The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 949: The power of fantasy stars

Fantasy star?

Hearing this name, Wei Wushuang searched the depths of his memory, thought a lot, but still couldn't remember that there is such a planet among the heavens and the world.

"Apprentice, you have to know that the strength of a planet is also graded, grade 1 to grade 5. The stronger the planet, the higher the grade. The influence of resources in the palm of the star realm is very huge, you have to be cautious." Wei Wu has a long bilingual focus and is deeply afraid of himself. Disciple impulsive.

The heavens and myriad worlds are also classified into grades for planets, integrating the resources of the planets, the strength of living beings on them, and so on, and then ranking them.

The higher the grade, the stronger the star power you will get after you control it.

The strength of the planet under control is very important to the soul martial artist of this realm, and will have a huge impact in the future.

At present, the strongest planet in the territory of the Chinese Empire is the Soul Martial Star. Because it is a fragment of the fairy star Xuanyan star, and Lin Qian's management, it can reach the third-rank star. Middle is an incredible thing.

After all, the Sea Vortex Star Region is a remote new star region, among which only two or three planets are Grade 2 planets, and they are still in Grade 2 because of the transformation of the Huaxia Empire, and most of them are Grade 1 newly promoted.

Because the past planets in the Sea Vortex Star Territory were all impenetrable planets.

According to Wei Wushuang's plan, let Lin Qian become the master of the star field of the Sea Vortex Star Territory, and then let his grandfather Wei Ziliang directly move a fifth-grade planet from the Wei family's territory to the Sea Vortex Star Territory.

In this way, after Lin Qian entered the Star-Handling Realm, he would not be too far behind the many top geniuses in the 36th Realm of Nandou.

"..." My master cares about himself so much, Lin Qian doesn't have to say much, is he going to tell Wei Wushuang that the star power contained in a small island on the fantasy star he selected is more than that of the heavens and ten thousand realms. Is the fifth-tier planet still tyrannical?

Lin Qian even wondered, if he told Master about this matter, would the other party doubt life.

"Master, the disciple has his own thoughts, it's okay." After listening carefully to Master's instructions, Lin Qian said his thoughts.

After Wei Wushuang took a serious look at his apprentice, he understood in his heart.

"Since you have your own considerations, then Master doesn't say much." At this time, Wei Wushuang remembered that his apprentice is always creating such miracles, since he said so. , Certainly has its own reason.

Perhaps, the fantasy star in his mouth, as the star in the star realm of his apprentice, is very impressive.

After that, Wei Wushuang left the courtyard and followed his grandfather Wei Ziliang.

He has already done what he should do as a respected master. Since his apprentice has his own ideas and better plans, he hasn't intervened much. He can only hope that his apprentice will surprise himself again.

As for Lin Qian, he was still standing on this high platform, thinking to himself, if he really became the palm star realm, he would control the fantasy star, how strong would he be.

Speaking of which, Lin Qian himself is very much looking forward to it. Needless to say how strong the fantasy star is.

According to his own guess, if he succeeded in controlling the fantasy star, he would probably not be his opponent in the same realm.

"Even so, cultivation still can't fall." After thinking about it, Lin Qian turned and left, returned to his house, and continued his cultivation.

Anyway, the Huaxia Empire has now entered a formal state, and all aspects have been coordinated. Unless it is a very important decision that requires its own intervention, the other operations of the Tiangong Department are fully competent.

On the other side, after returning to the courtyard arranged by Lin Qian, as soon as Wei Wushuang entered the courtyard, he heard his grandfather talking with Wei Zhongcai, the third elder.

"Brother, are you really going to change your mind?"

"No change, no matter what the result is, the Wei family is bound to be incorporated into the Chinese Empire." Wei Ziliang looked at Wei Zhongcai in front of him, decisively.

Looking at Wei Ziliang's firm attitude, Wei Zhong knew that his elder brother might not change his mind again. He just asked curiously: "Then elder brother, why on earth, can you always explain to us?"

At the same time, Wei Wushuang also came to this other courtyard and stood opposite his grandfather. He was also very puzzled. This was completely inconsistent with the temper of his grandfather.

However, Wei Ziliang just shook his head slightly, looked at his third brother, and said in a deep voice: "There is no way to explain this matter, and I can't tell it. If I explain it to you, I'm afraid it will cause trouble to the upper body."

"If you understand it directly, I am afraid that the entire Wei family will be wiped out. Not only that, this Chinese empire is also a destiny that cannot escape extinction."

Having said that, Wei Ziliang solemnly looked at Wei Zhongcai in front of him, as well as his sons, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren: "My word, I am afraid it will be a catastrophe, this kind of thing is not an exaggeration."

Obviously, Wei Zhongcai and others couldn't understand Wei Ziliang's words. Is it true that such a serious failure, one sentence, would cause such serious consequences?

Seeing the disbelieving gazes of the few people in front of him, Wei Ziliang was not easy to say clearly, just sighed lightly: "You don't want to take care of this kind of thing, and after the Wei family is incorporated into the Huaxia Empire, there will only be benefits and no harm. ."

After speaking, Wei Ziliang went straight back to his house and closed the door.

Wei Zhongcai smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had no choice but to make the decision of his elder brother. For the entire Wei family, the elder brother has the final say.

Wei Ziliang had already returned to the room, so naturally he would not stay in the courtyard anymore and returned to his own room.

In the courtyard, only Wei Yuqi and his family of three.

"In this way, the fate of our Wei family has been decided, that is, to be incorporated into the Huaxia Empire." Wei Yuqi said here, looking at his son, "Speaking of which, what kind of apprentice did you accept? ."

In response to his father's question, Wei Wushuang shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look: "It doesn't matter to me, who knows that Hongchen Lianxin will get such an apprentice. In other words, what about sisters?"

"I said I went to buy a gift for your mother. What kind of cosmetics is it called? It is very popular in this Chinese empire, and ladies love it very much."

When you say this to your husband and wife, Wei Wushuang remembered it. It seemed that this thing was also something that his apprentice came up with, and it was researched by the Ministry of Heavenly Engineering.

In retrospect, almost all the novel things in the Huaxia Empire came out of my own disciples.

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