(That's... your favorite guy.)

Looking next door with that in mind, Lancer also noticed, shaking her neck vertically and sending her a hand sign.

Alle Sittel Hitne

Ah Soudana.

Two younger generations of cobolts also shake their heads vertically and nod at that exchange.

The first human visitors to the settlement, too, were shocking, and the girl who tied up the redhead seemed strongly impressed, as she made a statement in the herd that the NO2 arm-black giant Cobolt was ”the general's female”.

While sneaking a sneak peek at her, a long skinny cobolt that confines her to the details she decides to do narrows her eyes.

(... You said Muriel)

Indeed, I remember the female of the people whom your heads brought with them with their names.

When I acted with the Ernestas before, people found out that everyone had a name, so I can't see her strength or her position in the people...

With his hands on his chin. Blazer is conceiving, his arm is slapped with a small hand in the bread.

"Ugh, rubbish."

"Huh, Luau (Huh, Sorry)"

Apologizing with a suppressed voice, he tells Lancer to put one finger up against his mouth and quiet as soon as he takes his hand away from the young girl, whose mouth is blocked with meatballs and he seems unable to breathe.

The trick is something that the silver-haired cobolt has done well to his noisy sister since she was a young girl, something that, if you notice, is widespread throughout the herd.

For some reason the young girl seemed to have passed on to the child of man and nodded in a stiff and quiet manner, and Blazer sat back in the meadow and glanced back at the rat-meat adventurers.

(Now, hand this kid over or not...)

Although we need to be vigilant because some humans grab cat children and elves, there is no certainty that this young body is a Viel village child if we doubt the fundamental part.

Staring at Blazer, who somehow began to rethink, Lancer exhales lightly.

(It's good to be cautious...)

Thoughts become grand because we cannot acquire any new information than we cannot communicate with human beings.

Then maybe we should take a few days' journey with our friends to reach the settlement and push the young girl to Muriel, who has been with us to the village of Viel.

(Well, if Archer trusts someone, he'll feel better.)

She nods small and cuts her hand sign.

Aitslani Azkete Minai

Solega Bunanka......

Apparently, the childhood familiarity of the long skinny body has reached the same conclusion, hand-signing to everyone to prepare them to move immediately before reaching for the small bag that turned behind their hips.

Without inhibiting the movement of the Kobolt Smith production, it was removed from bags with more capacity than leather bags… an emergency meal that handled dongles falling anywhere in this season.

It should be noted that dongles cannot be eaten untreated due to the presence of insects.

Throw the first thing you pick up into the water, get eaten by floating bugs to remove the skull fruit, and sort the fruit in good condition.

Afterwards, I used to eat it with water, but if it was the current settlement, the dripping ear cobolts would start fire with their own firestones cleverly, so I boiled it and re-dried it out and used it as a preserved food.

Well, I didn't take it out now to eat, but to adjust one of the gripped dongles, I throw it at the midpoint with Muriel, who eats meat without knowing anything.

All right, I got a sense of distance. I'm gonna shoot you.

A slight wind cut sounded and the dongle struck the universe, hitting her head with moderate force.

"Mmm, dongle?

The red-haired Wizard Daughter picks up a dongle that fell nearby, and looks in the direction she thinks she's flown...

"Ugh, yes, Mr. Dog!?

There's one young lady who showed up as she let herself be pushed out of the woods bush.

"A, Ares, hey!!

"Hmm, what's wrong, Muriel?

"Sophie, you may have found it!

"... Maril tells me it fits with the traits and outfit."

Take the initiative as Miriam, with the hunter's eyes, returns to the young girl who stares at this one at the forest boundary and tells everyone that she is a searcher.

"Oh, wait."

"Liberto, we'll have dinner later."

The rest of us rushed off lunch and followed Miriam's back for a small run, surrounding the young girl we were looking for.

"Ugh... so, who?

Suddenly surrounded by four adventurers, he crouches in front of his opponent, seeping his guard, and Muriel, with his height of sight, speaks gently.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Muriel. Uh, is it good for Sophie?


Apart from Ares and Libert, who are happy to hear that reply and grip their fists all the way back, Mirea also asks Sofi as she breaks her knees and lowers her gaze.

"Sophie, where have you been?

"Mm-hmm, dogs, everywhere."

"A dog? A wild dog... but then why are you safe?"

Next to Mirea, who whispers with some bump and turns consciousness to what Sophie calls "Mr. Dog," the smile of the red-haired magician directed at the toddler hardens and a slightly dry laugh zeroes.

(I don't know what to do, I know very well...... but I got sanctuary designation around the settlement, so maybe most things will be fine)

Muriel was told that fact a while ago by his best friend Ernesta, and it's only Muriel's secret that he mourned being held back by the sanctuary and unable to make contact with his (or his) cobolts.

(Nevertheless, the Holy Beast of Selkram...)

You think you broke the corner of the seven scourges in Wang Du by working with your best friend before you knew it? As a girlfriend who heard everything after the fact, I just miss her a little bit.

Either way, only the Priest Cardinal, or the people of the village of Viel, recognised in ancillary matters, enter the forests of central Easteria, which sanctified as a result.

Moreover, since the inhabitants of the village have not had a negative impression on the Kobolts since one of the robbers a few months ago, it will not be early for their settlements to be in danger in their relationship with the people.

Yeah, I think so.

Muriel with a sigh of relief, but worried, the long-bodied cobolt has come to the boundaries of the forest via a somewhat complicated roundabout, and the young girl doesn't remember exactly where the settlement is.

Still, Blazer's calculus unfortunately unfortunately shows off, resuming lunch with the young girl protected by the adventurers, then making sure to track her down until she gets back to the village of Viel before turning back with her friends...

Around that time, Maril, who had split into two hands and searched for shallow parts of the forest... had already lost his sight in the thick fog without realizing that the searcher had been protected, and the mummy had become a mummy.

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