The Peerless Kobold

I don't mind if you take it home.

(Well, there are a few options that I can take...)

When Blazer stares at the sole as she thinks about what to do, the toddler, who exchanges her gaze only for a moment, freezes her expression on a long, pitch-black sword dripping with the blood of a giant mukade.

Don't kill me.

"Waf, Qualfow? Oh, you beg for your life?"

Just guessing from the situation, a long skinny body cobolt with red brown body hair gently shakes off the black blood attached to the blade and reaches into the leather bag at the waist to wipe it with an anesthetic cloth to get a sword...

The blood paid for by a series of movements snaps into the toddler's cheek and emits a dark smell of blood.


"Wow, wow, wow."

"Wafioau, Quaaluo......

(What are you doing, you...) "

A lancer with a slightly stunned look is drawn to a crying child. Basically well cared for, she looked out for the rubbing wounds of the young girl and slowly extended her palms to converge the magic of the sacred attributes so as not to frighten her.

"Kuluau... (Healing mercy...)"

"Oh, was it warm?

Holy phosphorescence that makes you feel warm heals minor injuries on the toddler's limbs and also relieves the pain in her sprained leg when she was bounced off by a giant mukade...

Lancer, healing a single street wound, held the young girl up and pressed her giggles against her chest. This way, the herd's newborn jeans sleep safely and well, but their opponents will be faced with a sudden hug.

"Wow, wow, wow."

Still, the mammal, a fetal animal, grows up under the influence of the part rooted in instinct once embraced, so the young daughter regained her composure in her moffy arms.

"Wafaqaouuuuuu (you managed to stop crying)"

Phew, he's a breathtaking lancer...

One of the fundamental problems has not been solved, and one of the young cobolts asks Blazer on behalf of everyone.

"Gru, waaaw?

(Master, what will you do?) "

"Vaal Ouaan? Woggle Oua Oua Oua...

(Was it the village of Viel? I guess it's a young body of people living there...) "

Naturally, it's odd to be alone in a dangerous forest, and likely the villagers are looking for it. If we replace it with ourselves, we'll definitely be searching for jeans in the herd.

However, stepping into the dark woods after sunset poses a risk, so expanding your search to this point is probably after tomorrow, and it's not necessarily until then that immature toddlers will be safe.

Well, it's a polar theory from a rationalist blazer, but it doesn't matter from the heart, such as a human toddler.


(I'm good, but I'm not smart...) "

It was his childhood habit, and it was resistant to abandon him altogether, thinking of a friend who had led us to a height where working out together would not have allowed us to stand as a single cobolt.

There is a verse that leads the herd and he wants to get along with the people in the village of Viel.

In addition, the toddler girl was clinging to Lancer to see if the thread of tension had broken and fatigue had pushed her, and as far as the less than full expression was concerned, the other childhood tame seemed to have been bonded to her emotions as well. From her point of view, the child must be protected and deserved.

(Ha, that's sweet...)

And no matter how conceited you are, a long skinny cobolt is sweet on your buddies. I'm not supposed to mind leaving you alone. Blazer started looking for a reasonable reason to help people's kids... and apparently found a convincing answer.

(Let it go, if the villagers come looking for us near the settlement, it's a mess...)

It's a little rational, but I can't help but think of his troublesome personality, which I can't move without a reason. However, once you make up your mind, you act fast because you have the belief to pierce the confusion.

"Gruo, Vogao Gruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

(Everybody, let's take you back to the settlement tonight and send you to the village the next morning) "

"Wong, woah, woah.

Yeah, I agree. "

For once, with the visits of redheaded demon mentors and cat men, their companions are getting used to the Fae race, and there are no problems from the precedent for about a night. The takeaway is confirmed by the Lancer nodding who so decided, and the Kobolts, who were stationary about the situation, also draw strength from their shoulders.

"Woah, luah, woah, woah!

(Then let's go home and have dinner!) "


(I exercised unexpectedly…) "

A slightly sighing young female cobolt glimpses is a breathless giant muckade. I don't care what you think, it's better not to inadvertently cling unless you're sure you can eat it.

Note that for some reason, the known prey may be challenged into an unknown region without being captured. At that time, only a few of my buddies snooped around and avoiding mass food poisoning is the usual way to do so by peeking into the situation for about half a day.

As things stand, there is no need to make such a challenge, and the disinterested Kobolts turn their heels and walk out to the settlement a little further.

The autumn night deepens as the protective toddler girl was dirty with dirt, mud, etc., taking her to the shallow river while the lancer held her, and also the commotion of what to feed her.

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