The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 90 The Ferryman of the Pure Land

Wait until this terrifying figure leaves.

Everyone could take a breather.

Bai Qiangwei's face was ugly and a little pale: "I just lost my mental strength."

Qinglang's tone was a little more serious: "I also lost a little weight, and now I'm only 29."

They start counting each other's mental powers.

"What's this for?" Su Qi looked curious.

On the contrary, everyone was even more stunned and looked at Su Qi strangely: "It must be counted, because mental power cannot be replenished in the copy and is extremely precious."

The tuner brushed off the dust that had just been splashed on his clothes and said softly: "There is a lot of spiritual pollution in this so-called lost land. If you want to reach the so-called last piece of pure land, you must take every step step by step."

"Although we each have spiritual equipment, it's a pity that we can't get it now, so we have to be careful."

He patted Su Qi's shoulder with his left hand: "It seems that you haven't experienced a copy that requires huge mental power. Once you have experienced it, you will know how terrifying it is."

Su Qi: "."

He looked at his prompt box.

[Spirit -1, currently 453]

At this moment, everyone has also exposed their mental attributes. The lowest one is Bai Qiangwei, who only has 18, and the highest one is the piano tuner, who is as high as 65. It seems that he is focusing on the mental attribute, and his future career change direction is also related to this.

Depending on their mental strength, they can also decide on the next plan and strategic allocation.

"Su Bu Xian, what about you?" Qing Lang looked at Su Qi.

"Just think that I'm the same as you guys."

Su Qi pulled out a steel bar from the abandoned building next to him: "I suggest getting some weapons. Everyone's level has been restored now, and at least they have the strength to fight."

He looked to his left hand again: "You don't need to take it."


"When any monster appears, open the seal on your left arm bandage, recite the mantra, and release the dust-covered black dragon!"

Left hand: "."

"First of all, your kind of thing doesn't exist."

He took a deep breath: "Besides, I'm not so good at it!"

Everyone continued to move forward.

Most of the scenes I have seen before are weird scenes, but as long as you don't take the initiative to go deep and avoid them, there is usually no danger.

But as we go further, more and more living creatures appear. Some of them can be avoided, while others cannot be avoided.

For example, this road in front of you.

There are distorted mosaics on both sides, and there is only a narrow alley in the middle. If you want to get past, you can only pass through the middle of this alley.


There was a strange figure standing in the alley, its face could not be seen clearly, and it seemed to be waiting for them with a sickle in its hand.

"What do you think?" Muscle Thug couldn't help but ask.

The tuner said softly: "The information is insufficient and difficult to analyze."

Bai Qiangwei: "We can only test it first."

Qinglang nodded: "I suggest that it is best to group up to avoid the end of the group being wiped out."

The left hand said solemnly: "Yes, if there is danger, everyone will respond to each other."

Su Qi thought seriously and said in a deep voice: "Then I suggest that we use rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first."

Everyone: "."


Is there a strange tactic inserted behind it?

"I'll go first." The tuner's eyes were calm: "The other party seems to be a pollution-type monster. I have the highest mental strength here. If there is any problem, I should be able to handle it."

"Then I'll go together." Qing Lang chose to go with the tuner. The tuner's high mental power also meant that his physical attributes were low, so Qing Lang had to stand up and balance.

Su Qi looked at the black shadow, and the other party [? 】The word "Ferryman" is displayed on it.

There seemed to be no animosity.

The two of them walked forward cautiously, and there was no danger until they reached the dark shadow.

"Both of you."

The black figure was wearing a black robe and holding a sickle in his hand. When he raised his head, he still couldn't see his face clearly, but a black mist filled it. It spoke softly, its voice was hoarse and ethereal, as if it was directly communicating with their souls. Generally, with a vague and ethereal feeling:

"The Lost One."

"I am the ferry spirit of the Pure Land. You want to pass through here and go to the front."

There was no ripple in its tone, but it was hoarse and weird:

"You need to answer my two questions, and you are not allowed to lie."

The tuner and Qing Lang looked at each other. Since the other party could communicate without fighting, that would be the best.

"Say." Qinglang said solemnly.


The people outside the alley could only see their backs and could not hear what they were saying.

Only after about three minutes.

The black shadow slowly put away the sickle to indicate that they could go over. The two of them looked back. Qing Lang tried to make an OK gesture, pointed to the road ahead, and then walked forward. Then he disappeared from everyone's sight. Inside.

"It doesn't look like there's any danger, but once you step here, you can't seem to retreat."

Bai Qiangwei and Muscle Thug also set off.

He looked at their figures with his left hand, and then looked at the pointer on his wrist:

"It seems that if you want to enter the so-called Pure Land, you must pass through this place. Although the identity of this black shadow is open to question, it should be the person who guides us into the Pure Land."

"Su Buxian, what do you think?"

Su Qi:

"How else can I see it? There are existences like this standing in many dark and narrow alleys in the city. The only difference is the amount of clothing. I think it has a lot of future."

The left hand said helplessly: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

Su Qi said softly: "You will know when we go there. Guessing will only make you preconceptions. We are already here."

Bai Qiangwei and Muscle Thug were faster and walked forward at this time, gradually disappearing at the end of the alley.

"Let's go."

Su Qi opened her legs and moved forward, her left hand quickly following.

The black shadow stared at the two of them, and in a hoarse voice, it repeated what it had told them before.

"Two questions, can't you lie?" He pondered the words with his left hand.

Su Qi looked at the shadow: "Although I never lie, if you pay attention, I just say what if."

"What would have happened if I had lied."

The black shadow's face was expressionless, his aura suddenly changed, and the sickle slowly emerged with more terrifying power. The surrounding floor tiles were shaking violently, and the entrances and exits of the lanes on both sides were closing, as if they were going to be swallowed up.

It didn't speak, it was calm but filled with a strong aura of death.


Lying is a dead end.

Su Qi also gathered his thoughts, and the other party was not something they could fight against.

It slowly opened its mouth and asked the question:

"What is the most fearful thing in your heart?"

"Who is the person you are most grateful for?"

The left hand was silent for a moment, glanced at Su Qi, and said helplessly: "The person I am most afraid of. The person Spider is most grateful to is my father."

"how about you"

The shadow stared at Suki.

"What I'm most afraid of," Su Qi hesitated, then muttered, "maybe it's boredom."

possible? Are you not sure about this?

The left hand saw that there was no movement in the black shadow, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“As for the most grateful person”

Su Qi did not hesitate at all and confirmed:

"Of course it's Brother Evil God."

"That is my greatest noble person, and he has always given me great help!"

The shadow calmly retracted the scythe: "Then, you can move forward."

He paused with his left hand: "Is it that simple?"

The two could only walk forward, but after exiting the alleyway, they did not see their teammates, but were slowly surrounded by a white mist.

"What's going on?" His left hand suddenly froze: "Su Buxian, where are you!"

There was no trace of Su Buxian around him.

The left hand's face suddenly turned pale, because in the white mist ahead, a large number of spiders crawled out crazily!

"Fuck, so many spiders"

He was trembling all over!

Just as he was about to turn around and run, a voice called his name.

"This is my father's voice!"

The eyes of his left hand trembled, and he saw his father looking at him kindly, but the next moment he was eaten by a large number of spiders and screamed!

His eyes were red and he growled: "No!"

The black shadow looked at this scene and said calmly and without any emotion:

".Being overwhelmed by your worst fears. Seeing someone you love killed."

"The human heart is probably so weak."

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