As soon as the three entered the restaurant, the shopkeeper looked at their clothes and immediately came out of the counter and received them in person: "welcome, girls. There is an elegant room upstairs!"

Warm thought that the restaurant was a good place to listen to gossip and spread rumors. She looked at Lin tingya: "how about we eat in the lobby? There is a storyteller in the restaurant."

The shopkeeper immediately said, "yes, the storyteller will start storytelling in a moment. The storyteller of our restaurant is very good at telling stories. Everyone likes to listen!"

Warm and Lin tingya naturally have no opinion: "good!"

The shopkeeper immediately arranged a hidden position near the window for the three people to avoid being bumped into them.

This position is separated by a screen. You can hear the storyteller telling stories and see the traffic outside. It's very good.

"What do you three girls want to eat? Our signature dish here is large plate chicken,..." The shopkeeper reported a list of dishes.

Warm ordered three signature dishes, a braised eggplant and a fish head tofu soup.

Because they came early, the food came up soon.

By this time, the lobby of the restaurant was full.


Everyone was talking about the siege of General Guo's house and the Grand Prince's house.

"Heavy troops have surrounded the two mansions for a day. Why hasn't there been any movement!"

"Who knows, probably still searching for evidence!"

"Why did the queen harm the emperor?"

"Have you heard that the queen probably hated because of love? You don't know the emperor and... And... May not be the son of the former Emperor?"

The man at the next table dared not say his name, but just made a gesture.

And said very little, warm can not hear.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's not the son of the former Emperor. Whose son is it? How can the royal blood be confused!" Another voice sounded.

"It's not confused, but it's not the son of the former Emperor, but he's still the blood of the royal family."

"What do you mean by that? Do you know anything?"

"No, I don't know anything. I just want to ask you if you have heard! Even if you don't know, let's stop talking about it! Drink tea, drink tea!"


Warm frown: "warm, who are they talking about?"

What makes her think they're talking about seventeen brother?

Although no name was given.

The warmth lowered his eyes, covered the cold at the bottom of his eyes, raised his mouth slightly, and showed a sneer: "don't worry! Let's go!"

Warm stood up and went out.

Warm and Lin tingya also stood up and went out.

As he walked around the screen, he took a warm look at the man at the table next door.

Remember their appearance before leaving.

On the way back, I couldn't help thinking of Wen Yu's words.

Wen Yu can't hide things in her mouth. She must say so for a reason!

Why would she say that the warm backer would fall? Say warmth will be beheaded?

What will happen to brother seventeen?

Warm looked at the warm one, want to talk and stop.

Officialdom is dark. It's not certain who wants to frame brother 17!

Warm to see her such a shortcut, "second sister, don't worry, it's all right."

Warm smell speech is not tangled, seventeen brother and warm sister are so powerful, they say it's okay, it should be okay!

Wen Yu covered her mouth and clenched her teeth. She hurried back to the capital. She wanted to find a doctor to help her set her teeth back!

She was just a little silly when she saw the Grand Prince's house surrounded by heavy soldiers!

"What's going on? Why is the Grand Prince's residence surrounded by officers and soldiers? Is it an assassin?" Wen Yu came forward to inquire.

Wen Yu's words leaked badly. The soldier glanced at her mouth.

Wen Yu quickly covered his mouth and said, "what are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll let the great emperor cut off your head?"

The soldier sneered at the speech: "are you from the Grand Prince's residence? Cut off my head? The Grand Prince's residence is surrounded by the emperor's heavy troops, and the Grand Prince and grandson are hard to protect themselves! Who are you from the Grand Prince and go in quickly!"

Wen Yu was so frightened that he lost his blood on his face: "I'm not from the Grand Prince's house! I'm just passing by!"

Wen Yu hurried away!

What should I do?

Why is the prince's mansion going to be copied?

Shouldn't Shichang Hou's house be copied?

Warm back to the house, Feng Xiaojian has asked the gardeners in the house to plant all the flowers.

Warm found the orchid. The gardener had found a beautiful flowerpot and planted it.

She raised it directly with purple gas once.

Then he painted the portraits of the two people he saw in the restaurant today.

In the evening, Nalan Jinnian came and gave him the portrait.

"Do you know him?"

Nalan Jinnian took a look and rolled up the portrait: "have you gone to liuweizhai for dinner?"

"Yes." As soon as he heard it, he knew that he had arranged people to live in liuweizhai.

He didn't say anything.

The rumor began to spread. The sooner it spread, the better!

"I'll go to the pharmacy to prepare some pesticides."

This is for killing insects in the dream flower farm tomorrow.

"What pesticide?" Nalan Jinnian found that warmth was busier than himself.

They went to the pharmacy laboratory.

We began to prepare pesticides.

He stood on the warm side to help: "these things can kill flower pests. Can they be used in crops?"

Crops are often reduced because of pests.

Pests are the biggest headache for the people every year!

Because it really affects the harvest.

Especially in case of locust disaster, there is no harvest!

Wen Wenyan nodded: "yes, but if it is not used and produced properly, it will pollute the environment. Use it with caution!"

Of course, her pesticides are extracted from plants, and the pollution is not large.

"Polluting the environment?"

Warmth explains what it means to pollute the environment, the role of protecting the environment and how to protect the environment.

"However, the environment has the ability of self purification. If human behavior does not exceed its ability of self purification, we are not afraid!"

Nalan Jinnian shook the pesticide in the bottle: "everything has advantages and disadvantages. It's like medicine has three poisons, but medicine can cure diseases. People should take medicine when they are sick! You can't stop taking medicine because it has three poisons! As long as you don't overdose it!

Similarly, plants need medication when they are sick, as long as they are used reasonably!

Excessive drugs will kill people and pollute the environment, but rational drug use can cure diseases, cure plants and beautify the environment! "

Warm a little: "that's the reason. This pesticide is so serious that it affects the grain harvest in the current season. Farmers who don't use pesticides may lose their harvest, so they must use it at that time. Moreover, it's best to be produced and distributed uniformly by the imperial court to limit the amount of pests. I don't recommend using a small amount of pests at ordinary times. We can use the method of raising natural enemies of pests to control pests."

However, warm cultivated grain seeds have the ability to resist pests. When the whole Naran country promotes those grain and vegetable seeds, there should be no serious pests. There will always be a few. After all, species will evolve, and there will always be some pests that will adapt to the environment.

It is enough for a small number of pests to use natural enemies to prevent and control pests!

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

After the warmth was mixed with pesticides, she went to take a bath and was ready to go to bed.

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