The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 985: Then shot like a dragon

The shattered ice fragments of the huge ice gun, like sharp ice arrows, sputtered densely in the direction of the giant, hitting the ice armor on the giant's arm, making a popping sound.

Zhao Long stomped the ground fiercely, and the pit formed by the collapse of the ground expanded with another punch, sinking an inch, and bursting into large pieces of soil and rock.

And he himself turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the giant ice armor vine giant.

"Stop him!" Guo Hongli hurriedly roared among the vine ice giants. On the other side, Zhao Haicheng hurriedly controlled his left arm, slashing towards the sky with an axe, towards Zhao Long who jumped high on their side.

Obviously, if he wanted to be in the air, he intercepted Zhao Long who was rushing towards them and smashed him into the air with an axe.


In midair, Zhao Long shot out his gun with lightning, and in an instant, the shadow of the gun was like a squally storm.

"Rainbow pear spear!"

In front of Zhao Long, pear flowers bloomed in an instant, and the flowers bloomed, and the sky was full of colorful white pear petals, pouring forward like a rainstorm.

The white petals that looked so soft and soft, when they touched the wooden axe, they burst open in an instant, and the roar sounded endlessly, one after another.

Just in the blink of an eye, the huge wooden axe had already cracked and turned into tiny sawdust, nailed to the ice armor of his left arm.

As soon as he closed the spear, Zhao Long's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Not good!" Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli couldn't tell where they were. Zhao Long clearly wanted to use his ultimate move.

The vine ice giant hurriedly gathered the broken left arm and the right arm that had lost the ice gun, and crossed them in the chest to resist.

At the same time, in the ground below the vine ice giant, countless vines and currents emerged, forming a double defense and blocking it in front.

The vine ice giant is extremely powerful, but its feet are hooked vines rooting in the ground, and there is no way to move, only to resist the attack from Zhao Long on the spot.

The cold silver light suddenly slipped from the low end of the Tailong spear in Zhao Long's hand to the tip of the spear. After leaving the tip of the spear, it flew like a meteor, passed through the two barriers, and finally appeared in the giant vine ice armor. Directly in front of the chest.

At the same time, a little farther away, Zhao Long was teasing the Golden Retriever, suddenly realizing something.

The imperial power is expropriated, and the imperial power is granted.

The jade seal of mountains and rivers and the jade seal of Nine Dragons appeared at the same time, and on the latter, a brilliance appeared, giving Zhao Long power in the distance.

With the reward of the emperor, Zhao Long can use this ultimate move.

"A bit of cold light..." Zhao Long murmured, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he suddenly appeared in front of the chest of the giant whose light had stopped.

At this moment, Zhao Long was standing in the air, holding the Tailong Spear in his right hand, and spreading his palm in his left hand, holding the handle of the spear.

The dragon spear was already filled with golden light, bursting with noble aura and domineering power.

Zhao Long's ultimate move was allowed by the emperor's grace!

Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli could clearly see that behind Zhao Long, a phantom suddenly appeared.

This person was dressed in a black dress with a gold pattern, embroidered with Kowloon, sitting on the throne of the Kowloon, watching all sentient beings, and obeyed extremely.

And they also saw that this phantom was clearly the pioneering realm on the Wei Family Void Cloud Boat where they had spoken to kill them. Among the rumors, Wei Wushuang's weak apprentice!

"how come?"

But at this moment, without waiting for Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli to think about it, Zhao Long has already shot.

"The gun is like a dragon!"

The roaring sound shook the Quartet, and Lin Qian behind Zhao Long's imperial intent and imperial prestige, carrying his soul energy, crushed the Quartet.

Those who stayed here, the weak ones, burst and died directly, and those tyrannical ones, with blood oozing out of their cheeks, crawled on the ground, unable to get up.

This will has a very slight influence on Wei Yifan and the others, but even so, they have also endured great pressure.

In the high altitude, a dazzling golden dragon rushed out from the body of the Dragon Spear, and the dragon roared, directly piercing the chest of the vine ice giant, in the middle of Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli.

The two of them, their spirit qi revolved to form a defensive barrier, but they were easily torn and shattered by the golden dragon spear.

Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli, the two bodies were washed by the golden dragon spear, their flesh and blood were separated, their bones were also wiped out into powder, and their bones were turned into dust!

After the Golden Dragon Spear Jin penetrated the vine ice giant, it disappeared in the air.

In the double defense behind Zhao Long, the power that the water did not rise fell back to the ground, like a waterfall falling from the sky, hitting the ground with a roar.

On the other side, the ice armor on the vine ice armor giant also melted and turned into rain drops.

At the same time, those hook and thorn vines also quickly withered and fell on the ground to rot. I believe that soon, with the decay and nourishment of the vines formed by Zhao Haicheng's spirit, a large forest of spiritual trees will grow here.

Zhao Long relieved Wushuang, stretched out his hand, received the relics of Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli, and landed on the ground.

At this time, there was no coercion and deterrence of the fish, all of them fled into the river hurriedly.

Even these powerful fishermen are already scared.

Wei Yifan and the others had already lifted the barrier of defense, looking at Zhao Long who came after landing, as if still in a dream.

Zhao Haicheng and Guo Hongli of Mingchuntang were just two of the bottom two in Mingchuntang. The strength that broke out after joining forces turned out to be so tough.

Although their combat power is not very bad, if they really fight head-on, the odds of winning are only 20%.

And this 20%, or the other party did not take the deflagration pill.

They were very fortunate that the other party did not take action on their own, but deliberately used this disgusting means to kill them, so that they would die aggrieved.

Otherwise, they would not be confident, and under the hands of these two men, they would insist on Zhao Long's arrival.

"Let's go, don't let your Majesty wait for a long time." When he came to Wei Yifan and other five people, Zhao Long didn't wait for the other party to say anything, he said to himself.

After speaking, he received the Tailong Spear, and Zhao Long flew towards Lin Qian's place.

"Your Majesty?" Wei Yifan waited for the five people. Seeing Zhao Long leaving, he hurriedly followed.

In other words, the other party also saved himself, and if he left with him, there shouldn't be any problems. If the other party wants to harm them, why bother to rescue them?

They were very curious about who this majesty was, and sent Zhao Long to shoot.

Is there such a majesty among the human forces?

However, after following Zhao Longfei for an hour or so, Wei Xinyu suddenly screamed: "It's not him, right?"

Wei Xinyu's screams caused Wei Yifan and the other four people to turn their heads in shock and look towards him.

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