The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 982: Doubts that appeared out of thin air

Zhao Long's voice fell, and before Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli could react, they had already started.

Huaxia's soul was shocked, overbearing, and crushing the Quartet, shocking the fish who did not dare to move.

The whole body was filled with the intention of killing and killing, and even made many fishers turn around and run away.

Soul beasts are beasts, and they are born with the ability to avoid disasters and seek blessings. In their perception, this Zhao Long felt very dangerous to them.

But there are also a lot of tyrannical fishermen, grinning at Zhao Long's side.

In their eyes, whether it was Zhao Long, the five people, or the two people who suddenly appeared, they were all food and deserved to die.

"Be careful!" Zhao Haicheng quickly reminded the seniors around him, armed with Yuan Qi, there was an extra battle axe in his hand, imprinted with green leaf pattern, under the wave, the ground suddenly rushed out of the vines and headed towards Zhao Longjuan.

The vines appeared out of thin air, emitting green awns, and there were barbs on them, for fear of poisoning.

The vine bound to Zhao Long's body was extremely fast, and Zhao Haicheng followed closely with the green leaf-patterned battle axe in his hand, slashing across and slashing towards the opponent.

Under the increase of star power, the soul energy is extremely powerful, and the air oscillates.

The walking fish that had come closer were also affected, and they were tightly bound by the vines on the corners, and the thorn hooks on them easily pierced their scales and plunged into them.

After that, the fish lost its life, and there was no place to die.

On the other side, Guo Hongli also cooperated with his younger brother's offensive. The armed element was also a spear, water blue.

The spear trembles and the spirit energy is increased. There is a wave of water emerging out of thin air, slapped towards Zhao Long, like a stormy sea.

Moisturized by the water, the vines speed faster, and the countless thorny vines in the ground also rushed out quickly and rolled towards Zhao Long.

Under the abilities of the two brothers, there is a tacit understanding.

"No, let's take it too." Even though they don't know what Zhao Long's background is, they can't just sit back and ignore it. After they withdrew their defense, Wei Yifan also shouted.

Behind him, Wei Xiaogang and the other four, also armed with Yuan Qi, rushed out and fought in that direction.

The fish who had besieged them had already been attracted by the momentum over there. They did not surround this side. After they had withdrawn their defenses, they did not need to withstand the violent attack of the fish.

Just when Wei Yifan and the others rushed out, Zhao Long showed a sneer on his face, looking at the sky full of vines, as if watching the biggest joke in the world: "These vines just want to tie me up?"

There was a cold voice in his mouth, Zhao Long moved, and Tailong spear danced, and the spear revolved like a hurricane, enveloped his body.

The vines that had rushed towards Zhao Long were drawn into it before they could get close, and were torn to pieces.

The terrible thorns covered the sky with vines, so it was easily resolved, the hurricane swept through, but it was a fleeting matter.

The whirlwind formed by the golden spear power dissipated, and one of the spears suddenly pierced out, and the tip of the spear was exactly on the side of Zhao Haicheng's battle axe.

"Hmm!" Zhao Haicheng snorted, with the tremendous force transmitted from the battle axe in his hand, he almost let his elementary weapon let go and fly out.

Zhao Haicheng hurriedly backed down with Zhao Long's strength, steadied his body and unloaded his strength, and firmly held the battle axe in his hand.

One move gained momentum, and Zhao Long continued to approach, Tailong spear swung sideways on the ground, the monstrous wave, divided into two, without the momentum, instantly turned into a light blue spirit, and dissipated in the air.

The offensive that the two brothers joined forces was easily resolved by Zhao Long.


Just when Zhao Long was about to continue to pursue the victory, the fish who still remained here were already forced to come and gather.

"Naughty animal!" Zhao Long shouted, his spear trembling, turning into spear shadows in the sky, like a storm.

The group of more than thirty fish that had rushed towards him was bursting, blood flowed, and there were several holes in his body instantly.

The gun shadows bloomed in all directions, and the force of repelling sent their corpses out.

It was such a delayed effort that gave Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli a chance to breathe, looking at Zhao Long with uncertain expressions.

At the same time, Wei Yifan and other five people also rushed to Zhao Long's side, with the Yuan Qi in their hands also stained with the blood of the fish.

When they came to Zhao Long, the five people handed over and thanked them: "Thanks to the benefactor for his life-saving grace, this kind of grace is unforgettable."

"It's okay, I also came to help by your majesty's will." As he spoke, Zhao Long flicked his hand, and five pills specially made by the Medical Department flew to the five people. "After taking it, deal with these evil animals and wait until these two. After people are killed, they turn back and help you."

Wei Yifan and the other five people took the pill that Zhao Long handed over, and took a glance before taking it.

If the other party wants the pill to harm people and poison them, there is no need to use such methods.

At the entrance of the pill, the strength of the medicine is instantly dissolved, and a warm current rises in the stomach and flows through the whole body.

The five people looked at each other, and they could all see the shock in each other's eyes. After taking this medicine, the spirit energy that had been consumed so severely recovered in the blink of an eye.

Even, this medicinal power is still working, there is no way to digest the medicinal power because of no cultivation.

With the medicine power flowing through their bodies, they have completely restored their original combat power, and they are more than enough to deal with this fish.

Originally, they were holding on and did not come out to fight, because they were worried that there were too many fish, and they could not kill them at all. It depends on whether they can wait for a turnaround under the defense.

If there are disciples of other forces passing by, maybe they can still help.

Just like now, got the help of this man.

When they reacted, Zhao Long had already rushed out completely, catching up with Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli, and his body was full of spirits and vigor.

"Do it, don't let these fishermen disturb him." After regaining his combat strength, Wei Yifan also recovered his confidence. With Zhao Long's existence, they were able to fight with these fishermen without any worries.

The five fourth-generation children of the Wei family who worked with all their strength immediately took control of the situation and forced them to retreat, so that they could not interfere with Zhao Long.

"Stupid, with one enemy and two, who do you think you are?" Zhao Haicheng scolded, he didn't believe that, he joined the brothers, but he couldn't help this man who appeared out of thin air.

Wait, appear out of thin air?

Guo Hongli on the other side suddenly sounded, why did he feel that something was wrong, and screamed: "Who are you, the human forces who entered the Heroes Club, I don't remember you as the number one person."

Guo Hongli's roar also caused such doubts to emerge in the hearts of the children of the Wei family.

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