The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 992: Garden hunt

Even a fool knows that these two things can be linked together. This weird situation clearly happened after Lin Qian said something earlier.

"It's a pity, if you had known that something like this would happen, you can bring the strong from the clan into the ruins in the Dongtian Horcrux." After confirming that the Dongtian Horcrux could be used, Wei Changming was obviously regretful and very disappointed. .

Let alone Wei Changming, the rest of the people also felt a pity.

They were all participating in the Heroes' Meeting, so before they came to the ruins, the Heavenly Cave Horcruxes on their bodies were hand-made, low-grade ones, and they were nothing more than storing some clothes and other things.

Among the Horcruxes they had used all the time, they used to live with them, and there were many good things in them.

But this time entering the ruins, they could not be used at all, and they naturally had no need to carry them with them.

If you can't use it, what's the point of carrying it on your body? It's better to stay at home.

There is still good news to be able to use the Celestial Horcrux now. At least they will get something good in the future. They can use the Celestial Celestial Horcrux directly to install it instead of carrying them around, saving a lot of trouble.

In fact, this is a huge advantage in itself. In the past, the genius children of the Elite Club were limited to the things they need to carry with them. There will be a lot of good things and they have no choice but to give up.

With the Dongtian Horcrux, everything is different, and they can take a lot of things out.

For example, in the garden they are in, these spirit trees are all good things.

The corpses of the soul beasts killed by them are precious, but because there is no way to use the storage Horcrux, they can only riot the corpses in the wild, which is a pity.

"Now, we are going to have a good harvest." Wei Xiangyang was obviously excited.

On the other side, Wei Guichang also nodded and looked in Lin Qian's direction: "In fact, this way we can stay in the garden for a long time."

In the past, when the Qunying Club was opened, everyone would not stay in the garden for a long time. The reason was that in the garden, all that could be harvested was some wild elixir.

But there are so many good things that can be obtained in that mansion, and there is no need to waste time in this place.

Without storage, even if a lot of soul beasts were hunted in this garden, their most precious corpses could not be put away, it was pure waste.

Therefore, no one wants to waste time on this place.

But now they are different. After possessing the storage Horcrux, hunting down the soul beasts in this place can get great benefits.

Lin Qian naturally understood their thoughts and nodded secretly: "Since you have such thoughts, we should just stay in this garden for a while."

"Next, shall we act together or separately?" After hesitating for a while, Wei Xiaogang asked.

It is obviously better to act together. If you encounter any danger, you can have enough care for each other.

"You act together and hunt down the soul beasts." On the other side, hearing Wei Xiaogang's words, Lin Qian made a suggestion.

At this moment, Wei Changming looked over: "Brother Lin, aren't you with us?"

"No, there is really no interest in hunting soul beasts." Lin Qian shook his head. To him, he didn't really appreciate the wealth of these soul beasts.

And in his heart, he has his own plan, and there is no need to get together with them next.

Even, it may affect efficiency.

"Next!" At the next moment, Lin Qian waved his hand, and suddenly there was a pile of medicine bottles, which he threw to the eleven people in front of him, three bottles for each person. The effect of combat power."

"You are in this garden, be careful."

After receiving the pill, everyone unplugged the bottle and sniffed it lightly. They immediately knew the value of the three bottles of pill. They looked happy and grateful, and thanked Lin Qian.

"Then Brother Lin, are you..." Wei Changming's eyes also showed a touch of worry, and looked at Lin Qian, "Could it be that you have to go to the interior of the ruins alone, if so, we will go together instead of staying in this garden. ."

The others, after hearing Wei Changming's words, also nodded in agreement: "If this is the case, we'd better return the pill to you and go inside the ruins together."

"In that ruin, there are people from all sides. With your strength alone, I'm afraid I can't compete with them."

"It's true, if we go with us, we can help a little bit anyway."

The rest are you, and me, babbling and making suggestions.

Hearing everyone's words, Lin Qian's heart warmed: "No, I will stay in this garden too. It's just that you kill the soul beasts. You have different goals. It's not easy to act together."

"If something happens, I will find you to join me."

When Lin Qian said this, everyone was relieved and separated one by one.

Next, Wei Changming immediately set off, ready to fight a good fight in this garden.

The soul beast in this garden is not a weak generation, it is very strong, and when they fight together, it is extremely dangerous.

Of course, the bones of these fierce beasts are also valuable.

Hunting soul beasts can not only hone oneself, but also reap good results. Otherwise, after everyone's Hollow Horcrux can be used, they won't have such thoughts.

It was precisely because they were worried about their lives after the process of hunting and killing the soul beasts.

Anyway, they are their own people, Lin Qian will give the medicine pills, anyway, it is not a valuable thing for him.

As for why Lin Qian had to act separately, it was because of the little thing Jin Mao.

In this garden, there are still a lot of wild things, and perhaps Lin Qian doesn't look down on the value of its own elixir, but these elixir are all varieties in this world, and there are many extinct varieties.

There is no Huaxia Empire, nor the heavens and all realms. If they can all be transplanted to the fantasy stars and cultivated, then the situation will change.

With the Huaxia Empire, but without the heavens and the world, things have many possibilities.

Therefore, the four generations of children of the Wei family wanted to hunt down the soul beasts, but Lin Qian wanted to transplant all types of elixir, spirit trees in the entire garden into the fantasy star.

At the same time, in this medicine garden, every cub of the soul beast can also be included in the Heavenly Cave Horcrux.

Although living creatures other than the fantasy star unit can't pass through the sky scar and enter the cave sky Horcrux, there is still no problem.

Raising these spirit beasts in captivity is also beneficial to the development of the empire.

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