The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 9 Are all the apartment residents weird?

Su Qi knelt down so fast that Su Qi didn't even react. His first thought was that this brother had practiced it before, and this set of movements was done in one go.

He didn't put down the knife, but was about to speak.

And this time.

The sound of footsteps and bells in the corridor became more and more distinct.

The tentacle man's face was extremely pale, very scared and nervous. He stretched out his tentacles and made a shushing gesture with difficulty, telling Suki not to make any sound.

It was as if the owner of the footsteps outside would eat them alive.

Su Qi did not act rashly, he also felt a dangerous aura.

We still don’t know what the world view is like in this world, but judging from the tentacled man in the room, he at least has power beyond ordinary people and is no longer the kind of murderer in a small town.


The sound of footsteps and the ringing of bells slowly disappeared.

The tentacle man breathed a sigh of relief, then met Suki's eyes, but became nervous again.

Because Su Qi's knife was still on his neck. Although he looked harmless to humans and animals with a smile, his tone was as cold as if he would snap the knife if he didn't explain: "Then can you explain to me now what is going on?" What's going on?"

The tentacle man said tremblingly: "Didn't you read the apartment notice when you moved in?"

"For example?"

"The apartment manager will prepare food on the first floor. The ringing of the bell will notify all residents to gather in the dining room on the first floor for dinner. Moreover, the apartment manager does not like others to see his face, so he will return to it during meal time. My residence is on the third floor.”

"What will happen once you see it?" Su Qi asked with a hint of curiosity.

"The last guest in Room 5 didn't have time to go back to the room, and I never saw him again. Then you moved in."

Su Qi: "Looks like you saved me just now? Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." The tentacled man was about to cry, but could you put down the knife first when you said thank you?


There was also the sound of the door opening outside, and footsteps sounded in the corridor one after another.

"It's time to go out for dinner." The trigger man said quickly: "The apartment notice is also on the first floor. You can go and take a look."

Su Qi put the butcher knife into the inventory. In the dungeon, if you want to take something from the inventory, it will not appear out of thin air. It will automatically connect to various pockets or linings on the clothes. If you want to use it, you can directly get it from someone else. Just reach out where you can't see it and pull out items.

The same goes for storage.

After the door opens.

Then he saw a strange man covered in bandages, with only one eye exposed from the gap. It didn't change after seeing the tentacle man, but after noticing Suki next to it, its entire eyes suddenly widened, revealing A look of extreme madness and greed.

It doesn't say anything.

Then walked towards the stairs to the first floor.

Su Qi looked at the "It's eager to eat you" above the bandage monster's head, and calmly headed to the first floor with the tentacle man.

The tentacle man whispered: "Be careful, don't mess with other people, they are very scary."

Six guests in total.

Two others have already sat down.

One is a slit woman with various kinds of stitches all over her body and gray eyes.

Another resident was a man with a bunch of weird abscess-like tissue on his back.

The last person.

It arrived the latest, wearing a robe to cover its face, but you could vaguely see that its body was rotten, and you could smell some stench, like a corpse.

This guy seems to live in number six, the one closest to the third floor.

What these people have in common is the moment Su Qi appears.

All eyes were focused on him, with a look of surprise in his eyes, followed by greedy desire.

【They all want to eat you】


Everyone's purpose is the same and simple.

The tentacle man lowered his head and sat up tremblingly, not daring to speak in front of these weird things.

Su Qi, on the other hand, pulled out the chair but did not sit down. Facing the greedy and ant-like eyes of many, he smiled: "Everyone is looking at me. I have an announcement."

"I am the new resident who has moved in, Su Buxian. I am very happy to be my neighbor. I have many hobbies and hope to get along well with everyone."

Su Qi's words made these weird people chuckle a little, and the expressions on their faces seemed to be mocking.

It’s nice to be neighbors and communicate with each other, hehehehe.

Only the corpse man lowered his head and made a hoarse voice: "Eat first, otherwise you will get cold."

The food in front of everyone on the table is covered with a dining cover, and a knife and fork is placed next to it.

Su Qi opened the lid, and the food on the plate was beyond his expectation.

The aroma of red wine spreads out from the sauce, and when poured on half a steak, it actually looks a bit delicious.

The others seemed to be starving and started eating first.

The bandaged man held a knife and fork and cut the steak on the dinner plate hard, making a squeaking sound, but his eyes were fixed on Su Qi.

It seemed that what was being cut was not this piece of meat, but Su Qi himself.

The cracked woman opened her big mouth, revealing rows of sharp teeth. She bit the steak and made a chewing sound, like chewing wax. She was also staring at Su Qi, as if he was taking advantage of him.

The lump man and the corpse man didn't look at Su Qi, but they just wolfed down their food.

The tentacle man is a little transparent, and he doesn't even dare to make a sound when eating.

Su Qi picked up the knife and fork and cut the steak into pieces.

This is a normal piece of meat, but it is also quite special. A system message pops up on it.

[After eating, your mental power will be -1, but you will gain a special ability]

[Note: You will die after your mental power reaches zero (you can recover by returning to the login space)]


Su Qi looked at his 85 points of mental power and saw that it was not a big problem.

After eating.

As expected, his mental power was reduced by 1, but at the same time, Su Qi also felt that a strange and special power was opening up.

The middle of his palm felt itchy, and then a strange eye slowly appeared.

[You gain temporary ability: Palm Eyes]

[When activated, it will emit a dazzling light]

"What a useless ability."

When the others saw the eyeballs appearing in Su Qi's palm, no one showed a strange expression. Instead, their eyes were cold, as if they were mocking.

Suki noticed this too.

He had a guess.

at this time.

Everyone had finished their meal, and the corpse man said hoarsely: "Who is on duty today?"

The tentacled man's body trembled, and he raised his tentacles in fear: "I"

"Then I'll leave it to you." The corpse man showed an ugly smile, which was so terrifying that he said, "I hope you won't become the next person to disappear."

The corpse man stood up, stepped on the stairs and returned to his room on the second floor under Su Qi's strange eyes.

Others also left one after another, but they all looked back at Su Qi, not hiding their greedy look.


The only ones left here were the tentacled man and the man who were collecting the food trays.

Suki looking at the apartment sign.

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