The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 967: Exit

According to the thoughts of the four generations of the Wei family, since Lin Qian wants this place in the group of heroes, he has to rely on his ability to speak, if he can defeat any three of the four generations of the Wei family, then this thing is for granted.

These three people, Lin Qian chose casually.

But Lin Qian didn't have time to pay attention to this group of people now. His current spirit was all focused on how to break through his own realm.

At least when the Elite Club arrives, we must break through to the palm star realm. According to Wei Ziliang, when the Elite Club begins, the top existences of all talented children from the 36th Realm of Nandou are the existences of the pinnacle palm star realm. I don't know how many times it is myself.

No matter how terrifying his combat power was, Lin Qian didn't have much confidence in the face of such a huge realm gap.

Therefore, raising the state is the most basic thing.

To determine the quota, Lin Qian did not have time to play this game with the four-generation Wei family.

Do you say that you are competing?

In Wei Wushuang's mansion, Lin Qian had entered a state of retreat in the remodeled bedroom, soaking in the medicinal bath, taking the potion, and starting a life of cultivation with all his strength.

Tianhen was infused with spiritual energy, the potion was matched with the medicated bath, and Lin Qian's own advantage over the development of the realm, the speed of Lin Qian's breakthrough in the realm was simply terrifying, and he rushed upward.

As the so-called combination of work and rest, Lin Qian will also relax after practicing, and the best way to relax is to sleep beautifully or watch some interesting programs through the soul camera.

Under its own indulgence, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television has developed many interesting programs that conform to the style of this alien world.

Especially the shows hosted by his senior brother, which made Lin Qian watch with gusto.

Gao Benli is too suitable for the show, Lin Qian can't help feeling that his brother is a natural star.

In Lin Qian's dantian, the sky mark is still gushing with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, tempering his whole body and making his body stronger and stronger. This is something that ordinary soul martial artists cannot enjoy.

Moreover, his dantian is constantly expanding, and the richness of his soul energy is also changing all the time, and his realm improves rapidly.

An ordinary soul martial artist, when opening a realm, must open up the scene of heaven and earth in the dantian, and then expand the soul qi refinement.

The reason why Lin Qian is practicing so fast is because his dantian doesn't need to practice the process of opening up the world at all. It seems that the existence of the fantasy star is the so-called opening up of the world.

Opening up the realm is actually a very basic realm, and the reason for the situation of opening up the realm of dantian is because of the impact on the future realm.

Lin Qian asked Xuan Yan about this matter. According to Xuan Yan, the soul martial artist of this world will enlighten Dao and understand the laws of heaven and earth.

Only after personally experiencing the so-called opening up of the heavens and the earth, and after personally experimenting, will it be possible to enlighten and understand the laws between the heavens and the earth.

But at this time, Lin Qian understood that the purpose of opening up the world now is to do an exercise when he is enlightened in the future.

As for the control of the stars in the palm star realm, it is a basis for the practical operation of enlightenment in the future.

If there is no way to master even a star, then how can you master the laws of heaven and earth, how can you master Dao?

The reason is so.

But Lin Qian has such a complete world in his body, and he can even perceive what the structure of this world looks like.

What is the wind, what is the burning flame, what is the mountains and rivers?

Lin Qian, I can't tell, but he is clear in his heart.

Wei Wushuang, his master, was also shocked. He was able to preach and explain.

I'm afraid that all of this has something to do with the fantasy star in the body.

With this feeling, Lin Qian felt that he had walked through the back door.

Other soul martial artists, the most troublesome is this realm. Opening up the practice world, sometimes they may encounter some difficulties, so that the exercise stops, the soul cannot grow, and the realm cannot be advanced.

This is the so-called bottleneck. Only after it is broken will the realm continue to improve.

But Lin Qian, there is no bottleneck.

His cultivation is smooth sailing.

Lin Qian turned a blind eye to things outside the window, concentrated on practicing, condensing himself, and constantly improving his strength.

Being strong is the last word.

When Lin Qian was practicing in retreat, those four generations of children of the Wei family couldn't see him no matter how much trouble they were.

Then in their eyes, apart from the label of sneak attack shameless, there was another label on Lin Qian, which was timidity.

How could such a person take their place in the Wei family, fight against the heroes, and occupy a place?

The children of the Wei family used such a reason to mention to Wei Ziliang, hoping to take back this quota and let the children of the Wei family use it.

As a result, they had a closed door and were directly blasted out by Wei Ziliang.

But Wei Ziliang didn't dare to be too direct. If he cared too much about Lin Qian, he might make someone with a heart suspicion.

He still cannot be too close to Lin Qian, and their relationship cannot be exposed yet.

On the other hand, the Yanhuang Hall was already spread out in the entire Weijiajie, all over the Weijiajie, except for the Haixuan Star Region.

Because the citizens of the Huaxia Empire in the Sea Vortex Star Territory used all potions, although there were also medicinal pills, they were only supplementary use, or some specific circumstances.

The people of the Huaxia Empire directly bought potions and used them in large pharmacies. As for the medicines of Yanhuangtang, of course they also appeared in large pharmacies.

Not only that, but the price is even cheaper and cheaper.

Lin Qian's soul crystals earned from the Yanhuangtang from the Wei Family Realm also flowed into the Sea Vortex Star Region to help the development of the entire Sea Vortex Star Region.

Many resources unique to the entire world were purchased by Lin Qian using the soul crystals he earned, and then sent to the fantasy star or the sea swirl star field.

In this way, the resource is the active resource, and the active resource will maximize its own value.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Qian has been in retreat for a hundred years, and he has to leave.

Because, at this moment, the elite group meeting is about to begin, and he has to prepare for the event.

After walking out of the door, the sunlight outside hit him.

Wei Wushuang, already standing in the courtyard, looked at Lin Qian with a different expression: "Apprentice, you are..."

"I haven't broken through yet, it's almost." The next moment, Lin Qian's breath subsided, but it made the strange color in Wei Wushuang's eyes worse.

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