The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 187: Rumors

Tyrant Dadaomen also did not expect that Sheng Tianzong would suddenly turn his face and act on them.

For a long time, Tyrant Swordsmen has considered himself the most solid ally of Shengtianzong, no matter what difficulties they encounter, they will advance and retreat together.

Moreover, after Sheng Tianzong took control of Linhai Prefecture, the Dadaomen even thought cheerfully that in the future, they should be second only to Shengtianzong in Linhai Prefecture.

After all, Sheng Tianzong had promised that after the Vientiane Sect was completely defeated, it would divide the territory of the original Vientiane Sect.

They dominate the swordsman, have been loyal to follow Shengtianzong, when dividing the territory of Vientiane Sect, they should be rewarded no small amount.

The Domineering Swordsman must be able to use this reward to improve his own strength.

Fantasy is always beautiful, no one thought that Sheng Tianzong would tear his skin so quickly after driving out Vientiane Sect.

Seeing this behavior of Sheng Tianzong, anyone can see his wolf ambition.

Obviously, Shengtianzong intended to break his promise, no, or that Shengtianzong did not plan to carve up the territory of the Vientiane Sect with them, but wanted to monopolize it.

Not only that, Sheng Tianzong basically intends to occupy the entire Linhai Prefecture.

For this behavior of Shengtianzong, the rest of the sects are ready to rise up to resist.

However, Shengtianzong's actions were too fast, just as the Tyrant Swordsman couldn't react at all, and the sovereign and several elders were all beheaded.

Reluctantly, except for some fierce tyrants, who resisted desperately to the end, the other elders and disciples could only surrender to the sect of Shengtianzong.

When the other forces reacted, the forces of Victory Heaven Sect had grown again, equivalent to the comprehensive combat power of Victory Heaven Sect, Domineering Sect, Rejuvenation Sect and Quenching Sect in the past.

In contrast, the remaining Jinhaimen, Yumonmen and Shenjianzong, where are their opponents.

Especially the Divine Sword Sect, without the female sword sage Wei Qingqing, the high-end combat power simply cannot resist Victory Tianzong.

Moreover, there are other races in Shengtianzong to help.

The appearance of a foreign race, according to the news, the whole body has thick skin, standing barefoot, toes sutured with mucous membrane between the fingers, at the same time, there are bone blades on the forearms of both hands and fish gills on the neck.

"Bone Swordfish Clan!" Hearing the description of Xiangzhu Shengtianzong's alien race, Zhang Qi said in surprise.

According to Zhang Qi's description, this Bone Saury Clan is a sea clan on the edge of the Eight-Armed Sea Clan. They are fond of leisure and hard work. They like to rob small sea tribes and never want to develop themselves.

The robber equivalent to the sea clan.

This bone saury clan also often engages in the tribe of the Eight-armed Sea Clan, which is very hateful.

"According to the information transmitted by Xunbing, this bone saury clan is quite strong. It seems that there are four life and death realms. There are 8,000 people in the air-breaking realm and 30,000 people in the Nirvana realm."

"With such a large group, didn't your Eight Armed Sea Clan go forward to attack?"

Hearing Lin Qian's question, Zhang Qishi smiled bitterly: "Fight? Our Eight Armed Sea Clan also wants to fight, but we can't find them."

"Can't find it?" Lin Qian couldn't understand Zhang Qi's words. "What does this mean? The number of bone saury fish clan is two or three hundred thousand. How can they not find a place where they live? To?"

Ye Xin and Lei Gan, who were also in the chamber of the battleship, were very surprised.

Just like what Lin Qian said, how could it be impossible to find such a large ethnic group.

"You don't know, this saury clan doesn't even bother to build a house to live in. Either just casually walk in the sea caves in the sea area. Or rob other sea clan cities and tribes and live in them."

"Because of this, the bone saury clan has no fixed place to live, and their movements are erratic. Therefore, they are called by our marine clan to steal fish and ditch black. Their reputation in the marine clan is faster than that. The corpse thief is the black blood clan." At this point, Zhang Qi smiled helplessly.

"In my opinion, the Bone Swordfish Clan should have cooperated with that Shengtianzong."

"After all, our sub-clan has continued to grow. Grandpa and Grandpa caught them several times and killed many of them."

"It is estimated that the sea area where they live now is between our Eight Armed Sea Clan Holy Land and Linhai Prefecture. Didn't Sheng Tianzong exist that broke through life and death but failed? This bone saury clan is probably afraid of this person, and reached with him The agreement is to do things for Sheng Tianzong and let them survive in the waters near Linhai Prefecture."

"According to the characteristics of the Bone Saury Clan, Sheng Tianzong should have offered food in exchange for their clan to sell their lives for them. Under the pressure of our Eight Armed Sea Clan, this is the best way out for their Bone Saury Clan." After thinking for a moment. , Zhang Qi analyzed what happened to this saury clan.

Lin Qian nodded secretly: "It seems that Zhuge Ming said that Sheng Tianzong still has a helper, it should be this bone saury clan."

"Your Majesty Lin, this matter is not only a matter for your Chinese Empire. Since there is the Bone Swordfish Clan, it is reasonable for our Eight-Armed Sea Clan to take action." Zhang Qi had just finished speaking and was stopped by Lin Qian with a wave.

"No, my Huaxia Empire can stop this matter. You don't need to inform your grandpa and grandpa. But you can do it. You must be venting to the Swordfish Clan, right?" When Lin Qian looked towards Zhang Qi , Can't help laughing out loud.

Zhang Qiyi nodded solemnly: "Yes, this bone saury clan is very hateful. It would be a very happy thing to be able to kill these scums by hand."

"In this case, when Tianzong defeats the alliance of Shenjianzong, Yushumen and Jinhaimen and completely controls Linhaizhou, we will attack and take down the entire Linhaizhou." Lin Qian slapped the seat handle. , Make a decision.

Lei Gan was stunned, and quickly got up: "Boss, don't you need to inform others about this? For example, Sect Master Qin, Sect Master Mei..."

"Notify them what they are doing. This is a matter for our Huaxia Empire. Why should we notify them?"

"Zhang Qi is the grandson of the third elder of the eight-armed sea tribe, an ally of the Empire. Xin'er is my queen, and you are my little brother, the empire's guard general. That's why we are here to discuss and ask them to listen to China Imperial affairs are not suitable." Lin Qian explained to Lei Gan.

"But boss, aren't you a disciple of the Vientiane Sect? Are you not afraid of what others say when you look like you are going to betray the sect?" Lei Gan opened his eyes and asked, "Of course, I must be standing there. On the boss's side."

"It’s Master Wei Wushuang who is kind to me, and the Vientiane Sect seems to have always owed me the kindness. What qualifications do they have to say about me? I heard that there are some elders’ words that are very interesting. Hand it over to the sect on the battleship!" At this point, Lin Qian roared angrily, smashing the case next to him with one palm.

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