The Peerless Kobold

The World Tree has a unique name

Under the lead of Aristia and the others, through the lost woods, ploughing land spread there, and the obsidian elves, with silver thread hair on their shiny, wheat skin, were farming.

Essentially, the outer edge of the city is open to cultivated land that only covers the population. The way it spreads is also legal, making it a field of delicate crops close to the city, a field of sturdy crops that do not need to be looked after frequently as they leave.

And above all, it's the world tree that stands out even though it's distance.

"Huwa, Vaulgau - Khuu ♪

(Wow, that's a big tree - brother ")"

"Wah... 'Ahhh...'"

My sister is happy to play her voice and stare at the standing world tree in the distance, next to which two arm-black and pale cobolts are also looking at giant trees that are going to drive her proximity crazy.

"Garwoowaaaaaa...... guh

(Given this distance... awesome) "


... Even for me, formerly a desert people, there was something emotional about the world tree I first saw.

Athos, the home country of the desert, has coastal plains and hills along the massive inland waters connected to western countries, and rainfall areas near mountain ranges make farming possible, although about 40% of the country is desert. Of course, there is no such thing as a world tree.

"What do you say? The world tree" Eternity "in Elfast, the king's capital, is the largest in ancient forests, about 250 meters high."

That's what the Elf Daughter of the Samurai Knight tells us with her throat and face to attract to the World Tree, and she puts her racially thin breasts up.

"... I was away for about a month, but you have emotions when you look at the world tree."

A glimpse of the side, Aristia also narrowed her eyes and looked at the world tree that was still ahead.

"Gruaaaa ooh garaa, woah......

"I can't help standing on a bar, go..."

"Yeah, that's right"

Towards a world tree that is still visible far away, every now and then, he walks down a path that stretches to the King's Capital, under the gaze of the obsidian elves engaged in farming.

"...... Levorwan, Qualwowow Wolwow

"... the number of elves is low for the area of construction."

"Uh, that's because Obsidian clans are attending protest rallies and leaving their farm work unattended"

Lenade, the squire knight, responds to my simple question, where Aristia overlaps the question.

"What is the size and condition of the protest rally compared to what I know?

"Mm-hmm, the scale itself is growing, but the atmosphere likely to be a riot with Lord Eliza's dedication is decreasing."

Initially, it was some disaffected obsidian elves who led the protest rallies and demonstrations, and they were the reformist moderates who gathered the family members together to exalt freedom and equality.

But from there came the idea of a reformed extremist who would not quit exercising his powers and had power, that at one time there was also the danger of rioting...

It was with the conservative extremist prime minister, Miss Eliza, who brought together the conservative moderates who lost their lead Delphis and also supported the reform moderates confused by the assassination of Marcus.

As things stand, moderates are becoming mainstream on the reform side, dominated by the Obsidian clan, Leneid says.

"Really, I thought Eliza... was the type to drown in a ploy."

"... what a terrible review, Master Aristia"

"No, I can be frank because I'm a close friend of mine."

(... Sure, friends who are born alike are special among their peers)

Peek into the cobolt of the arm-black giant walking next door, while in tune with her opinion.

"Garvon, Gurrah."

"Gu, Galluo: No, it's nothing" "

Give it back gently and listen to your elf daughters conversation again.

"If so, so is the convergence of events...... no, you are worried about the outbreak of reform extremists who are being deprived of the right of initiative. I also have the impression that they can't turn back already"

"The matter of the assassination of Priest Marcus is under investigation, but the Central Council raid and the acts of violence dispersed in the demonstration are undoubtedly their work..."

Well, I can't help but be held accountable for that more than I have already caused casualties and damage. Now you won't even be able to pull in...

"W, Cuanwafa? What is that, brother?"

"Woah...... Vangle: That's... that's a castle"

As we approach, we see the streets of the elves spreading from the roots of the slowly growing world tree "Eternity (Ioan)," and my sister points to the large architecture surrounding the world tree.

As the world tree stands in the heart of the king's capital, nearly 250 m high, and large buildings surround it, it also seems like a potted plant of world trees at first glance… it must be a royal castle.

And rise to the beautiful sunset sky where the sun is setting, black smoke that adds an accent to the world tree......

(………… black smoke!?)

"Kuoluawong, Gruvavarquaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

(It's dinner time, so we're all cooking meat... jiuru) "

A colored giant cobolt from behind creates a relaxed atmosphere, but it doesn't even seem like such a peaceful thing...

"This... you should see the Royal Castle being attacked"

"Let's hurry!!

"Woan: Right."

Stepping from the north to the outer edge of Wangdu, which was close by a rush, the area was a residential area lined with bricks and wooden two-story wooden architecture.

On the side of the well-maintained cobblestone streets, the grass trees are blue and lush, but the shadows on the streets are few and all are only elves with wheat skin.

They all looked at the smoke rising from the royal castle with a complex expression.

"Elder Cobolt!?"

"How did the Kobolts end up in the city?"

Ignoring the noisy Obsidian elves when I saw this one, the streets changed slightly as I ran through the streets, creating a compartment with smells of iron, herbs, and chemicals, somewhat lined with strangely elaborately designed architecture. There, the elves with golden eyes on their blue skin still look up anxiously at the royal castle and the world tree.

"Archers, you will reach the North Gate of the Royal Castle once you pass through the White Magnetic settlement."

"Ohhhh" Wait ""

Stop Lenaid leading everyone and look up at the tall buildings.

(Well, if it falls, it's dangerous... I can't fly unlike some silver-haired witch, but I can use about wind magic to control the fall speed)

"What's wrong, Archer?"

"... I can run some errands at the guild headquarters of the bronze elves"

Apparently, the buildings that come to complain about their artistry in vain, built with great detail, are home to the blue-skinned elves, said to be a group of technicians.

"Wolwoahan: It's a substitute for a lookout stand."

Answering the emerald-eyed elf daughters with question marks briefly, he leaps with a wind magic whirlwind wrapped around his legs, using the irregularities structurally held by the Alliance headquarters to run up to the heavenly edge.

"Waaaa: Oooh."

Finally, he leaped the window stuck out as a scaffold, grabbed the edge of the roof firmly with his right hand and climbed.

"Gah, Galwaaaan!" Ha, isn't that all!

As far as I can see, this guild headquarters seems to be the second tallest building in the Elves' king capital after the castle, with a good view of the city.

… Elfast, the king's capital from here, is probably a beautiful city in harmony with nature, planted with trees everywhere, with rivers stretching from the lakes we camped in drawn to the city.

Unexpectedly I'm going to forget my original purpose, don't... meditate only once, magically reinforce my vision and then look away.

Are those the protest rallies and the others? I'm not impressed with you trying to pack it in the royal castle till this time...)

Where there is some distance from the west gate of the royal castle, more than a hundred guards hold back the demonstrators who devoured the residential area of the white magnetic elf.

On the reverse side of it, the East Gate has only a neglected guard guarding the inside of the walls, which so far has not been a place of contention...... At the Royal Gate North in our direction of progress, the guards were using the walls, while holding back several times as many armed extremists.

(If you can't see the South Gate from here, judging by the slight sound, the smoke that rises, it feels more like a fierce battle... if you were to deliver Aristia and the others to the castle, it would be from the East Gate)

After much thought, I descended into the street almost in reverse order when I ascended, and there was one more blue-skinned elf man there...

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