The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 174: Back to Linhaizhou

In the end, Lu Shangda, who would have become a hero in the history of the Black-blooded race, remained in the history of the Chinese Empire in this world, which is precisely the history of scientific research.

His body has completely lost any value, even if someone from the black blood race comes and takes it away, it will have no effect.

In the starting state, the Black Blood Palace was built, not too big, and the body of this black blood royal family was placed in it for the people of the Empire to watch.

Let them understand that in the history of the Huaxia Empire, there was once such an alien who abandoned the prejudices between races and contributed his body to the scientific research history of the Human Race Huaxia Empire and made outstanding contributions.

Even though he is an aggressor and very hateful, this race is also very dirty. However, in terms of its outstanding contribution to the Chinese Empire, the Empire will treat this race in a respectful manner in the future.


Seeing this Black Blood Palace, Lin Qian was also speechless. After all, he was letting Zhuge Ming take care of this matter, and he couldn't make any more changes.

Shocked, and Zhao Wei and others who followed over to visit, they didn't know what to say about the words on the monument.

Annihilation... Is there still a saying of respect? What kind of annihilation is that?

"In the name of your majesty, we will inform the Black-blooded Chinese Empire of the decision to destroy its ethnic group. Please be prepared and enjoy the last time."

"At the same time, they will entertain the higher-ranking power holders of their black blood clan, express the empire's determination to destroy their race, and comfort them."

"Ensure that the black blood race is annihilated in a state of being respected and informed."

After listening to the explanations of the scribes stationed in the Black Blood Palace, Zhao Wei looked at each other.

This is the genocide of respect?

How does it feel like a bully!

The Black Blood Clan incident in Linhai Prefecture was completely resolved, and the state where the small world started was similarly transformed.

The Tiangong part of the starting state has been very complete, and the state of the entire small world is reflected here.

"How is it, how is it done?" Lin Qian asked with concern when he came to the Tiangong Department.

The scribe in charge of the branch here reported to Lin Qian: "Your Majesty, after three days, the formation will completely cover the entire small world and successfully integrate into it. By then, the teleportation formation will be completed and connected to the small world entrance of Linhai Prefecture. Will be opened."

"Yeah." Lin Qian nodded, motioning to keep busy.

At the same time, Lin Qian was also looking at the sky outside, feeling lost: "I have been away for more than two years, I don't know how Linhai is going."

In the past two years, Lin Qian has successfully broken through the Nirvana Realm and promoted to the Shattered Air Realm.

The strength of the air-breaking realm is already able to withstand the low-level special arms passing through the sky marks, which is the force of the life and death realm.

The army in this realm already has a difference in strength.

Among the lower ranks, ordinary soldiers only have the strength of the life and death state. Elite soldiers have the strength of life and death realm. The captain among the soldiers has the strength of the life and death realm.

As for the soldier with the strength of the life and death state, it is the captain!

In the initial state, there are ten million troops stationed in the life and death realm, and Tiangong has deployed observations to ensure that it is foolproof.

This small world has been completely branded by Lin Qian.

Three days' time, soon passed.

To the south of the starting state, the place Lin Qian first entered has been completely leveled, building a gateway to and from the small world.

Today is the day when Lin Qian left the starting state. In this place where he enters and exits the small world, there are already crowds of people who come to bid farewell.

"Now, I am your majesty. What Sheng Tianzong did to you was a provocation to the Chinese Empire. They will pay the price for what they did."

What Lin Qian said was only known a few days ago.

After the starting state was formally established, all the orderly developments, Zhao Wei and other patriarchs of the past, worked hard and worked hard day and night with the greatest efforts.

Regarding this, as a reward, Lin Qian gave each of them a storage ring, including a reward for them.

When learning the effect of this ring, Zhao Wei was a little confused, because he knew such a thing.

Lin Qian was very surprised. He didn't know what happened in the starting state, how could there be a storage ring.

After Zhao Wei's account, Lin Qian learned that hundreds of years ago, the patriarch of the Zhao tribe had an important ring in his hand. It's just that I don't know what this ring does or how to use it.

Later, a stranger in the rumors came to the Zhao tribe, claiming that he came from some heavenly sect and could help them escape the sea of ​​suffering.

The key to success is the ring inherited by their Zhao tribe from generation to generation.

Originally, the people of the Zhao tribe didn't believe the other party until they defeated the dwarf ghost tribe who went south to fight the tooth sacrifice, so they chose to trust the other party and handed him the storage ring.

Only later, after the person took the ring, there was no news, and he never showed up again.

It was Lin Qian who really rescued their human race.

Even the portrait of that person still remains in the Zhao tribe. Every patriarch will understand this and remember what the other person looks like.

In the future, if you have the opportunity, you must find the other party to question why you want to deceive them.

"I'm afraid, in that storage ring, there are things left by your ancestors of Yuan Yuanzong, but you won't open it, and you can't take out your things." After Lin Qian knew about this, he probably guessed the problem. Where.

Why does the Vientiane Sect’s portal into this small world look brand new compared to the Medieval ruins? I'm afraid it was built by the person who entered it.

Moreover, that person must be Shengtianzong, I am afraid that he has gained a lot of benefits from that storage ring.

In this way, it is also possible to understand why Sheng Tianzong developed so quickly at the beginning, as if he had obtained a huge fortune out of thin air.

Now Lin Qian understood that Sheng Tianzong deceived the storage ring passed down from the human race in the starting state.

Simply shameless!

In the past, the human race living in the State of Beginning, how difficult it was, it was impossible for those who defeated Tianzong to fail to see.

The other party actually bears the heart to deceive them, let them continue to live this dark life, and not to say to deal with the dwarf and giant ghosts, can't it be taken out of them?

"Back to Linhaizhou." Lin Qian glanced at Zhao Wei, turned and walked in towards the door behind him.

Zhao Wei nodded, bid farewell to the others one by one, followed Lin Qian's back, and passed through the door.

Linhai Prefecture, Lin Qian is back!

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