The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 962: Yanhuangtang

"You..." The Wei family pointed at Lin Qian in front of him, unable to speak, his chest undulating, extremely angry.

In his eyes, Lin Qian simply did not put him in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Lin Qian, where did he have time to compare something with them, followed Wei Wushuang's side, and went straight back to the courtyard of the Wei family.

In the same place, only a group of Wei family children were left. They looked at what was happening in front of them with a green complexion. Lin Qian's behavior was simply a slap on their faces, causing fiery pain.

But Lin Qian left behind Wei Wushuang. Everyone knew that they were the relationship between master and apprentice.

As for Wei Wushuang, he is the three generations of Wei Ziliang's most beloved children, how could his only grandson not be loved.

No matter how courageous their four generations of disciples were, they did not dare to block Wei Wushuang from facing Lin Qianqiang's actions. For the time being, they could only endure it like that, and wait until the next time they have the opportunity to be ashamed.

After leaving Wei Ziliang's mansion behind Wei Wushuang, Lin Qian thought carefully about how to secretly manage the Wei family and promote the Wei family?

Runyu was silent, allowing the entire Wei family to be incorporated into the Chinese Empire in the future. During this period of time, Lin Qian needed to let the influence of the empire penetrate into the Wei family invisibly.

With the assistance of Wei Ziliang, it is not that difficult to accomplish such a thing.

"Apprentice, from now on, the Wei family is afraid that it will completely sever the relationship with Mingchuntang. Then, should the problem of pill medicine be replaced with potion?" After returning to his mansion, Wei Wushuang thought Very curious, he asked Lin Qian aloud, trying to solve the doubts in his heart.

Wei Wushuang spoke, and Lin Qian also woke up from his contemplation, and shook his head quickly: "Not so, the potion is not suitable for the Wei family now."

Just kidding, the effect of the potion is far more powerful than the pill.

And the higher the level of the potion, the more obvious the gap will be. The Wei family is not the Huaxia Empire, and the potion level it needs must be very high, so the potion taken out will shake the entire Nandou 36 realm.

Lin Qian hoped that the Wei family would maintain their strength and the speed of development would not slow down, instead of committing crimes and provoking too many enemies for no reason.

It is absolutely imperative to use potion for the Wei family now.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qian also had an extra jade bottle in his hand and handed it to his master Wei Wushuang: "Now, the Wei family can use the pill, and the Huaxia Empire is not incapable of making pill."

Taking the jade bottle in his disciple's hand, Wei Wushuang pulled out the cork. After careful observation, his expression also changed slightly.

The pill in Lin Qian's hand was beyond his expectation.

Qi Gathering Pill, among the heavens and ten thousand realms, the grade classification of the pill is exactly the same as the cultivation method. Immortal, Dao, Sage, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang Qipin each has three ranks.

According to the classification of pill, Juqi Pill belongs to the upper-level Huangpin.

But the medicinal power of this bottle of Qi Gathering Pill clearly belongs to the category of the lower level of Profound Grade, and the medicinal power exceeds the limit of the pill's own grade. This is a method that a true alchemy master can possess.

In Wei Wushuang's impression, there are only three people in Nandou Thirty-Six Realm who can do this.

Two of them are the two main hall masters of Mingchuntang, and they are also brothers of a female compatriot.

Although the two of them can do this, they can never condescend to do this kind of thing and refine a Huangpin high-level medicine.

After that, Wei Wushuang directly took the pill in the bottle, confirming that it had such an effect.

After confirming, Wei Wushuang's eyes lit up and he looked at Lin Qian: "Can this kind of Qi Gathering Pill be mass-produced?"

"Yes, the cost is 30% less than that of Mingchuntang's Qi Gathering Pill. Then, let Wei Jiagui buy it for 10%." Lin Qian explained to his master that he had his own thoughts in his heart, "At that time, China The empire secretly opened a Yanhuangtang, responsible for selling medicine to the Wei family, to replace the position where Mingchuntang used to cooperate with the Wei family."

"In this way, not only will it not affect the development momentum of the Wei family, but even the speed will be slightly faster than in the past."

Regarding Lin Qian's statement, Wei Wushuang's eyes lit up and he nodded to himself. In this way, even if he rejected Ming Chun Tang, what would he do?

Then, Lin Qian took out a lot of pill, let Wei Wushuang try them one by one, and he was also surprised to find that these pill were no different from the previous ones, and they were powerful, compared to the original pill grade. It's a level up.

"Sure enough, there is nothing you can't do." Wei Wushuang sighed, and after that, he suddenly recovered.

Because he found that the pill he had gotten from Lin Qian, he was familiar with it no matter how he looked, what was going on?

Then, he remembered, aren't these pills that the Wei family often buys from Mingchuntang?

In addition, most of the elixirs that the Wei family did not buy often were rare elixirs sold in Mingchuntang.

At this level of theirs, it is not a difficult thing to remember them. When you think about it a little bit, you can see that those medicines are clearly the medicines placed in the Mingchun Hall.

"How can this be exactly the same as the pill sold by Mingchuntang, but its power is..." Thinking of this, Wei Wu looked at his apprentice strangely, and the other party must have done something.

Just as his master thought, Lin Qian secretly dispatched Ye Ying to take advantage of the chaos to take all the medicines displayed in Mingchuntang, and let the Medical Department analyze the ingredients.

The analysis of the ingredients of the medicinal pill at this level is simply pediatric, and it is easy.

Ming Chuntang is provoking first, might he still have to keep his hands?

After thinking about it, Lin Qian glanced at his master: "Master, do you agree with Yanhuangtang?"

Once Yanhuangtang is established, it will completely invade the entire Wei family. After a period of time, it will completely affect the entire Wei family and facilitate his control of the Wei family.

Lin Qian didn't believe that his master couldn't understand this change.

But Master Wei Wushuang, as if he was like an okay person, seemed to have known that the Wei family had been incorporated into the Chinese Empire.

"Agree, in this way, will the Wei family merge into the Huaxia Empire in the future will not be more smooth?" Wei Wushuang smiled and looked at Lin Qian, "I know very well what kind of character grandpa is. Since he said that at the beginning, It will definitely do this, and it will not change. Besides, it is not a bad thing to merge into the China Empire."

"I am very curious as a teacher. How would Mingchuntang react to the sudden appearance of Yanhuangtang?"

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