the quality of the equipment is higher than ordinary, the success rate will decrease by 10%, 5%, and 1%). Each use requires Cool down for ten minutes]

[Consumption: 100 stamina]

[Note: Now let’s take a look at the performance of the mechanical team! Hey hey hey! 】

Su Qi looked at this skill and his eyes moved slightly.

Equipment has six levels: inferior, ordinary, excellent, perfect, immortal, and legendary.

That is to say, there is a 50% chance of malfunctioning for ordinary and lower items, 10% chance for fine quality items, and 5% chance for perfect quality items.

It can even affect immortal equipment, although the success rate is only 1%.

But the most important thing is that this skill can be used repeatedly!

"Nice skill."

Satisfied with it, Sookie looked at the piano.

"By the way, the first song I played just now. You practice it well. No matter where you are transported to, you can play it proudly and say that it was given to you by the leader of Bu Xianren. Remember to carry it forward."

The blood-stained piano was in a daze for a long time.

And at this moment.

The people at the door of Room 5 finally solved the difficulty and unlocked the blocked information on the tablet.

"Fortunately, it's much easier to fight the pollution weirdness directly than in Room 6." Jun Mowen and others panted heavily, having just experienced a battle.

"Brother Su hasn't come here yet, but let's check first."

The content on the tablet also appeared in everyone's eyes, but it flashed a warning red light!

Everyone's eyes narrowed.

【Please note! 】

[The LHS87 model robot is a high-intelligence AI robot that can perfectly simulate the appearance, voice, and behavior of others. It was originally used to manage and monitor various cargo on the spacecraft after the personnel went into sleep. It is currently affected by some kind of influence and has developed a dangerous sense of autonomy]

【Please be careful with it! 】

[Dear spaceship crew members, it may be among you! 】

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