"Brother, let me go to the palace with you!" I have something to discuss with Wen Chun.


So they hurried to change their robes and enter the palace.

When Nalan Jinnian rode back, he just saw warm and Wen Chun dressed in Imperial clothes and ready to get on the carriage.

He turned over and dismounted, looked at them, and raised his eyebrows: "into the palace?"

"Well, I'm back. I have to go to the palace to apologize."

Wen Chun saluted Nalan Jinnian and shouted, "brother seventeen."

Nalan Jinnian thought a little and knew what warmth was worried about. In fact, he didn't have to worry. Wen Chun came back with an order, but now the Dongling state has sent troops and the border is dangerous, but this is also within his expectation.

And Wen Chun is back now, just in line with his arrangement.

Recently, he looked warm and tired, and the girl was a worried life. He didn't tell her in detail about some things.

"I'll go to the palace with you!" Nalan Jinnian handed the horse over to the gatekeeper.

Warm shook his head: "you just came back and haven't eaten yet. Eat first!"

Nalan Jinnian stretched out his hand to help warm her cloak: "have you used it?"

Warm shook his head: "not yet."

It would be really disrespectful for Wen chun to enter the palace after eating.

"Then take some food boxes and go into the palace to have dinner with the imperial brother!"

The warm smell of the speech brightened his eyes: "OK! Today's lunch happens to be the emperor's favorite."

Why did she forget to bring some food for the emperor!

"Bring some to the queen mother, too! Please say hello to the queen mother by the way."

They soon left the capital.


So the warmth quickly made people prepare several boxes of food, and the three entered the palace together.

In the carriage, Wen Chun asked warm: "what's the situation in Dongling now?"

Warm: "the soldiers in Dongling are not as strong as those in Nalan. With the help of my uncle, when the news came back, it was still stable. My uncle said that it was estimated that Dongling was just a test, and they didn't try their best to be right."

For a moment, Wen Chun thought a lot in his heart, and finally came to the conclusion: "I'm afraid this is also against Beiming! The four countries are united, and they can't trust each other very much."

Nalan Jinnian helped warm take off his cloak, folded it and put it aside. Then he put a stove in her hand and said, "this is normal."

Warm: "the world has no forever friends and no forever enemies. Even the enemies can sometimes cooperate as long as their interests are the same. Now the four countries are the same, and so is the relationship between Nalan and them."

Therefore, if Naran wants to win, if it wants to win the war as quickly as possible, it is to stir up relations among the four countries, break the four Nation Alliance, and even let their dogs bite their bones.

Nalan Jinnian and she have been arranging this.

However, even if the alliance of the four countries is broken, the determination of Beiming and Nanjiang to destroy Nalan is very firm!

Nalan wants to win this war and the next Beiming country. It's too difficult!

Troops, grain, silver, weapons Wait, everything is less than Beiming!

Well, strictly speaking, what is most lacking is silver. With silver, many problems can be solved.

For example, if the troops are insufficient, the imperial court can recruit troops continuously, but it needs a lot of money to recruit troops.

There is no food, grass, weapons, soldiers' cold protection and so on. If you have silver, you can find a place to buy it!

In short, it needs a lot of silver!

So making money is very important!

Nalan Jinnian can't go to the front to kill the enemy because there are too many things that need to be arranged!

If he doesn't arrange these backup things well, the war between Nalan and Beiming will certainly be weak!

The four nations united together can drag Naran to death.

While they were talking, they came to the palace gate.

Zichen palace, imperial study

Zuo duqian, the imperial censor, was spitting. The emperor sat on the Dragon chair and listened quietly.

The Minister of the Ministry of household wrote a few points this morning, including the recruitment budget, the grain and grass budget, the weapon casting budget, and the soldier pension budget The emperor's head is big just after reading it.

"... emperor, Wen Chun, the eldest son of the Duke of an, ignored the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in vain! It's a heinous crime! The crime is unforgivable!"

The Minister of industry also echoed: "Emperor, our country is being invaded by foreign enemies in all directions. If all the county magistrates in the border area, like Lord Wen, leave their duties without permission and ignore the people of the whole county at a critical time, they will be doomed! If there are so many officials in Nalan, the country will perish! Emperor, we have to punish them heavily to make an example!"

The Minister of the Ministry of industry estimated that the emperor must know that Wen Chun came back this time. After all, King Jin married Princess Hui'an, and it is understandable that he came back as his eldest brother.

But he's unlucky!

On the wedding day of King Jin and Princess Hui'an, he didn't come back, which could not be an excuse for him to come back, and then he met the siege of the four countries.

That's enough to hold him accountable for leaving his post without permission!

And it's a big crime!

The Minister of industry naturally had to seize this opportunity and step on Wen Chun.

Seriously, Wen Chun and Wen Hou will be the biggest stumbling block in his son's career!

The emperor nodded: "you two Aiqing are right, but I have known in advance about Lord Wen's return to Beijing. He is not absent without permission."

"Emperor, if you are a king, you should be given clear rewards and punishments. You can't be partial because of selfishness. If you are wrong, you will be punished and if you are meritorious, you will be rewarded. This is the way to govern the country!"

The Minister of the Ministry of industry almost applauded the words of Zuo dujin!

That's what the people at the imperial censor dare to say.

These officials dare not say.

The emperor's heart is really biased to the sky!

The emperor turned black directly. He said coldly, "Lord Zuo thinks I don't have a clear distinction between reward and punishment?"

"I dare not!"

For other officials, he dare not say, but for King Jin and the anguogong family, does the emperor have a clear reward and punishment? Does he have any self-knowledge?

The Emperor: "do you mean I'm a fool?"

"I dare not! I don't think so. The emperor is a famous King for thousands of years. That's what the people say! The emperor's lesson!"

Huang Leng snorted: "hum, you know! I said that I approved Lord Wen's return to Beijing! Why, do I need to report to the two adults in advance when I deal with state affairs, who to summon or not?"

The two were startled and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Wei Chen dare not!"

The emperor is impatient. Don't you know that he has a lot of things to worry about every day?

The seventeen emperor's younger brother has no time to deal with it. He approves the memorials every day and can't sleep until midnight!

In order to suppress their colleagues, they came to their own face and talked nonsense for a long time!

With this Kung Fu, the emperor thought it would be better for him to go back to the dragon's bed and sleep back!

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