The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 905: Perish

In the second stage of fantasy, Lin Qian became a poor student, and he had to rise step by step, to be an extremely human minister, and to control the court.

Now that he knew that he would get more rewards if he exceeded the goal, how could Lin Qian stop here.

After discussing with Zhuge Ming, it can be determined that such illusions cannot seek power to usurp the throne, but can only attach to the emperor to complete the grand cause.

In the end, Lin Qian had set his thoughts, to take the emperor to make the princes, and let the emperor become a puppet-like existence.

It's nothing to be a supreme minister, let the dynasty you belong to become the supreme of the world, unify the world, and become the first minister in history.

This kind of illusion lasted a hundred years, enough for Lin Qian to display his ambition and achieve such an achievement.

Just as Lin Qian entered the illusion, Wei Wushuang in the sky stared at the situation below, surprised inexplicably, rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was dazzled.

"What's the matter, is it because I misunderstood it?" Wei Wushuang muttered, unable to believe what he saw.

In the Haixuan Sanctuary, the fastest record of the first step was that it took four full days to recover to a sober state.

But just now he clearly saw that his apprentice Lin Qian had already escaped from the illusion in just five breaths of time and took the second step.

"Successful, this feeling of contending for world hegemony is really interesting, right?" Lin Qian, who woke up, suddenly smiled and took a deep breath.

The purple air was like a dragon, swimming endlessly, and was taken into his mind by his nose, and there was a burst of clarity.

The strength of the soul was instantly increased several times, far beyond that of people in the same realm. However, at the age of more than a hundred years, Lin Qian’s soul strength is already comparable to a thousand-year-old soul martial artist in the same realm. Going outside will definitely scare everyone.


"Indeed, and these experiences have many benefits not only for your majesty, but also for the ministers." Zhuge Ming also said with emotion.

In the world of illusion, although there are many differences, the foundation is still this world, and there are many strange things.

In such an illusion world, both Lin Qian and Zhuge Ming could clearly learn all kinds of knowledge, and even some fragments of it could be used in the teaching of the Academy of China Empire.

The improvement of the soul is naturally an incomparably rich reward, but the experience of these illusions is a huge intangible wealth and a lot of rewards.

"Now, I can't wait to see what the next illusion is." After moving his shoulders, Lin Qian took the third step.

In this illusion, Lin Qian had actually become the emperor, but he was about to become the emperor of the subjugated country, and he was coming to the city.

After all the hardships, I finally prospered the country and dominated the world.

After spending seven breaths, in the illusion, it was seventy years.

The fourth step is to transform into a hazy soul martial artist, just a relatively low-level existence, even a foreign race, confirmed from Huo Xuanyan, this is still a race above the immortal world.

This time is relatively long, the time limit is two thousand years, but after a hundred breaths, Lin Qian has already left the illusion, where he becomes the patriarch and rules one side.

"Unexpectedly, there are many things learned in this illusion, and there are many Xin Mi of this race itself, but it is difficult for outsiders to know. Precious information, this kind of thing, is much better than improving the strength of the soul." In the illusion, Lin Qian said solemnly, and at the same time paid more attention to the attitude of this reincarnation Zimu Lin.

Wei Wushuang, who was observing in the sky, was already dumbfounded and exclaimed, "This monster, why is this happening?"

"What are you yelling for?" Seeing his brother's shout, Wei Qingqing walked up to him impatiently.

"This kid has already taken the fifth step." Looking down at Lin Qian as he entered the illusion, Wei Wushuang inhaled and said solemnly.

"What?" Wei Qingqing spit out the melon seed shell, and quickly looked down with his probe, and suddenly realized that at this time, Lin Qian had already woke up and took the sixth step.

"This is only three breaths, and it breaks through the illusion again. This is too fast." Watching his apprentice complete this shocking scene, Wei Wushuang murmured, as if it was the first time he saw his apprentice.

It wasn't that he made a fuss, but Lin Qian's actions were too shocking.

After waking up in the tenth step, Lin Qian suddenly turned around and returned along the same path. This behavior was to abandon the challenge of the ecstasy forest, and his record would end at the tenth step.

After rushing out of the Forest of Lost Souls, Lin Qian flew away directly, extremely fast.

This scene was seen by many people, seeing the other person's body flashing with thunder and gold light leaving, tusk.

"It seems that the Lost Soul Forest is not where he can come."

"After he entered, he seemed to have only a few hundred breaths of effort, why did he leave?"

"It's probably a retreat, hahaha, it's not worth mentioning."

This scene caused many people to laugh out loud, glanced at the stele at the same time, and went to do their own things.

The ten-step record was not enough on the stone tablet above. Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Qian had escaped before the battle, and did not participate in the trial of the Lost Soul Forest at all.

How did they know that it was not that Lin Qian had escaped, but that he had already taken ten steps in such a short time!

In the high altitude, Wei Wushuang and Wei Qingqing looked at each other, and both could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"Why is it like this? It's never been the case in the past." Wei Qingqing stared at his younger brother and was inexplicably shocked. "Speaking of which, how did you get such a wicked apprentice?"

"Could it be that his soul strength is much stronger than the two of us?"

Wei Wushuang slowly shook his head, and then left. He doesn't care about this now. He just flew away when he cared about the good ones. Could something wrong happened?

But in an instant, Wei Wushuang had already followed Lin Qian, seeing the other's face in pain, his expression changed drastically: "What's the matter?"

"Master?" Lin Qian turned his head painfully, saw Wei Wushuang, relieved, "Is there a secluded place where I can practice?"

Wei Wushuang made a decisive decision and waved his big hand, leading him directly back to the suspended pavilion above the forest of ecstasy.

When he came to this small hanging pavilion, Lin Qian greeted Wei Qingqing with his hands and called his uncle, and sat down cross-legged.

The rewards in the purple wood forest in the previous reincarnation were one-by-one higher than the other, almost exploding his brain.

If you don't quickly find a place to practice refining and temper your own soul, I am afraid that the soul will be destroyed!

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