The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 970: Investigating relics

The sudden pressure on Lin Qian caught everyone by surprise, unexpectedly.

If Wei Wushuang hadn't reacted in time, their souls would have been damaged.

At this moment, Lin Qian's most powerful is the soul power, but because the soul power has far exceeded his own realm.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he can only use a limited amount of soul power, unless external conditions have aroused his soul power.

For example, under the state of national warfare mode, Lin Qian can fully use his soul power.

Now, when he was near this ruin, there seemed to be something in the ruins ahead that made him whim, blood surging, and unable to restrain the impulse from within the soul, so that there would be such a terrible soul pressure.

Wei Wushuang, who stood in front of the children of the Wei family, looked ugly, and Dou Da's sweat slid down his cheeks and dripped onto the deck, looking at his apprentice Lin Qian.

At this moment, the other party was in a weird state, full of blood and energy, and couldn't help himself, looking forward with loss.

Like the ruins ahead, something attracted him.


The invisible strong wind blew the entire void cloud boat, and finally the coercion on Lin Qian's body suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, Wei Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief and slowly stood up and stared at Lin Qian, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know, there seems to be something in this ruin that makes people feel very cordial." Lin Qian frowned, looking at the remains of countless broken continents in the void ahead, with a strange expression.

The sudden feeling before was too weird, and made him a little bit at a loss, very unaccustomed.

"Weird feeling..."

Lin Qian felt strange in his own heart, and the four generations of Wei family children who stood up a little slower next to him, looked at him with completely different eyes.

The coercion radiated from Lin Qian just now was too terrifying. This kind of feeling, even from Wei Ziliang's body, has never been felt before.

That kind of breath made them feel surrendered from the depths of their hearts, and they couldn't raise any thoughts of resistance at all.

It wasn't until the abnormal movement disappeared in the ruins that the power of Lin Qian's inspired soul gradually quieted down, and then he returned to his original indifferentness.

But the breath that burst out of Lin Qian's body just now had an indelible effect on them, and when he looked at each other, his eyes were a little suspicious and cautious.

In the past, their instinctive xenophobia allowed these four generations of children to reject Lin Qian's existence.

He even thought that his appearance would occupy the Wei family's quota, which was a waste.

However, Lin Qian once defeated Wei Xiaogang and Wei Sulan's brother with a punch.

Although their younger brother had just entered the star realm, Lin Qian was just a pioneering realm. This gave them a sense of solemnity in their hearts, and they frequently wanted to challenge him, try the depth and see what he was capable of.

But Lin Qian kept avoiding fighting, practicing in retreat in Wei Wushuang's mansion, and they didn't know the depth of his strength.

Until just now, the coercion made them understand that it might not be easy.

His master is Wei Wushuang, the most dazzling genius of the new generation of their Wei family.

Because Wei Wushuang was not the deity accepting disciples, but when Hong Chen refined his mind, he accepted such an disciple, but he was still in a remote and newly formed star field.

In addition, to the outside world, they talked about Wei Wushuang's failure to train his heart, so they didn't think Lin Qian was too powerful.

But they now seem to be afraid that Lin Qian's strength has far exceeded their imagination.

People with this kind of aura, I'm afraid that their strength will not be bad, and being able to become Wei Wushuang's apprentice is probably not because of good luck for so long.

The four generations of the Wei family's children looked at Lin Qian with different looks. They didn't know what they were thinking.

At this time, the Void Cloud Boat that the Wei family's children were riding in was also close to the ruins.

In the void space outside the front area, there are some broken continental fragments everywhere, scattered in the dimness.

Standing on the deck, Lin Qian carefully looked at the broken continents, filled with the aura of gray and ruin, there was no grass growing, and it was already a dead land, with ruined walls and broken buildings everywhere.

"These wrecked buildings seem to be the buildings of the human race." Looking at the buildings on the ruined continent, Lin Qian suddenly said in surprise.

On the other side, Wei Wushuang wiped the sweat from his forehead and came to his apprentice's side.

Regarding this, Wei Wushuang did not have much surprise. The number of times he participated in the Heroes' Meeting was not too small. He knew clearly about these wrecked buildings on the continent: "Yes, these wrecks are all human buildings. I'm afraid that the people who once lived on these continents were all human races."

"Some people have landed on these broken continents and carefully observed the buildings above, hoping to find any useful news, but they didn't find the slightest."

Lin Qian was a little surprised at Wei Wushuang's words: "How is it possible that none of the wrecked buildings have been found?"

Lin Qian couldn't believe his master's words, so many ruins would be found in this place?

"There is nothing in these ruins. I am afraid that when they have been raided, how could there be anything for you to check?" At this moment, Wei Xiaogang, who was listening in the distance, suddenly spoke. Tao.

Lin Qian glanced at the opponent, and Wei Xiaogang looked at him with a touch of hostility in his eyes.

He understood that he was blasting the opponent's brother with a punch, and it was no wonder that he was not hostile.

"Sometimes, you may only see some superficial phenomena." Looking at Wei Xiaogang, Lin Qian turned to face his direction, "Archaeology is a kind of knowledge, and it is also something that requires great care. I want to know what I need. It’s not necessary to find the so-called classics."

"The style and layout of the building can tell whether the owner of the house is rich or poor, or what class he is in. Through the overall layout, we can understand who lives in this area and who is responsible for it. For business, or the remains of this square city in the past, what kind of city was it."

"In the city, will there be secret roads, will there be hidden formations that conceal some truth?"

Lin Qian talked freely, making Wei Xiaogang frown and clenched his fists: "What's the point of saying so much?"

"Whether it's useful, and it doesn't have much to do with you." While speaking, Lin Qian raised his hand and waved, suddenly dense figures appeared in the sky above the Void Yunzhou, less than a hundred thousand.

These people, under their feet is a flat boat, but it can accommodate two or three people.

"Check!" Lin Qian ordered this group of people with a solemn expression.

"According to the purpose!" The scout brigade composed of Haifeng and Yeying led the way, riding in the scout boat and galloping in all directions.

In an instant, they were submerged in the darkness and disappeared.

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