The Peerless Kobold

Person Referrals (4)

(New: Humanoid)

Name: Graeo Erbalado (')

Race: People

Class: Weissman

Skill: Golden Rigidbody Ethereal Fist Thunder Fist Absolute Fist Advanced Magic (Fire/Thunder)

Flash (Shining) Magic (Wizard) Thunderlight (Lightning) Magic (Wizard) Frankensteiner

pile driver brainbuster etc

Title: Wise Men of Steel Head of Court Demon

Weapons: Leather Gloves for Strike

Armed: Worked Out Flesh

He is the author of Rigid Crushing, a book of different colors of magic, not to mention, an old demon mentor in the rearstyse kingdom. A user of the lightning attribute type of rigid body, it not only strengthens his own muscles, but also provides electrical stimulation to improve the speed of the reaction to the extreme. It should be noted that although advanced magic can be used, it is only long-range towing and often ends up being a beating. Magic by muscles gained is an excellent thing that does not require magic. As a result, his moves are abbreviated except for typical ones because they are too numerous.

Excerpts from the making:

"Though I can't, they beat my righteous daughter down in front of me, and the more I shut up, the more this Graeo, the older I am, etc... phew!!

Name: Elias Leinart (●)

Race: People

Class: Temple Night Archer

Skill: Intermediate Magic (Holy) Sniper Shots

Troop Command

Title: Cathedral Knight Secret Service Captain

Weapon: Longbow

Armed: Holy Mark Coat

A white Phantom appeared 20 years ago in the city of Ruarad in the Wardelian Empire, causing the entire family to bleed to death and then be protected and educated by the Cathedral Church. One person after another dies of the plague, burning behind her brain as her original landscape when she was 5 years old as a corpse rolling down the street. For this reason, I drill with the survivors of my hometown and volunteer to go on the Alvesta crusade myself... but I suffer from a bleeding disease myself after being turned back. When she crawls, wishing primarily for the destruction of her resentful enemies, she occasionally assumes it as a holy beast because the silver cobolt has descended above heaven. He is now being rehabilitated in Serkulam, the Wang capital, where a crusade for Alvesta has taken place at a shallow stage of bleeding disease, and he is on his way to recovery.

Excerpts from the making:

"And, Lord......, I give my life! A miracle to destroy this one, please!!

Name: Estelle (●)

Race: Wearcat

Class: Mother Cat Man

Skill: Parenting Housekeeping

Title: Cat Man Caught

Weapons: None

Armed: Villager Women's Clothing

I took my daughter to the Sherna River tributary near the village of Luqua for a water draw, and she is caught by slave traders who were coming to the village dressed as pedestrians. At that time, he was stabbed with a dagger in the right shoulder by a man with an adventurer collapse hired by a slaver because he desperately resisted trying to protect his daughter Lilia. He had lost the husband of a cat warrior who had fought to get the villagers away in an earlier Goblin raid, and was worried about Wallace, a warrior head in the village of Luqua. Return to the village with the help of the protagonists requested by the cat man Yu Man.

Excerpts from the making:

"Ah... yes, Lilia, come here"

Name: Lilia (●)

Race: Wearcat

Class: Catwoman

Skill: Sleeping Moff

Title: Cat Girl

Weapons: None

Armed: Catman's Kids Clothing

He is caught as a product of a slaver dressed as a trafficker with his mother. She is usually a happy child, but while she was caught, she was an adult without saying anything about me, as Estelle, her mother, said. However, I accidentally bit him in the hand of the man who stabbed his mother in the shoulder. Kids don't hesitate, they moff Axe and Archer while they're out at some point... cat kids sleep a lot.

Excerpts from the making:

"Thank you, dog."

Name: Serum Duston (•)

Race: People

Class: Merchant

Skill: Making Laughter Scam Negotiations

Title: Slaver

Weapon: Protective Dagger

Armed: Merchant's Clothing

He had hired several escorts, such as slave traders, adventurer collapses, who were hunting for beasts and other subraces in ancient forests, Easterian forests, pushing women and children kidnapped into empty loads of space beside doing business. Originally from the Alliance of Free Cities, I was going to trade slaves after returning via Vilm territory, and I will be royal in the wake of the raids by the Kobolts.

Excerpts from the making:

"Hih, hih, monster!!

Name: Lios Zedoa (“)

Race: People

Class: Double Swordsman

Skill: Dual flux blocking signs (Medium)

DEX increase (medium/constant) AGI increase (medium/constant)

Title: Former Silver Adventurer

Weapon: 2 x Large Knives

Armed: Hard leather armor

A former silver adventurer hired as an escort to a slave trader, he revealed something in the past. An armed adventurer cut with a silver cobolt with a double stroke of a large knife utilizing signs blocking, dexterity & quickness. Together, the companions employed as escorts were killed one after the other, and at last they decided that the Necromancer's escort was unbeaten when he fell, dazzling him into darkness with the abandonment dialogue.

Excerpts from the making:

"Damn, it doesn't fit! Can we hang out?!

Common name: Aristia Elfaria (●)

Race: White Magnetic Elves

Class: Lady Road

Skill: Advanced Magic (Holy) Intermediate Magic (Sat)

World Tree Connection World Tree Operation World Tree Development

Title: White Queen

Weapon: Protective Dagger

Armed: Elf outfit

A queen who unifies the Elf Country “Township Du”, but a new America that was just replaced about 80 years ago, endorses the concept of freedom and equality cultivated by the Elves in the battle and peace with the Republic of Finland 600 years ago. And we proceeded with radical reforms against the present class society, where the rights of Obsidian elves are restricted… The White Magnetic Elves, the ruling class, denied it, and the proposal she also led in Parliament, was rejected. The result is a central council raid on reformed extremists who cannot hide their anger. The presence of a young, toothless queen is likely to be assassinated by Chancellor Delphis, who predicted that he would disrupt and divide the country... and then the protagonists can help him where he was being held captive by slave traders with redundancy.

Excerpts from the making:

"It's a different person, I'm just a stubborn elf living happily in the woods with the six cobolts...... please pick it up as we return to the task of baking boar meat"

Common name: Delphis Kleibel (')

Race: White Magnetic Elves

Class: Priminista

Skill: Intermediate Magic (Holy) Intermediate Magic (Fire)

World Tree Connection (Magic Supply Only)

Title: Conservative Moderate Chancellor

Weapon: Protective Rapier

Armed: Elf outfit

He is the prime minister of the Elf Country "Township Du" and the head of the conservative moderates. Considering that the sudden changes would cause conflict and confusion in each elf clan, I have been appealing to the Queen for a moderate reform but she has not been heard. He loses his son Forth in a later central council raid of reform extremists, cementing his willingness to eliminate an ideal, cloudy queen. While the conservative extremist Theodore stops preparing for retaliation against the reformed extremists, the move was used to take Queen Aristia out of the junction woods, but she falls into the woes of the Goblins and dies.

Excerpts from the making:

"But that's not all...... the situation where His Majesty drives the reformists is a problem. Freely equal, that's great...... rapid change creates distortion. And it bisects the country!

Common name: Eliza Lewis (●)

Race: White Magnetic Elves

Class: High Wizard

Skill: Intermediate Magic (Holy) Intermediate Magic (Wind)

World Tree Connection (Magic Supply Only)

Title: Useful actor in the moderate federation

Weapon: Short Rod

Armed: Blue Dress

A young lady brought together conservative moderates after Delphis died. He is the daughter of Theodore, who became the new prime minister, and there are also many occasions when he corrects his father, solidified in white magnetic dominance doctrine. Thoughtful and knowledgeable, but also “drowning in a ploy" without experience for a boxed daughter... stood around well in this uprising, uniting reformed and conservative moderates who lose their temper after being assassinated by their leader, Priest Marcus, to counter the reformed extremists of the elves of Obsidian. Nor have we forgotten to hand over to martial officers such as the guard captain's dysto or the samurai knight captain's leia. It should also be noted that Alistair and a close friend of mine are close to their age.

Excerpts from the making:

"... Father, the people are just being fanned, and it's all the work of some malicious extremists. If you lose sight of it, you're wrong, aren't you?

Common name: SHARED BLUEBLOOD (')

Race: Elves in Bronze

Class: High Engineer

Skill: Elementary Magic (Thunder) Demonic Eye of Structural Understanding DEX Increased (Large/Always)

World Tree Connection (Magic Supply Only)

Title: Craft Guildmaster

Weapon: set of tools

Armed: Safety Shoes Gloves Work Wear

He is a craft guild master who brings together bronze elves, a group of technicians, and a golden-eyed elf on blue skin who also serves as an assistant chief. The demonic eye grasps the structure of the inorganic object. Essentially, this disturbance protected neutrality, but ultimately convinces the chief under water and attaches the chief's permission to help the moderate coalition led by Eliza. When the reformist extremists attacked the royal castle, the bronze elves used a secret underground tunnel that they had co-located on their own to deliver the protagonists to the royal castle.

Excerpts from the making:

"The other day, I finally got permission from the chief to help the“ moderates ”on both sides of the Conservation and Reform, and it's on some edge that His Majesty was standing here in front of the Alliance, let me help you"

Common name: Gregor Roude (')

Race: Obsidian Elves

Class: Elf Warrior

Skill: Elementary Magic (Fire) Arm Strength Increased (Medium/Always)

World Tree Connection (Magic Supply Only)

Title: Leader of Reformed Extremists

Weapon: Servel

Armed: Black Leather Armor

He was able to benefit from his physique, drive well, etc., but was not able to tolerate the current situation, which was subject to various restrictions due to the difference in family tone indicated by his skin tone. He was the leader of a reformist extremist who had gathered his companions with radical ideas and directed the assassination of Priest Marcus, who was speaking of non-violence as a central council raid and a reformist moderate. These leaps have the intent to incite clan rivalries between Obsidian and White Magnetic, and to provoke riots and confusion. On many occasions, he had misled personnel into protest rallies and also assaulted and destroyed the guards. Whether to excite the ruling Obsidian elves to form a revolution better than the number...... they lose their temper in the rise of the moderate coalition and enter into an outrage called the Royal Castle Raid. As a companion, in the obsidian elves, he was able to follow the famous mage Adre, Bright the Soil, etc.

Excerpts from the making:

"If we get things done, many of our Obsidian compatriots will support us, and this is where we come from!! Everybody, let's go!

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