The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1098 Shanghai is also very good

Meng Ping stayed in Hangzhou for another day. The next morning, he and Liu Ligan went to Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin to listen to the two people explain the current situation of the domestic futures market and the types of transactions to them one by one. introduced.

The two of them don't know the reason now, and everything can only be decided by Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin.

Meng Ping told them, be bolder and don't be timid. Compared with us, you are the experts. It should not be us but you who make the decision.

Liu Ligan also said, yes, just forget about us. You are the professionals. We don’t have that much time to do any technical analysis and research. You can just do it.

Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin agreed that we will work hard.

At noon, Lao Ni, Meng Ping and Liu Ligan invited Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin to have dinner together. After the meal, Meng Ping went back to Nanjing, and Liu Ligan also went back to his company. After When Tan Shuzhen was in the office, Tan Shuzhen saw him and asked, where did you go this morning?

"A friend's place." Liu Ligan said.

Tan Shuzhen stood up and said, "Let's go, Lao Tan is already there."

"Where to go?" Liu Ligan asked. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, before Tan Shuzhen could glare at him, he remembered and immediately changed his mind and said, "Okay, let's leave now."

Tan Shuzhen shook her head. She didn't know what this guy was doing absentmindedly these two days. He didn't know where he went yesterday. Later he said that Meng Ping was here and disappeared again this morning. Tan Shuzhen thought that he might still be with Meng Ping. We were together and it wasn't very good to make phone calls, so we had to postpone this morning's schedule to the afternoon.

The land leveling of "Sky City" has been completed. Next, the construction of the main roads and parks in the city will begin. Only after the main roads are built, can we start the construction of each project inside, just like building blocks. Build blocks one by one.

Song Chunming suggested that for these main roads, simple construction should be carried out first to make it easier for engineering vehicles and trucks to run on them. Anyway, these roads will definitely need to be re-constructed later. There is no need to spend so much energy and financial resources on it now. , it is also a waste to do it.

But Lao Tan was worried that the area was filled with backfill soil. Simple construction would not be able to withstand the crushing of so many vehicles. All the roads would be abandoned before winter, and it would be very difficult to carry out road construction in winter.

Liu Ligan and the others are going to the site today to see how to solve this problem.

By the time Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen arrived at the "Sky City" project preparatory office, Lao Tan and Song Chunming had already reached an agreement and had a new plan. Their suggestion was to simply do simple construction. There is no need to do this. Just use a soil compactor to flatten a few roads so that construction vehicles can enter and exit.

Because of the problem of land subsidence, there is no way to bury underground pipelines here now. We might as well wait until next spring to consider road construction issues. This year’s focus will be on the construction of parks and large earthworks. Especially in the high-rise building areas of the main city, the entire earthworks.

The underground parking garage in that area is connected as a whole, and the underground construction was originally planned to be carried out in one piece.

The advantage of early construction there is that the earth excavated there can be used to fill the island in the middle of the lake and the slopes in the lakeside park.

In Jacques's design, the entire lakeside park is not flat, but undulating. There are several man-made hills in it. The soil excavated there is filled here, which solves the problem of the source of the soil here and also solves the problem. Where does the excavated earth go?

Another advantage of postponing road construction until next year is that it can give these areas more time for natural settlement, and then there will be no problem when the pipelines are dug and buried.

But other problems have emerged, that is, after next spring, many projects in the city have already started construction. If we dig and bury pipelines at that time, these main channels will definitely be blocked.

"The solution we came up with is to open a special channel for construction vehicles to enter and exit. In this way, after next spring, these main roads will undergo permanent construction instead of simple construction. The entire 'Sky City' 'After completion, these main thoroughfares will no longer need to be rebuilt or renovated."

After Lao Tan finished speaking, he reiterated: "As long as we open up another road, this problem can be solved."

"What about you? Do you think so too?" Liu Ligan asked Song Chunming.

Song Chunming said yes, we discussed this together.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen ran around the scene and agreed to Lao Tan and Song Chunming's plan.

At that time, project construction had no practical experience, and the overall environment and demands were changing too fast. It was just like this, we would change while doing it, and we would change it wherever we did it. Some of them were even It is common for things to be changed immediately after they are finished, and to scrap the parts that have already been done and start over.

Liu Ligan's entire "city in the sky" is similar to Zhang Chen's factory, with hammers here and there, piecemeal.

Fortunately, both people and companies are growing, and experience is gradually accumulated. For example, what Lao Wan likes to do most now is to hang out at the construction sites in Lujiazui whenever he has time. , take a look at how others are doing construction. Anyway, every construction site has its fellow workers, and there are many ways for them to sneak in.

What Lao Wan felt most regretful was that when he arrived in Shanghai, the Jin Mao Tower had just opened for use. He had no chance to see how this eighty-eight-story building was built. The World Financial Center on the first floor was suspended due to the Asian financial crisis after it started construction in 1997. It is not known when it will resume work.

Lao Wan didn't have the chance to see how this 101-story skyscraper was built, but it didn't matter. There were so many skyscrapers in Lujiazui and Pudong in general, and they were all worthy of his study.

Liu Ligan's Shanghai "Splendid Garden" project is right next to the Shanghai Futures Building in Pudong. Walking along the road in front of the Futures Building, about a hundred meters away, you will reach the Century Park connecting Lujiazui and Century Park. Avenue, this is also the main road in Pudong. The end of the road is connected to the Yan'an East Road Cross-river Tunnel.

Lao Wan drives his car through this tunnel every day, running from Pudong to Puxi, but he is always happy in his heart, because just when their "Splendid Harmony Garden" project just started construction, it has been stalled for many years. Housing prices in Pudong have begun to rise steadily.

Lao Wan feels that as long as this project is completed, Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd. will be able to establish a foothold in Shanghai. How can Lao Wan not be happy?

Their project is the commercial housing project closest to Lujiazui in Pudong. Although there are many communities between them and Lujiazui, those communities are all old communities.

Yes, although Pudong has not been developed for many years, the development speed of Pudong as a whole is so fast that these communities that are less than ten years old have been ruthlessly turned into old communities.

These communities are basically occupied by demolished households. The houses in the communities are all five or six stories high. Although the houses are still new, you can see the skyscrapers rising from the ground in Lujiazui from your balcony. The feeling of being squeezed is real.

People living in those communities also feel that compared with the rapid changes in Lujiazui, they are getting old rapidly.

As for Liu Ligan's "Splendid Peace Garden", all the buildings in the community are thirty-three stories high. Even if they are placed next to the thirty-seven-story Futures Building next to them, they don't feel aggrieved. The scale of the community is large enough, with a total of twenty-six buildings, so their community quickly became a project that attracted everyone's attention.

If it weren't for the current regulations, pre-sales can only start when the above-ground building reaches the third floor. Lao Wan feels that if they start pre-sales at plus or minus zero, as they did in the past, it is guaranteed that the houses in the entire community will be sold. Sold out immediately.

Twenty-six buildings will be started and constructed at the same time, but when they are sold, they will be divided into three phases. This is mainly because you must take into account the need to collect funds. You cannot not sell one building, but you must also take into account that every week now With rising house and land prices, you can't sell too quickly. Once the property is sold, it's gone, and it will be too late to regret it.

So they divided these twenty-six buildings into three phases of ten, ten, and six. If we look at the first ten buildings now, we can basically get back the land and construction costs of the entire project. The ten buildings in the middle are the profits, too. With the development funds of their Puxi project, the last six buildings are not so eager to be sold and will be sold at a price.

Another reason why Lao Wan sometimes laughs out loud while driving is that it is getting closer and closer to October 1st. October 1st is the day when he and Zheng Huihong get married, and both of them are very busy. , there is no time to prepare for the wedding, but they do not need to prepare it themselves. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan have already prepared it for them.

Liu Ligan also gave them a house by the river in Mishi, Hangzhou as a wedding gift in advance. Even the decoration was arranged for Lao Tan to do it for him. As long as Zheng Huihong had time every day, she would go there and buy some more. Just the furniture and items you need indoors.

Every night, Zheng Huihong would call Lao Wan and tell him what he had bought today. Zheng Huihong would also take a camera and scan the room to show him. Although the picture was blurry and stuck, there were always mosaics. , but Lao Wan still laughed, unable to conceal his inner happiness.

Lao Wan will soon have his own home and family, how can he be unhappy?

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you Xu Yuenian and Lao Chentang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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