The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 921: Real war

In fact, Shengda had known for a long time why he had to guard those barren planets so as to give the people of the Hundred Wars Alliance an illusion that the Huaxia Empire valued these planets.

As for why to give up now, because it is time to use these planets.


The deafening roar, because of the transmission of the soul, resounded in the outer space of this area, and exploded in everyone's ears, roaring and buzzing.

A broad river-like pillar of soul energy suddenly crossed from the original position of the battleship fleet led by Shengda and shot straight ahead.

Not only that, there are several such beams of light in the distance, straddling the starry sky, and rushing towards the distance.

"Look, this is the soul cannon, its name is the Destruction Bombardment Soul Cannon, the strongest soul cannon that the Huaxia Empire can use at the moment." Standing on the deck, Shengda said to the people around him.

The clansmen of the Saint Mark tribe all looked in the direction of the beam of light with fear and fear, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

The spirit energy fluctuations contained in that spirit energy beam were unprecedented and shocking.

They thought about it carefully. If they were still in their original positions, there would be no more dross left.

This is the attack of the Soul Cannon?

A group of members of the Saint Mark tribe looked at the direction where the beam of light derives, and found that it was the barren planet that they had originally abandoned, and they realized it instantly.

The whole body was cold, and everyone was soaked in cold sweat.

None of the Saint Mark tribesmen present were stupid people, no one knew that the target of this soul cannon attack was those barren planets.

"Could it be..."

A terrifying possibility emerged in everyone's hearts, and they all turned around in a hurry, staring straight ahead.


There seemed to be a faint sound and movement in the distance, and in the end there was no more text, but they were able to see that the small planet in the distance was already densely covered by red cobwebs.

That is the magma gushing out of the earth's core, which caused this result.


After only hearing the violent explosion sound, the barren planet in the distance suddenly burst open. In the void outside this dark domain, it looked like colorful fireworks, which was truly beautiful.

Behind the beauty is blood and purgatory.

On that planet, there are a large number of Hundred Wars Alliance Vanguard Soul Martial Artists, just like this, in the explosion of this planet, they were swallowed by fire.

Unless the pioneers in the vanguard can survive this explosion.

It’s not just here for Shengda. After almost the Hundred Wars Alliance captured the abandoned planets, observations by the Ministry of Civil Engineering at the rear confirmed that the vanguards exist on that planet, and they will order the destruction bombardment placed in the rear. The soul cannon launched an attack.

The people guarding these planets suddenly discovered that there was a huge shaking in the starry sky, with a huge sound like a rock and a crack.

This is the sound of destruction bombardment soul cannon attack, and each sound represents the destruction of a planet.

The soul warriors of the Hundred Wars League on the barren planet all fell into their own joy, laughing, thinking that the victory in the first battle was an excellent sign, and the subsequent fight would surely be smooth sailing.

Unexpectedly, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky, bombarding the ground, piercing the stars below, and blasting a huge hole like an abyss.

The spirit energy beam that destroyed the bombardment of the soul artillery landed around the ground, causing numerous casualties and no bones.

When all the dust settles, a huge black abyss hole will appear on the ground, surrounded by thunderbolts, hot magma gushing out of the earth, a scene of doomsday.

Then, it exploded and faced despair.

Capture the barren planet and abandon it in battle. After the opponent takes possession, use the Destruction Bombardment Soul Cannon to bombard the planet directly, once and for all.

And Lin Qian, at this moment, was still on the starry sky corridor of the teleportation array, striding forward towards the position of the Soul Martial Star.

Lin Qian's plan to destroy the planet and obliterate the opponent's vanguard was also made before Lin Qian entered the retreat.

At the beginning of the war, who can take the lead and get the first place, then in the next battle, will get great benefits.

Especially, it has a great influence on one's morale.

"What!" The Hundred Wars League, the Great Emperor of the Hundred Wars Borderland, who got news of the battle ahead, was extremely shocked.

On the other side, the Huaqiong Empire, who was sitting in the Great Hall of the Hundred Wars League, was also dumbfounded.

The expressions of many people in the hall were gloomy in an instant, and the news from the front was too shocking.

After the attack, the other party instantly abandoned the planet. After they were stationed and occupied, they did not know where the attack came from, and suddenly the planet they were stationed on was directly blown up.

The Hundred Wars Frontier Kingdom can be regarded as having experienced a hundred battles, and have never seen such a way of fighting.

Directly blasting off a planet is not something that can be done just by talking. The planet has a natural resistance to the spirits of creatures.

If a planet becomes stronger and stronger, then the starburst on it will be stronger. This kind of starburst will make the soul attack of creatures and the damage to itself slowed by half.

Therefore, even if it is a strong person who has surpassed the development realm, it is not an easy task to blast off a planet.

Unbelievable means, directly blasting the planet into dross, this is not something ordinary people can do!

This incident spread throughout the Hundred Wars League in an instant, and it had a huge blow to morale.

On the other hand, on the Huaxia Empire, after being shocked, morale greatly increased, and almost countless people wanted to see the true face of Soul Cannon.

These planets are already dilapidated, it is not a pity that they are bombed off, and there are benefits.

After the planet is bombed, there will be a large open space. This place can stop the void battleship, which will have great benefits for the attack behind.

The steel city formed by the void battleship is like a springboard and transfer station for war, because it is formed by the battleship, it can advance and retreat freely and is extremely flexible.

After leaving the starry sky corridor, Lin Qian had returned to Soul Martial Star.

The teleportation formation in the trial land was already connected to the planetary capital city above the Soul Martial Star of the China Empire. After he walked out of the teleportation formation, he flew directly to the center of the imperial city.

The meeting hall in the palace hall was already gathering a lot of people, the people in power of the Chinese Empire in the past.

Lin Qian gathered everyone here for the purpose of discussing the next battle with the Hundred Wars League.

After three days and three nights, Lin Qian walked out of the main hall, followed by his officials, all of them excited and full of fighting spirit.

The Hundred Wars League has already started, and their Chinese Empire is naturally not a passive existence.

The real war officially begins now.

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