The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 919: Hidden mystery

Soon after leaving the Lost Soul Forest, Lin Qian appeared in front of his master.

"Now that the wind and clouds are suddenly rising, the entire Sea Vortex Star Territory is already being disturbed by your kid." Wei Wushuang stared at Lin Qian and said slowly, "As the teacher can help you, I can do what has been done, and the rest. But you have to rely on yourself, after all, you said don’t interfere with the teacher."

Looking at his master, Lin Qian smiled and nodded: "Indeed, this battlefield is very profitable to the Chinese Empire, especially for them to integrate into the empire, which has great benefits."

"The disciples have been in retreat for a hundred years, and they have successfully blended together, and all that is left is to let the hammer of war smash them into iron plates."

After hearing what his apprentice said, Wei Wushuang was silent, and after a long time he suddenly spoke again: "Besides, there should be something in it, right?"

"Master really has eyes like a torch, and nothing can satisfy you." Lin Qian was also amazed when he heard his master's words, he said, "There used to be the Nether Clan among the Starry Blue Phoenix Clan."

Although he knew that the Nether Clan was just a collection of many different races, Lin Qian felt that it was necessary to call him that way.

Their life characteristics seem to be fundamentally different, they are different races, but their behavior is just like a race.

In Lin Qian's view, the Huaxia Empire will be the same in the future, and many races in the country will merge into one race, the Huaxia tribe.

Hearing Lin Qian's words, Wei Wushuang's eyes showed a haze: "There is such a thing, this Nether Clan has no way to become a teacher."

As the master of the star field of the sea swirling star field, if a creature that was not born in the sea swirling star field appears, he can sense it in the first time. But only the Nether Clan, he couldn't do this.

It seems that this Nether Clan has a way to conceal the characteristics of the master of the star field, and there is no way to find them through the special ability of the master of the star field.

"So, what do you mean..." Wei Wushuang is not a stupid person, his disciple said this, he certainly knows the chill.

"In the Sea Vortex Star Region, there are probably a lot of Nether Races. The most likely place to hide is in the Holy Courtyard Galaxy." At this point, Lin Qian looked at Wei Wushuang, this is the darkness under the light, this The place is only in charge of the Holy Court, and no other forces can reach out. In fact, it is the safest.

In the sea swirling star field, the sea swirling sacred courtyard is in the center, and a huge circular area spreading out from him is the holy courtyard galaxy.

The territories of many other forces are like a circle that surrounds the Sanctuary Galaxy.

According to Lin Qian's plan, after defeating the Hundred Wars Alliance, unify the outer ring area of ​​the entire Sea Swirling Star Region, and then wrap it in towards the Holy Courtyard Galaxy in the center and catch it all in one go.

This will not only be able to take over the entire Sea Vortex Star Region, but also be able to find out all the hidden Nether Clan and eliminate hidden dangers.

Neither Wei Wushuang nor Wei Qingqing's clone can be exposed, and the current situation of the Wei family will be exposed.

Therefore, looking for something like the Nether Clan can only get Lin Qian to take action.

"People in the holy courtyard, don't do it lightly, so as not to stun the snake." Just when Lin Qian was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly stopped and said, looking back at his master.

In response, Wei Wushuang raised his brows, he really planned to do so.

"Master has a way to ban the entire holy courtyard galaxy, no one can leave, even the void channel, etc., are completely isolated?" At this point, Lin Qian stared at Wei Wushuang with a solemn expression, "Netherclan People, I am afraid there is a way to build something similar to a teleportation array."

Wei Wushuang was shocked, and he didn't think his apprentice was alarmist. Since the other party said so, it's almost impossible.

Regarding this, he also suppressed his thoughts and decided not to mess with his apprentice.

After all, his deity is not in this place. If the deity is here, any demons and sprites can't escape, and he will be killed instantly.

After leaving here, Lin Qian directly came to the trial place and went to the location of the teleportation formation.

The entire trial place is already empty, everyone has returned to the Huaxia Empire, and no one stayed here.

Just when Lin Qian left the customs, the Hundred Wars Alliance brazenly launched an attack, and at the same time began an attack towards the border of the Chinese Empire's now huge border.

The Void Cloud Boat drove towards it, and the countless army of soul martial artists approached all the planets. These were all planets on the border of the Huaxia Empire.

The soldiers of the Chinese Empire who had been observing the Hundred Wars League operations, after seeing the situation, hurriedly informed this side.

And the order they got is also one, retreat!

When they received this order, the whole person was a little bit stunned. Didn't they fight with the enemy when they encountered it? Why do they want to retreat directly now?

In fact, they didn't realize that on the planets they guarded, there was no Huaxia Boundary Array itself, and there were no traces of Soul Cannons, which proved that these planets themselves were to be discarded.

There is only one purpose, which is to delay time.

At this moment, most of the troops on the battlefield are clansmen and clansmen of various forces.

After all, on the Huaxia Empire side, because of Lin Qian's own realm, he could only summon the imperial army in the cave world from the fantasy star. Although it was more than enough to deal with ordinary fighting, it still seemed a little weak in the face of real fighting.

You know, whether it is the many big clans that merged into the Huaxia Empire or the Hundred Wars Alliance, they are all equipped with a pioneering army. Compared with the cave world, their strength is particularly terrifying, and it is far from the existence of the powerful soul warrior of the cave world. .

Retreat before fighting, this kind of thing is very morale damage, but the order from the rear is still issued without hesitation.

Those powerhouses who opened up the realm in front of them all shouted bad luck and could only retreat.

However, they did not know that this was just the beginning of the plan.

"Why retreat directly and fight head-on, now we and the Hundred Wars League are not at a disadvantage." During the retreat, many people muttered to themselves, a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, I heard that the imperial army of the Huaxia Empire is very powerful, and I haven't seen them. I said that the soul cannon is very powerful, and I have never seen it before. I really don't understand what the Huaxia Empire is doing. ?"

Listening to the conversation of the powerful of his own people, Shengda looked at them solemnly: "You will know soon, don't you find that the planets we abandon and retreat are all very barren and ruined planets?"

There are words in Shengda's words, which hide mystery.

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