The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 951: A Gathering of Heroes

Without further ado, it is natural to leave immediately.

Before leaving, Lin Qian specially sent Wei Ziliang and the rest of the void cloud boat to the fantasy star, and asked the Fire Engineering Department and the Heaven Engineering Department to jointly reform, so that the speed can be increased, and the group of heroes can be opened as soon as possible.

Despite the turbulence in the relics of hosting the Heroes' Meeting, and the complete weakening of the power that looms over them, there is still nearly a hundred years to go. If you start to prepare now, it is more than enough.

Among the reincarnation purple wood forest, Lin Qian came to the center.

He has successfully passed the reincarnation purple wood forest, then he will not receive any rewards, nor will he set off any illusions.

Reincarnation Zimu Lin, like his back garden.

In the center, Purple Cocoon was still quietly suspended in the air, without any movement.

However, Lin Qian could clearly perceive that there was a tyrannical force in this purple cocoon, and he was brewing to see that this familiar breath belonged to Ye Xin.

"This time, the husband has to go to a place far away to participate in the trial of what is known as the Heroes Club. I don't know why, but I always feel that I have to go." Reached out his hand and gently stroked the purple cocoon, which was concentrated by purple power. Lin Qian whispered softly, he knew Ye Xin could hear her own voice even in the fusion of blood.

Suddenly, he saw with his own eyes the giant purple cocoon in front of him shaking suddenly, as if he was responding to his words.

Lin Qian laughed and patted the purple cocoon lightly in front of him: "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Before leaving, Lin Qian pondered for a long time, always feeling uneasy. He suddenly waved his hand, mobilized a puppet body, and called out two military commanders with peak combat power: "Hua Ling, Hua Mulan, you protect the queen, understand? ?"

"Zunzhi!" Two heroic female military commanders bowed their hands and bowed on one knee.

At this moment, Lin Qian was relieved, turned and left the reincarnation purple wood forest.

Now, there are a lot of materials for the puppet body, and more and more people are regaining their peak combat power.

Lin Qian felt very comfortable with the feeling that the puppet body had no restrictions on playing.

After leaving the Samsara Zimu Forest, Lin Qian joined his master and his party, and at the same time handed the transformed Void Cloud Boat to the other party.

The new void cloud boat is obviously much smaller than in the past. The spirit tree of this cloud boat is made from a good Yunling round wood. Some characteristics are compared to the soul mine that can be used now. , Much better.

However, the unique metal alloy on the fantasy star has also been used a lot, and with each other, the cloud boat is stronger and faster.

The appearance of Yunzhou has also been changed into a shuttle-like streamline, which can maximize the speed, and the cabin has also been modified.

Wei Ziliang specifically asked Lin Qian to help him get a soul camera so that he could have a good time this time.

You know, it took a full five years for the Wei family to use the Void Cloud Boat on the journey of the Huaxia Empire.

Five years was really nothing to them, but they were able to chase a lot of dramas through the soul vision machine.

Lin Qian naturally promised with a smile. After all, the other party was an elder, and some small demands were naturally met.

Quietly, the Void Cloud Boat that Lin Qian was riding in just so escaped, sank into the void, and flew towards the Wei family's place at a rapid speed, without a trace.

And in the Sea Vortex Star Region, Lin Qian's puppet body also opened his eyes and looked down at his body: "It's really similar to a real person, but... so weak."

In the Soul Martial Star New Qin City, Lin Qian moved his puppet identity: "Now I can feel what it feels like when you use the puppet body, it's a bit strange."

"One mind and two uses, it's not a difficult task, Your Majesty." In the hall, Zhuge Ming, who was also sitting on the side of a puppet, smiled and greeted him.

On the other side, an old lady with red hair, Xuan Yan, carefully looked at Lin Qian for a long time: "The method of refining this body seems to be the skill of the Ice Soul Dragon Clan above the immortal."

"Ice Soul Dragon Clan?" Lin Qian was a little surprised when Xuan Yan said, "What is the situation? This seems to be a little bit different from what I had learned at the beginning."

Xuan Yan is the Xuan Yan Star Earth Spirit, who has been trapped in the heart of the earth. Although she can't leave, she can still use the puppet body.

It was precisely because of the use of the puppet body that she knew about this thing. After careful observation, she also recognized the origin of the puppet body.

As an earth spirit, she possesses a vast amount of knowledge. For the lower realm, the upper realm of the immortal is very mysterious, but she is an exception.

"Yes, Ice Soul Dragon Clan's refining method is also very powerful. This puppet body is exactly the Ice Soul Dragon Clan's soul-refining technique, but it has great flaws." After thinking carefully, Xuan Yan replied affirmatively.

On the other side, Zhugeming looked at the old woman Xuanyan on the opposite side seriously, "Are you sure?"

"Prime Minister, the old lady will not fool her master." Xuan Yan was sure.

At this time, Zhuge Ming quickly turned to look at Lin Qian: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid the things in it are not that simple."

"From now on, half of the corpses of the Black Demon are from the Nether Clan, with certain characteristics, and the other half are from the Necroclan in the realm above the immortal. There is no doubt about this, Xuan Yan has verified it." Lin Qian Speaking of this, I looked at Xuan Yan.

Xuan Yan nodded affirmatively: "Yes, the Necromancers are good at enslaving dead corpses. They are a big family that controls the way of death. Their characteristics are too obvious."

"Ice Soul Dragon Clan, the bloodline is simple." After thinking about it, Lin Qian immediately thought of a question. He understood it instantly, and looked at his prime minister, "Human trafficker?"

"Your Majesty is wise, and the minister is also guessing."

"Sympathetic people, the Ice Soul Dragon Clan in the immortal realm. The current situation, it is obvious that the human blood is even higher..." Outside the Sea Vortex Star Territory, on the special Void Cloud Boat, the deity Lin Qian looked down Holding his hands, "My life experience is really interesting."

As his voice fell, the special void cloud boat he was in also cut through the void and escaped into the void passage.

On the other side, Lin Qian's puppet body also waved his hand: "This matter, put aside for the time being, there are still many things to be done in the Huaxia Empire. Prime Minister, the systemization of education, do you think it is so feasible?"

Lin Qian walked down, called a tactical mirror, and discussed with Zhuge Ming.

On the other side, Xuan Yan also stepped forward, and based on some of the experience of the immortal upper realm, put forward his own proposal aloud.

At this time, many forces in the 36th Realm of Nandou had already begun to set out, preparing for a gathering of heroes.

Talented people come together!

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