The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 932: Emperor give strength

Although the scene of the destruction and bombardment of the soul cannon shocked Wei Wushuang, the scene of the white leading army fighting in front of him was even more shocking.

The Nether Clan’s combat power has always been a very powerful existence, even if this team that intercepts Bai Qi is not the strong main force of the Nether Clan.

But this is too easy.

In fact, it is normal for this battlefield to have a massacre scene.

Among the Nether Clan are power races composed of different races, among which there are naturally weak races.

The Nether Race that currently exists in the Sea Vortex Star Territory is a relatively weak group of races.

Such a small and weak race, wanting to compete head-on with the dignified killer, is simply joking.

Bai Qi personally led the killing of the gods army. Under the impact, the murderous aura that filled the sky could directly scare the weak Nether tribe to death. Even if those Nether tribes were not scared to death, their legs would be weak and weak, how can they compete with it?

Facing Bai Qi, they have only one choice, escape!

No escape, only death!

It is a pity that in addition to the Killing God Army led by Bai Qi, there is also the Wood World Clan.

In the territory of the Huaxia Empire, many places have sporadically planted the King Tree of the Wood Realm, so that the power of the wood world can be found in the world of the Chinese Empire.

In this way, the clansmen of the Wood World Clan can use the power of the Wood World to speed up their cultivation no matter what.

Especially in the territory of the Wood World, the number of King Trees in the Wood World is also more, and the power of the Wood World is extremely strong.

The Heart of the Wood Realm, because of the cultivation of the fantasy star Huasheng, has changed from an extremely noble holy artifact in the Wood Realm tribe to a slightly more expensive cultivation resource.

As time goes by, the heart of the wood world will only become cheaper and cheaper, and I am afraid that everyone in the wood world will have the heart of the wood world.

The Huaxia Empire has changed the Wood World Clan, which has increased the strength of their clan too much.

The Mujie people who came to the exhibition this time are all talented and extremely powerful.

The power of their ban is not something these Nether Races can escape.

These Nether Races who intercepted Bai Qi, no one can escape, they all died under his hands.

It is impossible to leave alive after becoming an enemy of Bai Qi.

"Master, take a good look at what the disciples are like, all aspects of torturing and killing this group of Nether Clan and this Hundred Wars League.

After speaking, the golden body of Lin Qian's emperor just dissipated and disappeared in front of Wei Wushuang, turning into a little golden light.

Wei Wushuang clearly saw that before his apprentice emperor's golden body disappeared, his eyes were full of firm and serious eyes, as if he was about to move.

Just as Wei Wushuang had thought, Lin Qian was indeed planning to make a real move.

Originally, according to his plan, the various tribes in the Central Front China Empire would train their troops and slowly fight against the Hundred Wars Alliance. When it was about time, they would break through.

The appearance of the Nether Clan now broke Lin Qian's plan. In order to avoid more casualties, he could only choose to do his best.

Although this will make the training effect less than Lin Qian expected, it will also give them a sense of identity by showing the empire's powerful strength.

At present, all the tribesmen who have joined the Huaxia Empire are extremely precious wealth, and Lin Qian will only feel very heartbroken if any one is lost.

"The 100,000 battleship group on the central front began to reorganize and break up into the major descending ranks of the Imperial Army."

"The Nether Clan appears. In order to avoid more casualties, the Imperial Army will serve as the main combat force, with other clans assisting."

"The Soul Martial Artist of the Open Realm and above is responsible for staring at the Soul Martial Artist of the same realm opposite, and relieve the pressure on the Soul Martial Artist of the Cave Sky Realm."

"The Mad Zhan Clan and the War Blade Clan merge into the Bai Qi Army."

"Thunder Clan and Blast Flame Clan were merged into Nezha Army."

"The Strange Soul Race and the Starry Sky Lanfeng Race were merged into the Lu Bu army."

"The rest of the tribes scattered into the various armies, Ao Zun and other dragon armies scattered and followed the army."

After Lin Qian gave the order, everyone knew what he was about to do.

The Void Battleship began to mobilize continuously, some retreated and some moved forward, temporarily not confronting the people of the Hundred Wars League to avoid being attacked when changing teams.

The dragon army led by Ao Zun is the most perfect barrier to resist.

On the side of the Hundred Wars League, they were also throwing rodents and did not dare to act rashly.

The Nether Clan who suddenly rushed out also frightened many forces in the Hundred Wars League. They themselves didn't expect that their side would be related to the Nether Clan.

But the matter has come to this point, the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it. Even if it is connected with the Nether Race, the current situation has no possibility of shrinking.

The only thing that can be done at present is to fight to the end with the Huaxia Empire.

However, shortly afterwards, the Hundred Wars League received a lot of news, and there were many territories on its own side, which were actually breached.

According to the rumors, under the red army's charge, no one can stop him, and can only watch his defensive formation be rushed to pieces.

There is also news that the enemy is a man with a spear, and the army led by it seems to be an invincible division, and there is no way to resist it. Even the strong in the development realm would be stabbed to death by this man.

What's more, it is said that some people use soldiers like gods, who are completely played and played around, and often the whole army is destroyed without knowing what happened.

What is even more frightening is that the reinforcements on his side were intercepted and annihilated by the armies of the two Chinese empires.

One of them is an army composed of many different spirit beasts, these spirit beasts are actually able to use the Horcruxes and utter human words, just like a real army.

The presence of the leader, the long stick in his hand became huge in the blink of an eye, and with a light wave, thousands of people died.

The Huaxia Empire army on the other side is simply the nemesis of the Magic Meizu. The leader is clearly a human race, but has a third eye on his forehead. Under the golden light, the full sky environment field formed by thousands of magic Meizu powerhouses is unexpectedly affected by him. One person broke open.

In an instant, the Huaxia Empire seemed to be in full bloom, and the Hundred Wars League had no resistance at all.

"This is just the beginning, the Hundred Wars League, the Nether Race!" In the National War Palace, Lin Qian naturally knew the victory immediately, with a mysterious smile on his face, "Now, let you see, Huaxia The true power of the empire."

"Everyone is obedient and can use Huaxia Battle Array."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing Lin Qian's order, almost every person with the highest combat strength of the Chinese Empire had a triumphant smile on his face, and he was very excited.

In everyone's eyes, there is a golden luster, which comes from Lin Qian's power.

The emperor gives strength!

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