The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 908: understood

Lin Qian directly ignored his attitude and completely angered Princess Qin.

She has always been pampered and well-known in the outer courtyard. As the princess of the Kingdom of Hundred Wars, can enter the holy courtyard, and the piano palace built can enter the outer courtyard within a hundred, which is powerful and extraordinary.

A mere new student dared to ignore him so much.

The fixed assessment task is nothing more than a fixed assessment task. In the eyes of everyone, it is only a matter of ruling the world to be able to complete that fixed assessment task. That fixed assessment task, but there is no way to completely represent one's own strength.

As for the Overlord Palace, it was too young. Although it was able to enter a hundred names and was one of the most peak forces in the Outer Court, it was only a slightly bottomed existence among this peak.

The potential is full, but the positive strength, within a hundred, is not terrifying.

Therefore, in Princess Qin's eyes, Lin Qian was not in his eyes.

According to the situation she envisioned, after seeing her, the other party should be panicking and sue her. I am not Yan Ruqian's **** younger brother, who can be compared.

"Stop for this princess, are you looking for death?" Princess Qin said in a deep voice, and yelled at Lin Qian to stop him.

But for her orders, Lin Qian just turned a deaf ear to it, regardless, and went straight to the purple woods of reincarnation.

"Damn it!" Princess Qin clenched her silver teeth, her spirit agitated, and she was about to take action, "You humble inferior, this princess will inform the private soldiers to find your Chinese Empire and kill them all. net.

At this point, Lin Qian's figure suddenly stopped. He suddenly turned around and stared at the other person with a grim expression: "Princess Qin, your behavior is equivalent to the Hundred Wars Frontiers declaring war on the China Empire. Are you sure? Can you afford this responsibility?"

"Hahaha, it's really funny, don't you think your Huaxia Empire can be compared with our Hundred Wars Frontiers?" At this point, Princess Qin's face was full of playfulness, looking at Lin Qian's gaze. It was as if looking at a poor creature, "This kind of guy who doesn't even have the guts to accept a bet, dare to be so arrogant and say something to declare war."

"Compared with our country of Hundred Wars, you are not declaring war, but waiting for death."

After Lin Qian was silent for a long time, he looked at Princess Qin and slowly said, "If this is the case, then the Huaxia Empire and the Hundred Wars Frontiers are now hostile. You can tell you to go back and be prepared for war."

"By the way, my temper is limited. Since you are so innocent, then you should make your bet. Within ten years, I will break your record. At that time, you will decide yourself. Right."

After speaking, Lin Qian walked into the purple wood forest without looking back, preparing for the next experience and sharpening himself.

Lin Qian disappeared before everyone's eyes, which surprised many people.

What they were shocked was not the fact that the other party agreed to the gambling agreement, but that Lin Qian took the initiative to say that he had become hostile to the Hundred Wars Borderland and seemed to be ready to launch a war.

Many people onlookers really couldn't figure out where Lin Qian had the confidence to start a war against the Hundred Wars Borderland.

Princess Qin in midair, her chest undulating, she really didn't expect Lin Qian to be so arrogant. Fortunately, the other party also agreed to the gambling agreement, but immediately after her face changed, this gambling agreement did not even take the heart demon oath.

"Huh, it's okay, anyway, with so many people witnessing it, even if you want to go back on the bill, it's impossible."

At this moment, Lin Qian had entered the purple woods of reincarnation and continued to experience the illusion.

When he took the first step, he still entered the illusion, and because he had already passed the illusion in the first ten steps, the illusion would not appear.

To withdraw from Samsara Zimulin, you must start to practice again.

The only difference is that after the first experience of the illusion, the reward will be much richer.

Now that Lin Qian is walking ten steps again, the rewards he will get will be much less, not so generous.

Lin Qian didn't care about this. His goal was to break through ten steps, go further back, and get more rewards to improve his soul.

As for the gambling agreement with that princess Qin, it was only incidental.

At this moment, outside of Samsara Zimulin, many people were talking and thinking about what started.

"Speaking of which, Lin Qian was too impulsive, and even agreed to the gambling agreement."

"You dare to even publicly announce that you will be hostile to the Hundred Wars of Jianguo, and there is nothing to dare."

"But speaking of it, in that case, why did he hide before."

"Maybe it's not hiding, but doing something."

Everyone talked a lot. A student from the outer courtyard also listened silently. When he glanced over the stone tablet inadvertently, his eyes widened and he suddenly screamed: "Grass!"

Uncontrollably, when this soul martial artist roared, he used his soul qi, and instantly shocked many people around him, and looked towards him.

"What is your ghost name, scary and funny?"

"No." The screaming person waved his hand quickly, pointed to the stone tablet and shouted, "Look at the stone tablet's 10,000th place."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at the stone tablet.

The ranking on the stone tablet will be ranked according to the number of steps and the time spent. Only the top 10,000 names will appear on the stone tablet.

On the stone tablet, the ninth and ninety-ninth place is the ninth one, the result is clearly the twelfth step, and it takes 207 days!

But behind him, the ten thousandth place is clearly Lin Qian, and behind him, it is marked with ten steps.

As for time, two hundred and three interest!

That's right, it's not two hundred and three days, but two hundred and three breaths. Comparing with the two hundred and seven days above, it's horrifying.

"How could it be that something went wrong with this stele, right?"

"Two hundred breaths even take eleven steps, I'm afraid that the first dean will come in person, there is no way to do this, right?"

"Monster, is this really possible?"

"Look, his ranking is rising, so fast!"

Lin Qian, twelve steps, two hundred and twenty breaths.

Lin Qian, 13 steps, two hundred and twenty-six breaths.

Lin Qian, fourteen steps, two hundred and thirty-two breaths.

Almost every moment, Lin Qian's ranking is rising crazily, and the label behind his name has shocked everyone and speechless.

At this moment, they suddenly looked towards the entrance of Samsara Zimu Lin, and saw Lin Qian rush out of it with their own eyes, impatiently, with a strange expression, and flew away in the air.

"I understand!" Suddenly, the person on the side of the stele was the first to call out.

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