The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1060 Big Customer

"Awan, look, what should we do now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Call Director Zhao to come over." Awan said.

"What's the matter, Miss Lin?" Zhao Zhilong asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lin Shuwan said, "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the other Factory Director Zhao."

The other three people all laughed, and Lin Shuwan said to them:

"The people from their company will pay close attention to the production capacity of the factory when they come here, and they will worry about suppliers not being able to supply goods. Therefore, we have to take them to see the two factories and tell them that in terms of production, our internal It can be adjusted, so that they can rest assured that both our factories must prepare."

Zhang Chen understood and immediately called Zhao Zhigang and asked him to come over immediately.

After Zhao Zhigang arrived, Lin Shuwan and Xu Qiaoxin said, "Thank you, Qiaoxin, help me call Ge Ling."

Xu Qiaoxin walked out, and Lin Shuwan stood up and walked out. After a while, when she came back, Xiao Zhao followed her.

Lin Shuwan said to everyone: "I know your three places are very clean, but after all the hard work, I still have to ask you to clean up again. This customer is really important. When they come, they will look at it very carefully. The design center and There is no need to do anything here in the financial center. There are two factories. In the workshop, in the first one, everyone's things must be arranged neatly.

"Although the ground is very clean, we don't want guests to see that there are semi-finished products piled directly on the ground."

"Then what should we do? The wedding dress is so big. If the sewing machine passes by, won't the front of it be on the ground?" Zhao Zhilong asked.

"You can put a basket, Director Zhao. It's a big plastic basket. The car drives over and lets the materials fall into the plastic basket." Lin Shuwan said.

"Just like Awan said, if you don't have a basket, go buy it right away in the afternoon." Zhang Chen said.

"Secondly, of course, everyone has to wear work clothes. Girls also have to wear work hats, especially those with long hair. They have to tuck their hair into the hat. Americans are very stupid. They believe that long hair will cause curls. There is a danger in the sewing machine belt. It’s useless if you tell him he doesn’t know it. He just thinks about it and thinks it is possible.”

Lin Shuwan said, and everyone laughed. Lin Shuwan said: "The factory uses the kind of fabric used for work clothes, and makes a hat by yourself. Put it on your head like a shower cap, and just put all your hair in it."

Zhao Zhigang agreed, this is simple and can be done in one go.

"Also, they will definitely take a look at the workers' dormitories and make sure they are tidy." Lin Shuwan said.

"Trouble is, those men's dormitories are like pig nests, very smelly." Xu Qiaoxin said.

Zhao Zhilong glanced at her and said: "Do you often go to the men's dormitory? The women's dormitory is dirty, okay? The ropes in the room are pulled randomly, things are hung randomly, and you are stingy. If you don't take it out, I won't take it out. It's all piled up there. .”

Xu Qiaoxin replied to Zhao Zhilong: "You often go to the girls' dormitory, do you know this?"

"This is not possible." Lin Shuwan said, "The dormitories and canteens must be very tidy, and the bathrooms must be very clean. Americans all use flush toilets. They will be very uncomfortable seeing us squatting in pits, especially Yes, the squatting pit cannot be the yellow one."

"Then we're going to die." Zhao Zhigang said, "We have to paint all the squatting pits white, even the dormitories?"

"That's right, that's what it's like. Thank you for your hard work, Director Zhao." Lin Shuwan said.

Zhang Chen thought for a while, and he told Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong that they would make arrangements when they got back. Even if they stopped doing the work first, they would also take care of the hygiene first. In the evening, I would come over to check.

Zhao Zhigang Zhao Zhilong said yes.

"The next time they come to inspect the factory, they will be stricter, so everyone has to do it first. If we don't do enough, they will point it out for us to improve. They also hope that we can pass the factory inspection in one go, and we can do it right away. production, but if they fail the factory inspection, they will not dare to purchase the goods." Lin Shuwan said.

"Why do Americans have so much money? If you want to buy a wedding dress, you only need to worry about the quality and style of the wedding dress, and you have to worry about other things." Zhao Zhigang scolded.

"No, they must. When inspecting the factory, most of it is about human rights. For example, what is the level of employee remuneration in the local area, whether there is compulsory overtime, whether there are child labor, etc. Why did they ask for a second inspection? Three-party certification agencies come to certify, also to reduce their own pressure.

"Wal-Mart, for example, is accused by some human rights organizations and news media every year, saying that the products they sell are all products produced in sweatshops. Therefore, with third-party certification, they are actually reducing pressure on themselves."

"Then what will happen if we fail the factory inspection?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"The factory will be inspected for the second and third time. I have encountered factories that passed the inspection five times before they passed the inspection." Lin Shuwan said.

"So strict?" Xiao Zhao said.

"Tomorrow will be fine. Tomorrow is just for them to come and see for themselves. The actual factory inspection will be strict. It depends on which company comes to inspect. Each company's standards are different, but generally there will be production process audits, social responsibility audits, and environmental management audits. System audits and supplier audits are very troublesome. If we fail the second re-inspection, we usually have to pay for it ourselves.

"It's very expensive. It costs more than 800 US dollars at a time. The cost is to come from Hong Kong."

Lin Shuwan said, looking at Zhao Zhilong and Zhao Zhigang, and told them, don't be afraid. There are so many factories with worse conditions than us in all aspects, but they can survive. Why can't we? It's definitely possible. This kind of thing should be looked at. Whether we pay attention to it or not, and if we do it seriously, we will definitely be able to do it well.

"But when doing foreign trade, you either only do loose orders, small orders. If you want to do big orders, you will definitely need factory inspectors. After one inspection, you will have experience. Come on, everyone!" Lin Shuwan said.

Zhang Chen, Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong said, this is the path we must take, and we must take it well. Awan is right, other factories that are worse than us can pass, why can't we pass? Especially for Zhao Zhilong, it is impossible to make a wedding dress without making a foreign trade order. If you want to make a foreign trade order, you must make a big order. If you make a big order, you cannot escape the factory inspection.

"My brother is right. Director Zhao has worked hard and I am optimistic about you." Lin Shuwan said.

Zhao Zhilong's face turned red and he said okay, I'll work hard.

Zhao Zhilong, Zhao Zhigang, and the others have left, and there are still three people left in the office: Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, and Lin Shuwan. Lin Shuwan and Zhang Chen said, Brother, I will accompany you tomorrow.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Just pick someone up, Xu Qiaoxin and I will just go there."

"No, brother, I didn't tell Factory Director Zhao Qiaoxin and the others before, for fear of damaging their confidence. In fact, after they come to see this kind of customers, they know in their minds whether our factory can pass the WCA inspection. WCA The factory inspection requires a score of 85 or above to pass the green test. For ordinary factories, it is difficult to pass in one go.

"But many customers, after seeing it, feel that the basic conditions of our factory are good, and can reach about 70%. They will also place orders. They will produce and inspect the factory while placing orders. If they don't work, they will make corrections, and make changes again and again. As long as Our products are good and customers will not cancel their orders. I have a friend who has been making changes and shipping for several years.”

As Lin Shuwan said this, Zhang Chen laughed and cursed: "Isn't this becoming formalism?"

Lin Shuwan smiled and said: "Oh, you think Americans are not human, and they are also very cunning. There is a difference between not doing this and doing it. If someone wants to accuse them, they will say, our factories are all According to WCA standards, they will not tell others when conducting factory inspections, even if the factory has never passed the inspection.”

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both laughed, and Xiao Zhao said, "There is still something like this."

"By the way, Xiao Zhao, do our workers have work-related injury insurance?" Lin Shuwan asked.

"Some of them are bought, and some are not. For example, those with high liquidity, such as back-end packaging and handymen, are not bought. Among workers, they are bought, such as cutting beds. The workers of Lao Qunying Garment Factory, their insurance covers work-related injuries. It’s safe,” Xiao Zhao said.

"Okay, just prepare the salary schedules and attendance sheets for these people. If they want to see it tomorrow, just show it to them. We can make up for the rest later."

Lin Shuwan said, Xiao Zhao nodded and said yes.

"By the way, are there any employees who have resigned and still bought it?" Lin Shuwan asked.

"Yes, Lao Wan and the rest of the maintenance team all bought work-related injury insurance. Didn't they all go to the pole?"

"Okay, okay, prepare the ones for these people, and show them to them when the time comes. Take a look. Those of us who have resigned have already bought them, let alone those who are still here."

As Lin Shuwan said, Zhang Chen laughed again. Lin Shuwan looked at him and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Why, this is like playing a game." Zhang Chen said.

Lin Shuwan also laughed: "It's just a game, but the rules of this game are set by others. If we want to get their orders, we can only play according to the rules of the game set by them."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao nodded, feeling that what Lin Shuwan said made sense.

"No." Lin Shuwan lowered her head and thought for a while before shouting.

"What's not working?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"This time, we must go to other places to deepen their impression. Since the person they are coming tomorrow is very important, he should have the right to place an order. We must find a way to get him to place an order and inspect it while producing. Factory, in this way, whether it is Director Zhao or the workers at the factory, they will be more serious. If they know that it is this big customer requesting a factory inspection, will they be even more oily?"

Zhang Chen said that was for sure.

"Our production capacity is already large enough. We need to let them know that we can be even bigger. Since it is Target, they value production capacity very much," Lin Shuwan said.

"Our fourth workshop is already buying equipment. In this way, I will ask the equipment sellers to send all the equipment they already have there tomorrow and start assembly. This way, when they arrive, they can see that we are preparing to expand production. .”

Lin Shuwan shouted: "Okay, that's okay."

"By the way, we still have open space in the factory. Would you like me to draw a rendering to show that it is our second factory building?" Zhang Chen asked.

"If you want it, post it in Director Zhao's office after you draw it. I will tell them then." Lin Shuwan said, "And brother, I will pick them up at the airport tomorrow. You cooperate with me, and we'd better Bring them to our Shanghai store first to give them a good first impression."

Zhang Chen said yes, and Xiao Zhao said, "Then I'll ask Xiaomi to prepare it too."

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you Huaxin Yongshao for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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