The Peerless Kobold

Village girl on horse (false)

(And even if they say...)

It is also disgusting to ignore the discomfort that I felt earlier, so if I try to get a little confirmation of the contents of the parent book that your wife has, I will be given a frivolous look.

"I'm sorry to break your hips, but may I check with Sir Wolfe a few times, you"

Oh, of course.

Thank you. I'll sit down.

After gently lowering his head and smiling at his husband lying on the sleeping table, his opponent, who turned to this side (this one), threw a slightly cooler gaze.

Raise your alertness slightly to that attitude so that you can respond to inquiries.

"This letter from Alec says your possession is in the Midwest Forest of Easteria, but his (or his) land should be ruled by my brother, the Duke of Felias... what do you mean"

Eat the most questionable questions, meditate and connect fragmented information without putting it on your face, to the reward of the title and territory that Ernesta had heard beforehand.

Perhaps both my identity assurance and foiling were already under way.

Besides King Alexius, your brother was involved in the alienation of the country.

"... than this letter is real. I guess so. But there's only a small (Viel) village around there, and there's only other demons like Kobolt, right?

"I'll understand you got a better name than the truth."

Even in the formal position of lord aristocrats deserve it, so I take my gaze off the lady in the way she convinced me, and I also crack my thoughts about the escort on the battlefield that was requested earlier.

(I can say no, but it would be unfair to go home without even taking a letter of reply...)

Ultimately, I cannot deny my thoughts on the kingdom of Almedia, which draws on the currents of the late fatherland, even from a personal point of view.

What's more, there's also anger at the old reformist republic of Zagato, which took weapons and involved people who lived normally and bled a lot, whilst lovingly labeling democracy, equality, etc...

"There's only one condition"

"Why are you looking at me, Lord Archer?

I want you to agree to let Lord Aisha leave the battlefield.

So will my brother-in-law to King Alexius and Lord Felius somewhat, and after the defeat is confirmed, it may be possible to bring both mothers and daughters back to the rear kingdom of Stise.

(In times of need, it's a sweet idea for me to just wolf her and run away)

"Ah, quang, voruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

Are you having trouble again, brother? "

I listened to the whining little fox sister and watched her quietly start roaring.

"Ugh, I want to make my own decision on that, but if Lord Buster or Lord Archer will join us in the leadership... ok, I'll admit it!

A broken smile, a well-cleaved Aisha smiled with a beautiful colour similar to her mother's and offered her hand covered in a gauntlet.

I change my body orientation just a little bit and look at my partner's big man to make sure he doesn't seem to have any objections before responding to the handshake.

"Let's get into trouble with the leadership for a little while. I can't guarantee you how far I can protect you on a messy battlefield."

"That's okay, I'll take care of my daughter."

"Thank you very much."

After snorted at Hardy and his wife, who bowed their heads, and also stuffed their stories against the command delegate because of their injuries and illnesses, things rolled down to Aisha, who was in a good mood, and led them to the suburban scene... to this day.

"Well, I wanted to welcome you back to the unwanted guest, and I'll let you go outside."

"Oh, do as you please"

Dropped off by a cavalry lady who had a lucid look after her disliked relatives, she took Buster back early enough to the squad pit where the lightly dressed cavalry would tunnel in.

If I had a glimpse of the lancer in the dog that I had kept there and the village daughter Maril (false), my sister, who simulated with the unique ability of figure modeling, was riding a military horse with pleasure.


"Wow, lady!

"I don't think I rode my first horse today."

Watching the surrounding cavalry float freely on their horses as they stand, they wonder if it is the gift of being flat on my back, which is becoming a giant wolf from day to day.

For once, the fact that she could communicate with the poor girl without being able to speak or gesture at all, the appearance of the poor girl and her natural nostalgia were combined, and her sister blended into the team within about two minutes after she was joined by the people under Aisha.

"This doesn't sound like a problem."

"Still, I'm not convinced... I can't believe I'm the only one on it"

Buster, shaken off in horseback riding training this morning, sees his painful eyes roar and turns his gaze to surprise (a lot).

Since the acquisition of humanization abilities, childhood tampering, given various knowledge to dispatched elves in the settlement, had become a matter of various doubts, even if it was not otherwise.

"I mean, where did the Admiral learn how to ride a horse?

"I'll tell you soon."

I can explain everything I've done... but I don't have the lies to throw up at my friends from when I was conceited, so I'm going to look at the past life's memory and talk about it.

At that time, I grabbed two training wooden spears standing in a box of supplies, and walked up to Maril (false), who had flax hair on his horse.

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