The Peerless Kobold

Thirty-six, don't let them escape!

The town of interest belongs to the territory of the Earl of Schwark in the south-central part of the Kingdom of Liastise, and seems to have been famous for about a decade in livestock farming raising quality edible cattle, pigs and chickens.

Muriel bragged to me on the journey that it was all in the hands of biologist Christ Vest, too, but the Hundred News didn't seem like it at first sight.

(Well, if you can eat good meat, you're gonna end up in the middle of something else.)

It is no exaggeration to say that the majority of Cobolts live for it.

Although winter vegetable pasta and the like a few days ago were occasionally good, they still didn't taste without meat, so I also broiled and ate the anagma meat that Blazer had been tailoring with them.

So if you hear of a town where livestock production flourishes, your legs will also be lighter...

"Quaolu, Oufalua?" Have you lost your way? "

As the fox over my head, which turned into a giant wolf, says, a dark fog has been coming out for about a moment and my senses are confused, stopping me several times.

You cared for me like that. Muriel's sense of wandering conveys to his back, and his voice reaches without opening up between.

"Mm-hmm, as far as azimuthal magnets go, the directions should be right...... but we can't get out of the Selklena forest yet, and it's still weird, right?

On the map for her adventurer, who was shown touching the fold, Serklena, which was described as a comparatively small forest, should be enough for half a day to cross.

Given the never-ending invisible status quo, I can't even guess the azimuthal magnet she has.

(Plus, fog like that contains a very small amount of magic... I don't like it)

However, because I couldn't help but be stuck, I temporarily proceeded under the moon with four legs again feeling the weight of my sister and her, reaching the entrance of an abandoned village where my vision was opened and buried on the outer edge of the forest.

If you look at your feet in response to the sound of Pakiri, there is a rotten wooden plate, and you think (Bobo) that perhaps the village name (Somme) was engraved, and it is severely damaged and not something you could read.

"Here, perhaps, in the village of Van Berg..."

Even if the giant wolf cannot be pronounced due to the convenience of her vocal cords, Muriel spins one word without worrying because the common language of the continent can be understood as usual.

"When I was a kid, I was attacked by a bunch of bandits, and more than a hundred surviving villagers moved to another town, so I was crushed."


At that time, he was remembered as a young man because, on behalf of his mother, the Baroness (Baroness), his father, Christ, who responded to the call of the Earl of Schwark, led a vigilante group in Verheim and participated in a bandit pursuit to escape to the adjacent territory.

After silent prayer to the Spirit who sleeps in the land to exit the Serklena forest through an abandoned village somewhat in season, proceed towards the centre of the abandoned village lined with destroyed buildings.

For the most part, villages and town centres had become open places where residents could gather, and splendid wells had been dug into Van Berg's squares to see if there were underground waters stored by forests.

A young girl is squatting and sobbing beside her for some reason.

(I only feel suspicious...)

My sister is the same, caging her strength on her limbs and roaring out in a grumpy mood, clogging the words with how Muriel reacted as well.

I try to bypass and pass without worrying as much as I can, but the troublesome thing is that this time another sign approaches from the side of the street that pinches the young girl, and on this occasion a fantastic woman with dark hair and burning eyes wrapped around the costume of a village daughter who is uncomfortable shows up.

"Tonight, red-haired lady, it's a beautiful underscored moon..."

She turned her gaze sarcastically, wondering if she had spoken in a voice that often passed with a gentle smile, without any suspicion when she saw the daughter-in-law (Mahmoud) straddling the giant silver wolf.

"Oh, uh, what about you?

"Savior of a clumsy soul, though only hypocrisy"

That's all I have to say, I wrap my arms unconstitutionally, piercing a young girl whose silver thread ejected from her palms stopped crying and began to scatter disturbing magic!

"GUGGE, Geaaaaaaa!?

"Well, you were a young soul that ate it and you were making a pseudo."

He quickly waved his arms and threaded his hands, pulling a pale phosphorescent soul (one man) from the girl who suffered with an unsociable voice, and holding the sole in his merciful expression, which kept swaying amorphously.

"It's all right now, just wait a minute."

Gently groaning and smiling forward, the body of the girl deprived of her human soul (Hitomi) turns purple, and further distortion swells and several creepy human sores (himiki) occur in her body.

Without the need for long hours, an ugly giant chunk of meat filled with faces floated up in the hollow, sounding pointless cursing noises and golden cuts.


"Ugh, that's disgusting...... I guess it's a nightmare mutant"

"Wafi, vaoooooooooo."

Come here. Muriel and the little fox sister agree, but not the other way around.

In response to an earlier scream that overloads the spirit, masses of skeletons crawl out of the partially wet ground one after another. Probably the fruit of a sacrificed villager or lost traveler.

"Quang! (brother!)"

"Gah, gah, gah."

As soon as he looked around looking for an immediate exit, several pieces of silver thread jumped out of the earth tangled into the skeleton, sealing most (and most) of the movement, if not all.

"Oh wow!! (Huh, get on the plane!!)"



Whether it's the screaming Muriels or the screaming Muriels, I roll my powers on my limbs and I go off to the edge of the skeletons held back by my movements.

"Gah, Garuaou Vanfaou

(Ha, I don't have to deal with them) "

If the dark-haired, burnt-eyed woman had the dark magic of what she felt earlier and in a moment, she split it that there was no need for a helper knife and jumped over the wreckage of the broken wooden fence into the thick fog that led to the street...

On the other hand, in Van Berg after the Silver-haired Giant Wolves leave, Nightmare, which seals most of the serving skeletons, is irritated by countless human sores (seemingly mingly), one of which spits a giant black blackness toward seven calamities “eating millions of souls and things” without giving himself up!

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