The year has passed, and the warm family is busy.

The restaurant and another shop in the county began to be renovated.

Decoration workers, warmth is for Pan Shichang to find.

He worked in a dental firm and knew many workers.

Because the restaurant is still very new, there is no need to decorate it. Warm redesigned the unreasonable parts they don't like, and left a fire passage.

Then he replaced the windows of the restaurant with bright glazed windows.

After such decoration, the whole restaurant will look a lot more imposing.

On the 20th day of the first month, Wen Jiagui finally bought a suitable shop to open a medicine shop. It only needs 180 Liang in the not prosperous area of the town. It has a large place and a backyard, which is just used as a warehouse.

The decoration, purchase and recruitment of the medicine shop are all handled by Wen Jiagui alone.

Don't worry about warmth. Just explain some things.

She still takes time to teach everyone all kinds of skills every day, and occasionally goes to the county to see the decoration of the shop.

The carving technique of Atractylodes is becoming more and more skilled.

The taste of Li Mei's dishes is almost the same as that of warm ones.

My sister-in-law is also more and more handy with ceramics.

Warm and Qingdai fell into crazy baking enthusiasm.

In addition, warm went to Youcai's house to eat pig killing dishes during the Chinese New Year. She thought they tasted very good, so she invited her daughter-in-law to be the cook of the restaurant and taught her to cook with Li Mei.

But they learn different dishes.

Five liang of silver a month and a commission of one Wen for each dish. With a rich daughter-in-law, I learn very hard every day!


Wen Jiarui bought the outskirts of the town according to the warm requirements, which is located at the lower reaches of the river and on both sides of the river.

The wild forest warmth on both sides of the river has been bought!

Warm let Feng an and He Ping take charge of supervision respectively.

Build a ceramic workshop and a paper workshop on both sides of the river respectively, and then build a stone hole bridge on the river to connect the two sides.

And found some villagers and short-time workers to help build workshops.

Wen Jiaxiang went to live in a shop with a backyard in Wenwen's home in the county after five years, and Tian also went.

It was bought by Pan Shichang recently. It turned out to be a timber shop.

Because as long as he went out and was seen by Zhu, he was abusive.

Warm let Wen Jiaxiang help make some exquisite wooden boxes in the shop in the county.

Tian Shi is skillful and warm. She taught her to weave all kinds of baskets with bamboo and rattan and sell them in stores. Restaurants also need them.

Nalan Jinnian still eats at home every afternoon.

Everything is going on without disorder.


After the beginning of spring, "since then, the snow dissipates and the wind softens, and the plum blossom makes the wicker new."

At this time, although the cold is still there, the recovery of everything is unstoppable!

Ningyuan county does not belong to the north. Spring begins relatively early. It has already entered the early spring state of "the sky street is moist as crisp, and the grass color is far away but not near".

Wheat seedlings survived the winter successfully, but the winter rice was a little miserable.

Wen Jiarui recruited several friendly villagers to hoe and loosen the soil to preserve moisture in a warm way, and applied green fertilizer to the wheat.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil. After several spring rains, the wheat that warms the home grows well.

Although a large area of rice froze to death in the paddy field, only a few listless plants were left alive, looking like they were going to die at any time.

But warmth did not disappoint.

Not only does the wheat grow well in the warm family, but also in the village head's family, the maternal ancestor's family, the blessed and rich family and so on!

The rain has been quite normal recently. There is no sign of natural and man-made disasters at all.

This shows that Ningyuan county can really grow winter wheat!

The villagers looked at the warm wheat and felt itchy.


Hot eyes!

Villager A: "brother Jiarui, your wheat grows very well! I knew I planted it with you! Then our family will have white flour all year!"

Wen Jiarui smiled: "the next year is not too late."

Villager B: "Alas, I regret to die! I wanted to plant it at that time! Previous rumors killed people! It turned out that it could be planted! Mother, we have been hungry for generations by that legend!"

Wen Jiarui: "rumors stop at wise men."

Villager C: "no! I was stupid before! I believe a legend! I will plant wheat in all the land next year!"

Villager Ding couldn't help sighing: "I plant it too! The wheat field grows so well! I have to collect hundreds of kilograms of grain!"

There is no wheat in Ningyuan county. White flour is valuable!

How can we not be jealous.

The rice yield of this dynasty was low. Because there were no measures to avoid breeding, many families had more children and didn't eat enough at all!

If you can grow more grain for one season, you don't know how much more grain. After all, the imperial court doesn't increase the tax of this season's grain.

In this way, when the food is not enough, it's better to eat steamed bread!

"But brother Jiarui, you can grow wheat. How can you grow rice? Look, it's dead!"

"Rice likes warm weather, and it needs a lot of water to grow. Where can it be planted?"

"No, isn't this nonsense? It's all dead! It's a waste of grain! It's quite expensive."

Everyone looked at the miserable rice in the rice field and shook their heads.

Wen Jiarui laughed at everyone's words: "how do you know if you don't try!"

"That's right! Now I know. Just don't plant any more this winter."

Fortunately, Wen Jiarui tried. They don't have to be fools next year!

Wen Jiarui smiled and didn't answer this.

It has the final say to not grow a warm sister.

Warmth doesn't care what those people say.

She looked at a few rice plants that were still alive, full of hope.

Even if only one grain of rice is received at that time, it is a success!

"A grain of millet is planted in spring and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn."

Can bear a grain of winter rice, the next winter this grain of rice can bear dozens of winter rice.

Next year, the dozens of winter rice can split into thousands

One day she will succeed!

The rice in the health garden survived more because it was warm.

Only two pots of rice in the flowerpot froze to death.

Warm and purple raised the rice in the health garden, and the next day was full of energy!

When the family saw it, they couldn't help sighing: "blessed land is blessed land. Everything can live!"

Warm smiled and didn't speak.

On this day, when nalanjin's new year came, he heard the warm family discuss the situation in the wheat field and took a special look.

Then he said to warmth, "write me a detailed report on wheat planting."

Warmth directly gave him a Book: "see for yourself."

Nalan Jinnian took it over and looked down.

Then he found out how to manage the process of arable land, sowing, fertilization, overwintering and returning to green, and the growth of wheat.

There is a record every day, never change! Even how much rain and how thick snow it has fallen in recent months are clearly recorded!

This girl is really serious!

If the Diaolou and crossbow can ensure the safety of the people of Naran, the wheat this season can ensure that the people have plenty of food and clothing!

Let the people live and work in peace and contentment and have plenty of food and clothing is the pursuit of emperors of all dynasties!

Has been pursuing, but it is difficult to do!

Through the ages, no emperor can do it!

There are so many fertile fields! The output is so much! But more and more people! How can you feed everyone?

But if we can plant more crops, it will greatly alleviate the situation!

There are many counties with similar climate to Ningyuan County!

This girl has made great achievements again!

"Lend me this book."

"Here you are!" This book has been written, so it's no problem for Nalan Jinnian to take it away.

She has the ability to never forget, and the contents are written by her. They have been engraved in her mind for a long time, so that she can write another one silently.

After dinner, Nalan Jinnian took the book back to the mountain.

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