The Peerless Kobold

I don't know what to do, I remember you by Muriel.

"Red-haired wizard... you are Muriel Vest"

"Um, who is it?

"Excuse me, my name is Delia, and I serve as Duke of Felias"

Judging by the way she drapes her beautiful hair and bows gracefully, she's probably the daughter of a junior aristocrat serving the Duke's house. If so, you may determine that your identity is being used heavily in the home as a guaranteed person.

What can I do for you...?

I try to pay attention to what, but I can't focus on picking up conversations because my foxylated sister urges venison without me involved.

"Oh, wait a minute..."

Muriel seems to have submitted Valiant's report to the Administration, as far as their conversation is concerned, even as she was in a good mood to bite at the square-cut meat she offered.

"The Mayor of Lechte, whom I met yesterday, also told the Duke of Felias about you...... it's a sudden story, could you come with me to the Mansion?

"Ugh, we have to go, right?

"I'm sorry, I'm in trouble"

A gentle smile but not letting a samurai say whether or not, “giggling” and a rusty brisket doll-like move makes the red-haired magician look back at everyone.

"Oh, me. Look, I can't even go bandage-painted..."

I have to get Mirea back to the inn.

Mirea, slightly out of sight, tried to avoid trouble because of her injuries, and Libert also hitched a ride. Furthermore, Ares will follow them, wanting to be spared the noble mansion, etc.

Well, an ordinary adventurer wouldn't want to go to a lord's mansion...

"Guys, you're being mean. What about Archer?

"Hmm, lord's palace..."

The Duke of Felias is a title name based on a place name, and it is not a real name, even if it is usually used as it is like a person name. The sanctuary certification of the lord who showed it to the sage of steel in the king's capital was certainly signed with Bernold Laedingen.

I don't mind letting him see his face once or so, as the territory where his lords will house will also include flock settlements.

"If you say escort, let's take it"

"Please, thank you."

Cheeks the last venison, checks Ares and each other's quarters before setting up an Adventurer's Guild first.

Thus, led by the daughter of a samurai, walking through the streets of the city of Warren in a slightly chilly night breeze to the residence of the lord, the red-haired wizard speaks in a whisper as he leans over himself.

"Hey, I'll make sure... that little fox, Dagger?

"Oh, it's been a long time, Muriel"



A little fox pointed at me just here jumps on her head, but my shoulders will be lighter too, so let me do what I want.

"Unexpectedly heavy, mmm, I'll be in my room later, so talk to me a lot."

"Oh, you're so close to each other ♪ You're so bold ♪

"Heh, heh, no, Mr. Delia!

Muriel jumps away in a rush for unexpected words, but the smile of the samurai remains unchanged.

"Pfft, that's what I'll do."

"... on your own"

Turning her over with a more eye-catching personality than the first impression, the three of us make a conversation while proceeding through the idle evening city, temporarily reaching the Duke's residence.

(You don't need a castle in a mansion or a city far from the border…)

The urban barrier itself also covers only the old town with a radius of about 0.8 km, mainly the administrative district, and is not protected until the new town, which was later expanded.

While I was wondering if the war was a difficult land from the situation, my samurai daughter had instructed the guards to open the general gate by the main entrance.

"Both of you, please come this way"

He dives the gate as recommended, and when the maids finish their day's work, they are also led to the reception room in the mansion, where the shadows have been neglected, to the delia.

"So can I keep my weapon here?

"I don't mind, of course."

Muriel, according to her words, handed the wand to the maid from whom I had withheld the song knife and the mechanical bow in the room, from which I traveled further to Lord Ferrias' office on the third floor.

"My lord, I have brought your guests"

"Good luck, let it pass"

If a heavy door opens and enters the room, an old man who reads and fishes parchment at the desk jumps into view. Even though I said it was even duller with humanization, a feeling far superior to humans captured other beings as well.

It is not only the body odor held by the gray-haired duke that is mixed in the air, but it is also slightly mixed by others and thickened near the walls. If I concentrated my consciousness momentarily, I could also hear a slight noise of unnatural gap winds from the wall side.

(Huh, a hidden room on the left and right walls, perhaps two escorts each...)

Naturally, Dagger, who has a sharper sense than me right now, also reacts to someone lurking on the field.

"Quang, Gawulwaau guruan?

Brother, you're surrounded, but you're going to knock him out?

I shake my head and deny it to a cute, little noose tilting fox while Muriel holds me with both hands.

Assuming the opponent ruled a massive territory, he is also a duke of the right origins to be brought to the royal family. You won't even meet the unidentified adventurers without a escort.

If he concluded so and turned his gaze to the duke with gray hair, he was about to open his mouth by staring at Muriel holding a young fox who had just rang out.

"Long time no see, lady of the Vests"

"... Duke, did I see you at some night club or something?

"Um, about ten years ago, when I had Baron Vest stay at the house. If I'd strolled in the garden, I'd have gladly swung around with a young man showing up from the grass with a leaf paint and holding the lizard tail I caught."

Her expression freezes over what is told.

"Later or earlier, you're the only one who slapped a lizard in my face, haha"

"Chi, no, that's lizard tail cut on its own!

For the second time today, a red-haired magician turns to me for help, screaming "It's different," somehow beginning to elucidate.

"I don't know what to do, I remember you."

One of the escorts, hidden in such intercession, erupted small without suppressing his laughter, and the relaxed air dominated the place.

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